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Diterbitkan olehLiani Atmadja Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
5cm Movie
About 5cm Movie The First *Superiority Of 5cm Movie.. The Second *Actris and Actors in 5cm Movie.. The Last *Quotes Of 5cm Movie..
The First *SUPERIORITY OF 5cm MOVIE 1. Beautiful Place and Scenery 2.Journey to Mahameru Mountain 3.Excited Adventure
The Second Actris and Actors in 5cm
Fedi Nuril as GENTA
Raline Shah as RIANI
Herjunot Ali as ZAFRAN
Pevita Pearce as ARINDA
Igor Saykoji as IAN
Denny Sumargo as ARIAL
The Last Quotes “Generation to come will scarce believe that such a one as this, ever in flesh and blood walked up on this earth” “The wise person is the one knows that he does not know” “ A country will never be short if the young leader of his frequent adventures in the Forest, Mountain and Sea” “The man with greatest soul will always face the greates war with the low minded person..” “Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t you’re absolutely right..” “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall..”
Key Word “Biarkan keyakinan kamu 5 centimetr menggantung, menggambang didepan kening kamu dan yang kamu prlu Cuma….” “Cuma kaki yang akan berjalan jauh dari biasanya, tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak dari biasa nya, leher yang akan lebih sering melihat keatas, Lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja. Hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras dari biasa ny..” “serta mulut yang akan selalu berdoa…”
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