1 Pertemuan 26 Compound Nouns Matakuliah: G0134 – Grammar III Tahun: 2005 Versi: revisi 1.

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1 1 Pertemuan 26 Compound Nouns Matakuliah: G0134 – Grammar III Tahun: 2005 Versi: revisi 1

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menggunakan compound nouns dalam kalimat-kalimat mereka dengan benar

3 3 Outline Materi Form Countable & Uncountable Plural Review untuk UAS

4 4 Compound nouns Form: A compound noun consists of two or three words that function like one word. Noun + noun: notebook, timetable Adjective + noun: fast food, first aid Verb + preposition: break-up, check-out Three words (the 1 st two words used adjectivally and usually joined with a hyphen): back-seat driver, one-parent family

5 5 Compound nouns We sometimes write compound nouns as two words, sometimes with a hyphen and sometimes as one word: address book, baby-sitter. There are no definite rule about this. If in doubt, consult a good modern dictionary.

6 6 Compound nouns Countable or uncountable? Compound nouns may be countable: a. one alarm clock – two alarm clocks b. A compact disc – many compact discs  Compound nouns may be uncountable: air- traffic control, chewing gum  Some compound nouns have only a plural form: armed forces, baked beans

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