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Diterbitkan olehLiana Budiman Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
Mata Kuliah: CSS-113, Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun Akademik: 2012 / 2013 PEMILIHAN STRATEGI SISTEM INFORMASI YANG MENDUKUNG PERKEMBANGAN BISNIS Pertemuan-13 13-1
Sasaran Pembelajaran Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memilih strategi sistem informasi yang sesuai dengan perkembangan organisasi Materi Pokok Konsep sistem informasi Strategi pemilihan sistem informasi 13-2
Communication for making decision on business IS portion for communication and decision making. Communication concept Decision concept HUMAN ON IT Human and technology on IT Dependence on People for IS Success 13-3
Building and Maintaining IS Phases of IS Approaches for building IS Deciding which combination approaches to use IS Security and control 13-4
PRODUCT & CUSTOMER Customer cycle of involvement with a product Customer criteria for evaluating the product Using IS for competitive advantage – e-Commerce 13-5
IS PLANNING Process of IS Planning Strategic Alignment of Business and IT Selection the system to implement 13-6
Closing Konsep sistem informasi Strategi pemilihan sistem informasi ======== thanks 4 your attention ======== 13-7
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