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Diterbitkan olehWidya Hartanti Chandra Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
SMA Negeri 1 Sewon, Wednesday, Thursday, November 12, 2015 Merekam suara dari microphoneMerekam suara dari microphone Mengedit hasil rekamanMengedit hasil rekaman Menyimpan suaraMenyimpan suara Menggunakan file suara dengan beberapa softwareMenggunakan file suara dengan beberapa software Merekam suara dari microphoneMerekam suara dari microphone Mengedit hasil rekamanMengedit hasil rekaman Menyimpan suaraMenyimpan suara Menggunakan file suara dengan beberapa softwareMenggunakan file suara dengan beberapa software MENGOLAH SUARA DENGAN SOUND FORGE
Budi Setyono, page 2 1.Merekam suara dari microphone
Budi Setyono, page 3
Budi Setyono, page 4
Budi Setyono, page 5
Budi Setyono, page 6
Budi Setyono, page 7 2. Mengedit hasil rekaman
Budi Setyono, page 8
Budi Setyono, page 9
Budi Setyono, page 10
Budi Setyono, page 11
Budi Setyono, page 12
Budi Setyono, page 13 3. Menyimpan suara
Budi Setyono, page 14
Budi Setyono, page 15 Istilah-istilah Sample Rate, jumlah data yang di rekam/diputar tiap detik Bit Depth, kedalaman suara yang mempengaruhi kualitas/ketelitian suara. Semakin tinggi bit nya semakin bagus kualitas suara. Jika kita merekam, semakin tinggi bit nya kemungkinan justru semakin besar noisenya, karena sound card berusaha seteliti mengkin mengambil sinyal masukan. Semakin besar nilainya semakin besar ukuran filenya. Channel, adalah saluran suara kiri-kanan (pada mode stereo) atau mono. dB, singkatan dari desi Bell adalah satuan intensitas bunyi yang digunakan untuk membandingkan dua buah nilai dalam skala logaritmik. Misalnya 150% dibanding 100% adalah 1.5 kalinya, atau = 20 log (150/100) dB = 3,52 dB
Budi Setyono, page 16 Sonic Foundry Sound Forge Release Notes February 2001 Copyright © 2001 Sonic Foundry, Inc. All rights reserved. Contents This document contains information on the following topics: 1.0Welcome 2.0 What’s New in Version 5.0 3.0 Known Issues 4.0 System Requirements 5.0 Installation 6.0 Sound Forge User Manual 7.0 Demos 8.0 Contacting Sonic Foundry, Inc. Applicable to boxed products only. If you’ve purchased a downloadable product, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) versions of product documentation and product demos are available at www.sonicfoundry.com/download/. 1.0 Welcome Thank you for purchasing Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5.0. This document contains information about installing and using Sound Forge on your computer. 2.0 What’s New in Version 5.0 Sample rate support expanded to 192Khz. Bit-depth support expanded to include up to 24-bit files. Includes XFX 1, XFX 2, and XFX 3. Includes Wave Hammer and Acoustic Mirror audio-processing tools. Track-at-once CD writing. Digital audio extraction from CDs. Three new digital audio repair functions. Convert to 8-bit function has been replaced with a better bit-depth converter that includes enhanced dithering and noise shaping. 3.0 Known Issues Please uninstall all prior beta versions of Sound Forge 5.0 before installing Sound Forge 5.0. Native Sound Forge plug-ins (contained in the Process and Effects menus) have been replaced with Sonic Foundry XFX plug-ins. Presets from earlier versions of Sound Forge are not migrated to Sound Forge 5.0. 4.0 System Requirements The following lists the minimum system requirements for using Sonic Foundry Sound Forge: 200 MHz processor 32 MB RAM 25 MB hard-disk space for program installation Microsoft Windows 98, Windows Me, or Windows 2000 Windows-compatible sound card CD-ROM drive (for installation from a CD only) Supported CD-Recordable drive (for CD burning only) DirectX 6 Media Runtime (included on CD-ROM) Internet Explorer 4.0 or later to view Online Help (version 5.0 included on CD-ROM) 5.0 Installation The install utility, SETUP.EXE, located on the setup CD-ROM, creates any necessary folders and copies all files required by Sound Forge to your computer. To install Sound Forge, follow these steps: Place the Sound Forge CD-ROM in the drive. AutoPlay displays an installation menu. Note: If you have disabled the CD-ROM AutoPlay feature, click the Start button and choose Run. Type D:\setup.exe, where D is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. Click Install, and follow the on-screen prompts to install the appropriate version of Sound Forge for your computer. Vegas Audio LE Sound Forge includes Vegas Audio LE. Use Vegas Audio LE’s eight-track recording and nondestructive audio editing to complement Sound Forge 5.0. To install Vegas Audio LE, follow these steps: Place the Sound Forge CD-ROM in the drive. AutoPlay displays an installation menu. Note: If you have disabled the CD-ROM AutoPlay feature, click the Start button and choose Run. Type D:\setup.exe, where D is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. Click Install Vegas Audio LE, and follow the on-screen prompts to install Vegas Audio LE on your computer. 6.0 Sound Forge User Manual Included on the Sound Forge CD is a complete Sound Forge User Manual in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. The Acrobat format allows easy printing of the text, should you need a hard copy. The manual is located in the Extras folder on the CD. Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader In order to view the manual, you will need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. It has been included on the CD in the Extras folder for your convenience. To install Acrobat Reader, follow these steps: Place the Sound Forge CD in the drive. AutoPlay launches an installation menu. Note: If you have disabled the CD-ROM AutoPlay feature, click the Start button and choose Run. Type D:\Extras\Acrobat Reader 4.0\English\ar40eng.exe, where D is the drive letter of your CD- ROM drive, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. 2.Choose Browse, and then browse to the D:\Extras\Acrobat Reader 4.0\English\ folder. 3.Double-click the ar40eng.exe icon and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. 7.0 Demos The Sonic Foundry Sound Forge CD-ROM includes demonstration versions of other select products available from Sonic Foundry. To install a demo, run the main setup program on the root of the Sound Forge CD and choose Product Information from the Install screen. Follow the links for the demo you want to install. If you would like any more information or demos of other products from Sonic Foundry, please visit our Web site (www.sonicfoundry.com). You will always find the latest technical information, demos, and product announcements from Sonic Foundry there. Commercial distribution of the Sonic Foundry demos requires written permission from Sonic Foundry. 8.0 Contacting Sonic Foundry, Inc. Sonic Foundry can be contacted in the following ways: Sonic Foundry, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave. Madison, Wisconsin 53704 USA Customer Service/Sales: For a detailed list of Customer Service options, we encourage you to visit www.sonicfoundry.com. Telephone support during normal office hours: 1-800-577-6642 (toll-free) in US, Canada, and Virgin Islands. +800-000-76642 (toll-free) in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, and Japan. +608-204-7703 for all other countries. E-mail: customerservice@sonicfoundry.com. Fax: 1-608-250-1745. Technical Support: For a detailed list of Technical Support options, we encourage you to visit www.sonicfoundry.com. To listen to your support options please call 608-256-5555. For your 60 days of complimentary phone support, please call 608-204-7704. Your complimentary support begins the day you register your product. Registration is required to obtain support. Fax: 608-250-1745. Tugas Rekamlah seluruh teks yang akan Anda tuangkan dalam program presentasi. Termasuk suara untuk menjelaskan gambar, konsep, movie, dsb. Berilah nama sesuai Nama Frame dan No. Framenya.
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