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Diterbitkan olehTeguh Lesmana Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
School: Sd Negeri 01 Rembul Subject: English Grade/ Semester: 5/ 2 Competence Standard: Mendengarkan 5.Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah. Basic Competence: 5.2 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal. Indicators:1. Give response to a simple instructionwhich is given by the teacher and their friends. 2. Giving response with a good pronunciation, intonation, and stress.
BKoF Look at this picture! The teacher is instruct the students to raise their hands
Instruction is given by someone to someone else to do something.
Let’s try to pronounce these instruction! Stand up, please! Sit down, please! Raise your hand! Open your book on page 12! Submit your assignment! Take your book on my table!
Let’s try to pronounce these responses also! Yes, Mom! Okkay, Sir! Sure Ofcourse I do Why not My pleasure
Practice the conversation below with your teacher Teacher: Who have done the homework? Please raise your hand! Nina: Yes, me Mom! Teacher: Okkay students, sit down please! Nina: Sure!
Teacher: Give applause to your friend! Nina: My pleasure! Teacher: Submit your assignment on my table! Nina: of course Mom! Teacher: Open your book on page 12! Nina: I do!
Your Individual Job! Make a simple dialogue about giving the instructions and giving the response! GOOD LUCK!!
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