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Matakuliah : U0124 / Nirmana Datar Tahun : 2006

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Presentasi berjudul: "Matakuliah : U0124 / Nirmana Datar Tahun : 2006"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Matakuliah : U0124 / Nirmana Datar Tahun : 2006
Bidang Pertemuan 9 s/d 10

2 Bidang Optical Illusion
Consecutive progression and linear perspective.

3 Bidang Optical Illusion
Consecutive progression and linear perspective.

4 Bidang Optical Illusion Lateral movement and linear perspective.

5 Bidang Optical Illusion Vertical and horizontal undulate.

6 Bidang Optical Illusion Movement

7 Bidang Optical Illusion
The pattern twists and warps and finally recedes to a vanishing point.

8 Bidang Optical Illusion
The ‘fluid’ checkerboard drifts to a vanishing point.

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