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Kelompok 10 : Devi Ningtyasih Apriani ( ) Galuh Ayu Pangastuti ( ) Sulaiman Brahim ( ) NEW SERVICE INNOVATION
Growth In Services Within the EU services now account for
60% of GDP (Eurostat, 2006). huge growth in coffee bars, smoothie bars and hair salons? Growth in knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) Since 2003, shares in oil companies have doubled. Halliburton and Schlumberger, the world market leader for oil services, have more than tripled.
Outsourcing dan pertumbuhan layanan
Keuntungan yang diharapkan perusahaan yang didapat dari outsourcing meliputi: Fokus pada kompetensi utama. Penghematan dan Pengendalian biaya operasional. Akses kepada hak-hak intelektual dan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang luas.
Typology of services Business-to- business services (traditional)
Business-to- business services (KIBS) Consumer services Internal firm services Public services Not-for-profit services Description menyediakan layanan untuk. Usaha memberikan pelayanan kepada spesialis. Layanan yang diberikan kepada perorangan. Layanan yang disediakan oleh fungsi internal. Layanan yang disediakan oleh pemerintah daerah dan nasional. layanan yang diberikan oleh badan amal.es Examples Accountancy Legal advice Training Management consultancy IT consultancy Shops Hotels Banking Health and beauty Finance Personnel IT Health Education Leisure Prisons Hospices Counselling Aid agencies Customers Sering dibeli oleh para profesional, yang mungkin tidak akan berakhir. Dibeli oleh konsumen layanan Konsumen dari layanan ini tidak punya pilihan penyedia. Dibiayai melalui pajak dan sedikit pilihan untuk konsumen. Yang didanai pemerintah melalui badan amal atau hibah, konsumen bisa memilih atau dipilih. Challenges Memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan berkualitas tinggi yang bisa disesuaikan. Untuk menyediakan jasa berkualitas tinggi yang memiliki daya beli tinggi. Konsisten dengan menyediakan berbagai layanan pelanggan. Memberikan customised, layanan pribadi.Dan untuk menunjukkan nilai uang. Memberikan layanan publik yang diterima melawan terhadap tekanan politik. Menyeimbangkan kebutuhan relawan, donor dan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat.
Teknologi dan pengembangan layanan baru
Teknologi telah menjadi pendukung yang paling signifikan dari inovasi dalam layanan. Transformasi peran karyawan dan pelanggan. Mempermudah konektivitas antara pengembang layanan dan pelanggan. E.g. ebay . .
Berbagai Pelayanan Baru Juga Membangun Model Bisnis Baru
Perusahaan Sektor industri Layanan baru/Model bisnis baru You-Tube Video online dan arsip film Komunitas pengguna dapat membuat video klip dan merekam klip dari film favorit. eBay Lelang online Sebuah cara baru untuk membeli dan menjual di komunitas pengguna pribadi. Google Mesin pencari internet Cara tercepat mencari informasi di internet
Characteristics of Services
Services are heterogeneous Services are intangible Services are processes Services are produced and consumed simultaneously Services are perishable
Klasifikasi Jasa Lovelock dalam Tjiptono (2007:26-28) Segmen pasar
Tingkat keberwujudan Keterampilan penyedia jasa Tujuan organisasi jasa Regulasi Tingkat intensitas karyawan Tingkat kontak penyedia jasa dan langganan
Typology for innovations (Ozdemir, 2007)
Booz et al. (1982) Lovelock (1984) New to the world products: new products that not only represent a major new challenge to the supplier, but which are also seen to be quite new in the eyes of customers Major innovation: new services for markets as yet undefined; innovations usually driven by information and computer-based technologies New product lines: new products which represent major new challenges to the supplier Start-up business: new services in a market that is already served by existing services Additions to existing product lines: new products that supplement a company’s established product lines, so rounding out the product mix New services for the market presently served: new service offerings to existing customers of an organisation (although the services may be available from other companies) Improvements and revisions to existing products: new products that provide improved performance and so replace existing products Service line extensions: augmentations of the existing service line such as adding new menu items, new routes and new courses Repositionings: existing products that are targeted to new markets or market segments Service improvements: changes in feature of services that currently are being offered Cost reductions: new products that provide similar performance at a lower cost of supply Style changes: the most common of all “new services”; modest forms of visible changes that have an impact on customer perceptions, emotions and attitudes, with style changes that do not change the service fundamentally, only its appearance
The New Sevice Development Process
Den Hertog (2002) menawarkan empat dimensi inovasi layanan yang semuanya dipengaruhi oleh pilihan teknologi yang tersedia. Yaitu : konsep layanan, antarmuka klien baru, sistem pengiriman layanan baru dan pilihan teknologi. Four dimensions of service innovation by Four service dimensions Illustration New service concept On-line auction community of traders New client interface Introduction of payment system that helps eBayers trade more easily – Paypal New service delivery system Huge investment in technology infrastructure to improve reliability and performance Technological options Introduction of voice over internet protocol service – SKYPE
New Service Development Models
Sequential service development models or stage-gate models Concurrent service development models
Sequential Model evaluation realisation formulation of new service
idea generation idea screening concept development concept testing business analysis project authorisation evaluation service design and testing prcess and system design and testing marketing programme design and testing personnel training service testing and pilot run test marketing full--scale launch post-launch review realisation
New Service Development Cycle
Service Innovation And The Consumer
Consumer user toolkits Customer testing of services
Customer’s input into new service development process
New service development stages Activities performed by the customer Strategic planning Thoughts and feedback on long term plans Idea generation State needs, problems, criticize existing service Idea screening Suggest desired features, benefits and attributes Business analysis Possible feedback on financial data, including profitability of concepts Formation of cross functional team Either participate in team selection or even form part of the team Service design and process system Review and jointly develop blueprints, suggest improvements by identifying weak or fail points Personnel training Observe and participate in simulated service delivery process and suggest improvements Service testing and pilot Participated in simulated service delivery process and suggest final improvements and design changes Test marketing Provide feedback on the marketing plan Commercialisation Adopt the service as a trial, word of mouth communication to other potential customers.
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