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Strategic Management Ign Teodore Teddy Saputra MBA Chapter / Week I Reference Concepts Strategic Management Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson. 9E.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Strategic Management Ign Teodore Teddy Saputra MBA Chapter / Week I Reference Concepts Strategic Management Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson. 9E."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Strategic Management Ign Teodore Teddy Saputra MBA Chapter / Week I Reference Concepts Strategic Management Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson. 9E

2 Class Rule

3 KONTRAK PERKULIAHAN Nama Mata Kuliah: Manajemen Strategi Kode Mata Kuliah: IBM0052 Kredit: 3 (tiga) SKS Semester: 6 (enam) Dosen: David Sukardi Kodrat, Helena Sidharta, Ign Theodore Teddy Saputra, Sandy Wahyudi

4 Sumber Buku Kodrat, David. 2009. Manajemen Strategi: Membangun Keunggulan Bersaing Era Global di Indonesia Berbasis Kewirausahaan. Penerbit Graha Ilmu. Hitt. Michael A., R. Duane Ireland, and Robert E. Hoskisson. 2010. Strategic Management Concepts Competitiveness and Globalization. South Western. David. F.R. 2010. Manajemen Strategik Konsep Edisi 12. Penerbit Salemba Empat. Anda Harus Membeli nya

5 Tujuan Instruksional Setelah mengikuti matakuliah ini mahasiswa akan mampu menjelaskan berrbagai strategi perusahaan dan menghubungkan manajemen strategi dengan marketing strategi dan performance measurement serta isu global dalam manajemen strategi.

6 Kesepakatan Perkuliahan Alat-alat elektronik (handphone, PDA, MP3, dsb) tidak boleh diaktifkan selama jam perkuliahan. Tidak diperkenankan menyalakan laptop kecuali pada pertemuan yang disepakati. Toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit untuk kelas pagi jam 07.30. Lebih dari 15 menit tidak diperkenankan absen. Untuk kelas jam 09.00 hingga sore tidak ada toleransi keterlambatan. Mahasiswa dilarang menitipkan tanda tangan presensi kepada temannya, bila ditemukan yang menitipkan dan yang dititipkan akan memperoleh sanksi. Mematuhi peraturan Etiket Berpakaian di IBM. Mematuhi peraturan UC lainnya untuk perkuliahan.

7 NOSKORNILAI HURUFBOBOT 185,00 – 100A4,00 280,00 – 84,99A-3,75 375,00 – 79,99B+3,50 470,00 – 74,99B3,00 565,00 – 69,99B-2,75 660,00 – 64,99C+2,38 755,00 – 59,99C2,00 845,00 – 54,99D1,00 9 0 - 44,99E0

8 Pertemuan ke :MateriBahan 1Dasar-dasar Manajemen StrategiBuku 3: 1 dan 2 2Evolusi Manajemen StrategiBuku 1: 1 3Lingkungan EkternalBuku 2: 2 4Presentasi Lingkunan EkternalBuku 2: 2 5Lingkungan InternalBuku 2: 3 6Presentasi Lingkungan InternalBuku 2: 3 7Review dan Kuis 8UTS 9Business Level strategy dan Corporate Level StrategyBuku 2: 4 dan 6 10Identifikasi Key Success FactorBuku 1: 4 11Perancangan Pengukuran Performance of Business Process untuk tumbuh secara berkelanjutan Buku 1: 8 dan 9 Buku 2:12 Buku 3: 9 dan 6 12Perancangan Pengukuran Performance of Business Process untuk tumbuh secara berkelanjutan Buku 1: 8 dan 9 Buku 2:12 Buku 3: 9 dan 6 13Kuis 14Management Strategi dan EntrepreneurshipBuku 2: 13 15Management Strategi dan Family BusinessBuku 1:3 16UAS +kumpul paper

9 Komposisi penilaian: - UTS20% - UAS20% - Penugasan60% Paper (SAA1) 20% Penugasan (SAA2)20% (keaktifan di kelas dan penugasan individu minimal 2 kali) Kuis20% (minimal 2 kali kuis)

10 Your Lecturer

11 Status : Marriage with Lusi Muni Lastari D.O.B: Bogor, 28 Oktober 1979 Job Career : PT Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk --- Present PT Jasa Boga Bahari ---- Present Position Finance and accounting Director / Ass To President Director Ign Teodore Teddy Saputra SE.,MBA Pengalaman akademik 2010 – 2011 : Universitas Pelita Harapan (DLB) 2011 – sekarang: IBM Lecturer, Entrepreneur In Residence, Head Of Family Business Center, dosen UCEO, UCEC Univ Ciputra

12 Study Case For This Chapter

13 To Create Value For its stakeholders


15 Session 1

16 Sebelum kita mulai, kita perlu memahami konsep dasar untuk menilai suatu perusahaan

17 Economic Resources


19 What does this have to do with competition? Growth


21 Coorporate Valuation Nilai perusahaan tercermin dalam Harga saham, dan Management strategic mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan Nilai perusahaan Q : Bagaimana mekanisme penilaian perusahaan yg tercermin dalam harga saham ?


23 Copyright © 2004 South- Western. All rights reserved. 1–23 Stakeholder Involvement Two issues affect the extent of stakeholder involvement in the firm – How to divide returns to keep stakeholders involved? Capital Market Product Market Organizational  How to increase returns so everyone has more to share?

24 Company Value

25 Menjadi R/E pada BS

26 Stock Exchange

27 Kesimpulan Sekarang, dapatkah anda melihat hubungan antara Limited Resources and market, Strategic, Value perusahaan dan Harga Saham... ???

28 Session 2

29 The Definitions

30 Strategy competitive advantage Integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions designed to exploit core competencies and gain a competitive advantage

31 Copyright © 2004 South- Western. All rights reserved. 1–31 Strategic Competitiveness – When a firm successfully formulates and implements a value-creating strategy Sustainable Competitive Advantage – When competitors are unable to duplicate a company’s value-creating strategy

32 A firm has a competitive advantage when it implements a strategy that creates superior value for customers and competitors are unable to duplicate or find too costly to try to imitate

33 Avarage Returns Are Return Equal To Those An Investor Expects to earn from other investments with a similiar amount of risk Above avarage return Are Returns is excess of what an investor expects to earn from other invesment with a similiar amout of risk

34 The Risk Of Investment Investor’s uncertainty about the economic gains or losses that will result from a particular investement

35 The Strategic Management Process Is the full set of commitments, decisions, and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above avarage return

36 Copyright © 2004 South- Western. All rights reserved. 1–36 Figure 1.1 The Strategic Management Process Copyright © 2004 South-Western. All rights reserved.

37 Kesimpulan Dapatkah anda menjelaskan Konsep dari Management strategi dan Bagaimana tahapan untuk membangun suatu strategi secara umum ?

38 Session 3 Competitive Landscape

39 Copyright © 2004 South- Western. All rights reserved. 1–39 Current Competitive Landscape A Perilous Business World – Investments required to compete on a global scale are enormous – Consequences of failure are severe Important Elements of Success – Developing strategy – Implementing strategy

40 40 Fundamental nature of competition is changing Competitive Landscape Competitive environments Dynamics of strategic maneuvering among global and innovative combatants Price-quality positioning, new know-how, first mover Protect or invade established product or geographic markets

41 41 Fundamental nature of competition is changing Competitive environments Competitive Landscape Emergence of global economy Goods, services, people, skills, and ideas move freely across geographic borders Spread of economic innovations around the world Political and cultural adjustments are required

42 42 Competitive environments Competitive Landscape Emergence of global economy Rapid technological change Increasing rate of technological change and diffusion The information age Increasing knowledge intensity Fundamental nature of competition is changing

43 Competitive Landscape Is One in which Goods, services, people, skills, and ideas move freely accross geographic borders

44 Competitive Landscape : Hypercompetition

45 Session 4 I/O Model of above – Avarage Return

46 46 1.Strategy dictated by the external environment of the firm (what opportunities exist in these environments?) 2.Firm develops internal skills required by external environment (what can the firm do about the opportunities?) GeneralEnvironment Global Technological Economic Sociocultural Political/Legal Demographic 1. External Environments Industry Environment Competitor Environment I/O Model of Above-Average Returns

47 47 Four Assumptions of the I/O Model 1.The external environment is assumed to possess pressures and constraints that determine the strategies that would result in above-average returns 2.Most firms competing within a particular industry or within a certain segment of it are assumed to control similar strategically relevant resources and to pursue similar strategies in light of those resources

48 48 Four Assumptions of the I/O Model 3.Resources used to implement strategies are highly mobile across firms 4.Organizational decision makers are assumed to be rational and committed to acting in the firm’s best interests, as shown by their profit-maximizing behaviors

49 49 Industrial Organization Model I/O Model of Above-Average Returns 1.Study the external environment, especially the industry environment economies of scaleeconomies of scale barriers to market entrybarriers to market entry diversificationdiversification product differentiationproduct differentiation degree of concentration of firms in the industrydegree of concentration of firms in the industry The External Environment

50 50 I/O Model of Above-Average Returns 2.Locate an attractive industry with a high potential for above-average returns Attractive industry: one whose structural characteristics suggest above-average returns Industrial Organization Model The External Environment An Attractive Industry

51 51 I/O Model of Above-Average Returns 3.Identify the strategy called for by the attractive industry to earn above-average returns Strategy formulation: selection of a strategy linked with above-average returns in a particular industry Industrial Organization Model The External Environment An Attractive Industry Strategy Formulation

52 52 I/O Model of Above-Average Returns 4.Develop or acquire assets and skills needed to implement the strategy Assets and skills: those assets and skills required to implement a chosen strategy Industrial Organization Model The External Environment An Attractive Industry Strategy Formulation Assets and Skills

53 53 I/O Model of Above-Average Returns 5. Use the firm’s strengths (its developed or acquired assets and skills) to implement the strategy Strategy implementation: select strategic actions linked with effective implementation of the chosen strategy Industrial Organization Model The External Environment An Attractive Industry Strategy Formulation Assets and Skills Strategy Implementation

54 54 I/O Model of Above-Average Returns Industrial Organization Model The External Environment An Attractive Industry Strategy Formulation Assets and Skills Strategy Implementation Superior Returns Superior returns: earning of above-average returns

55 55 1.Strategy dictated by the firm’s unique resources and capabilities 2.Find an environment in which to exploit these assets (where are the best opportunities?) Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns 1. Firm’s Resources

56 56 1.Identify the firm’s resources-- strengths and weaknesses compared with competitors Resources: inputs into a firm’s production process Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources

57 57 2.Determine the firm’s capabilities--what it can do better than its competitors Capability: capacity of an integrated set of resources to integratively perform a task or activity Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources Capability

58 58 3.Determine the potential of the firm’s resources and capabilities in terms of a competitive advantage Competitive advantage: ability of a firm to outperform its rivals Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources Capability Competitive Advantage

59 59 4.Locate an attractive industry An attractive industry: an industry with opportunities that can be exploited by the firm’s resources and capabilities Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources Capability Competitive Advantage An Attractive Industry

60 60 5.Select a strategy that best allows the firm to utilize its resources and capabilities relative to opportunities in the external environment Strategy formulation and implementation: strategic actions taken to earn above average returns Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources Capability Competitive Advantage An Attractive Industry Strategy Form/Impl

61 61 Resource-based Model of Above Average Returns Resource-basedModel Resources Capability Competitive Advantage An Attractive Industry Strategy Form/Impl Superior Returns Superior returns: earning of above-average returns

62 62 Four Attributes of Resources and Capabilities (Competitive Advantage) the firm is organized appropriately to obtain the full benefits of the resources in order to realize a competitive advantage Valuable allow the firm to exploit opportunities or neutralize threats in its external environment Rare possessed by few, if any, current and potential competitors Costly to imitate when other firms cannot obtain them or must obtain them at a much higher cost Nonsubstitutable Resources and Capabilities

63 63 Core Competencies Resources and capabilities that meet these four criteria become a source of: Valuable Rare Costly to imitate Nonsubstitutable Core Competencies Resources and Capabilities

64 64 Core Competencies are the basis for a firm’s Competitive advantage Value Creation Ability to earn above-average returns Core Competencies

65 THANK YOU Penugasan Individu 1 Dikumpulkan minggu depan -Jawablah pertanyaan ini dalam word -Apa Nama Project anda / Fambiz anda -Siapa saja nama kelompok anda apabila ada, beri tanda anggota kelompok yg ada dikelas saya -Apa core business perusahaan anda -Apakah competitive advantage perusahaan anda -I/O model or Resource Base Model Di sajikan dalam word lengkap dengan nama dan Nim nya, maximal 3 halaman, dikumpulkan setelah kelas Yang sekelompok tidak perlu buat 2x

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