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Microprocessor Ihsan Naskah ihsannaskah@yahoo.com
Istilah-istilah Processor Clock Speed: Frekwensi kerja prosesor, dalam satuan MHz (MegaHertz). Bus Width: Lebar jalur bus data Bus Speed: Kecepatan transfer data pada bus system FSB: Front Side Bus, bus data yang menghubungkan processor Memory Utama BSB: Back Side Bus, bus data yang menghubungkan processor dengan L2-Cache L1-Cache: Cache Memory yang tergabung dalam processor L2-Cache: Cache Memory yang berada di luar processor
L3-Cache Kini semakin banyak processor keluaran terakhir yang memasukkan L2-Cache menjadi cache internal setelah L1-Cache (kini ada dua bagian cache internal L1 dan L2) Maka Cache yang berada diluar processor kini disebut sebagai Cache Level 3 (L3- Cache)
Istilah-istilah Processor MIPS: Million Instruction Per-Second (satu juta instruksi perdetik) MMX: MultiMedia eXtension, kode program tambahan pada processor untuk optimasi multimedia ECC: Error Correction Code, Kode khusus untuk mengoreksi kesalahan SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data, mengerjakan sejumlah data sejenis dengan satu instruksi SSE2: Streaming SIMD Extended
Istilah Kemasan Processor PGA: Pin Grid Array BGA: Ball Grid Array PPGA: Plastic Pin Grid Array SPGA: Staggered Pin Grid Array DCPGA: Dual Cavity Pin Grid Array FC-PGA: Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array Micro-PGA: Micro Pin Grid Array uFCPGA: Micro Flip Chip Pin Grid Array TCP: Tape Carrier Package SEPP: Single Edge Processor Package SECC: Single Edge Contact Cartridge
Vendor Processor Intel http://www.intel.com http://www.intel.com AMD (Advanced Micro Device) http://www.amd.com http://www.amd.com IBM http://www.ibm.com http://www.ibm.com Ciryx http://www.ciryx.com http://www.ciryx.com
Processor Intel 8080 –Clock speed: 2 MHz –0.64 MIPS –Bus Width: 8 bits –Addressable Memory: 64 Kbytes –4.500 transistor (6 microns) –Digunakan sebagai komponen utama pada PC (Personal Computer) pertama, 1974.
Processor Intel 8086 –Clock speed: 5 MHz (0.66 MIPS), dan 10 MHz (0.75 MIPS) –Bus width: 16 bits –Addressable memory: 1 Megabyte –29.000 transistor (3 microns) –10 kali lebih cepat dari pada 8080, dan disebut dengan PC-XT (eXtended Technology)
Processor Intel 8088 –Clock speed: 5 MHz (0.33 MIPS), dan 8 MHz (0.75 MIPS) –Internal Architecture 16 bits –Exernal bus width: 8 bits –29.000 transistor (3 microns) –Digunakan sebagai processor standard untuk IBM-PC dan kompatibelnya
Processor Intel 80286 –Clock speed: 6 Mhz (0.9 MIPS), 10 MHz (1.5 MIPS), dan 12 MHz (2.66 MIPS) –Bus width: 16 bits –Addressabe Memory 16 Megabytes –134.000 transistor (1.5 micron) –Disebut sebagai PC-AT (Advanced Technology)
Processor Intel Intel386 SX –Clock speed: 16 MHz (2.5 MIPS), 20 MHz (2.5 MIPS), 25 MHz (2.7 MIPS), dan 33 MHz (2.9 MIPS) –Internal Architecture: 32 bits –External bus width: 16 bits –Addressable memory: 16 Megabytes –275.000 transistor (1.5 micron)
Processor Intel Intel386 DX –Clock speed: 16 MHz (6 MIPS), 20 MHz (7 MIPS), 25 MHz (8.5 MIPS), dan 33 MHz (11.4 MIPS) –Bus width: 32 bits –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –275.000 transistor (1.5 micron) –Math-co-processor optional
Processor Intel Intel386 SL –Clock Speed: 20 MHz (4,21 MIPS), 20 MHz (5,3 MIPS) –Internal Architecture: 32 bits –External Bus width: 16 bits –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –855.000 transistor (1 micron) –Didisain untuk komputer portable
Processor Intel Intel486 SX –Clock Speed 16 MHz (13 MIPS), 20 MHz (16,5 MIPS), 25 MHz (20 MIPS), 33 MHz (27 MIPS) –Bus width: 32 bits –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –1.185.000 transistor (1 micron) –Tanpa Math coprocesor
Processor Intel Intel486 DX –Clock Speed 15 MHz (20 MIPS), 33 MHz (27 MIPS), 50 MHz (41 MIPS) –Bus width: 32 bits –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –1.200.000 transistor (1 micron) –Math coprocesor terintegrasi
Processor Intel Intel486 DX2 –Clock Speed: 50 MHz (41 MIPS), 66 MHz (54 MIPS) –Bus width: 32 bits –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –1.200.000 transistor (1 micron) –Math coprocesor terintegrasi –Menggunakan teknologi “Speed doubler” dimana processor bekerja dalam 2 kali kecepatan bus
Processor Intel Intel486 SL –Clock Speed 20 MHz (15,4 MIPS), 25 MHz (19 MIPS), 33 MHz (27 MIPS) –Bus width: 32 bits –Addressable Memory: 64 Megabytes –1.400.000 transistor (1 micron) –Tanpa Math coprocesor –Didisain untuk portable (notebook)
Processor Intel Pentium 60 & 66 –Clock Speed 60 MHz (100 MIPS), 66 MHz (112 MIPS) –Bus width: 64 bits external data bus, 32 nits address bus –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –3.100.000 transistor (0,8 micron) –273 pin (PGA)
Processor Intel Pentium 90, 100, 120 –Clock Speed 90 MHz (149.8 MIPS), 100 MHz (166,3 MIPS), 120 MHz (203 MIPS) –Bus width: 64 bits external data bus, 32 bits address bus –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –3.200.000 transistor (0,6 micron) –296 pin (PGA)
Processor Intel Pentium 133, 150, 166, 200 –Clock Speed 133 MHz (218,9 MIPS), 150 MHz, 166 MHz, 200 MHz –Bus width: 64 bits external data bus, 32 bits address bus –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –3.300.000 transistor (0,35 micron) –296 pin (PGA)
Processor Intel Pentium 166, 200, 233 with MMX –Clock Speed 200 MHz, 233 MHz –Bus width: 64 bits external data bus, 32 bits address bus –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –4.500.000 transistor (0,35 micron) –296 pin (PPGA)
Processor Intel Pentium Pro 150, 166, 180, 200 –Clock Speed 150 MHz, 166 MHz, 180 MHz, 200 MHz –Integrated 256K - 512K L1-Cache –Bus width: 64 bits to L1-Cache –Addressable Memory: 64 Gigabytes –5.500.000 transistor (0,35 micron) –387 pin (DCPGA)
Processor Intel Intel Celeron –Clock Speed 266 MHz, 300 MHz –Bus width: 64 bits system bus –Bus speed: 66 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –7.500.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –242 pin (SEPP)
Processor Intel Intel Celeron 333 –Clock Speed 333 MHz –Bus width: 64 bits system bus –Bus speed: 66 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –19.000.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –242 pin (SEPP)
Processor Intel Intel Celeron –Clock Speed: 366 MHz, 400 MHz, 433 MHz, 466 MHz, 500 Mhz, 533 MHz –Bus width: 64 bits system bus –Bus speed: 66 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –19.000.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –370 pin (PPGA), 242 pin (SEPP)
Processor Intel Intel Celeron –Clock Speed: 566 MHz, 600 MHz, 633 MHz, 667 MHz, 700 Mhz, 733 MHz, 1 GHz, 1.1 GHz –128 KB L1-Cache –Bus speed: 100 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 4 Gigabytes –19.000.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –FCPGA
Processor Intel Pentium II –Clock Speed: 333 MHz, 350 MHz, 400 MHz 450 MHz –512 KB L1-Cache dengan ECC –Bus speed: 100 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 64 Gigabytes –7.500.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –242 pin (SEC)
Processor Intel Pentium II Xeon –Clock Speed: 400 MHz 450 MHz –512 KB, 1 MB, dan 2 MB L1-Cache –Bus speed: 100 Mhz –Addressable Memory: 64 Gigabytes –7.500.000 transistor (0,25 micron) –242 pin (SEC) –Didisain untuk server
Processor Intel Pentium !!! –Clock Speed: 450 MHz, 500 MHz, 533 MHz, 550 MHz, 600 MHz, 650 MHz, 667 MHz, 700 MHz, 733 MHz, 866/850 MHz, 933 MHz, 1.0 GHz –256 KB L1-Cache –Bus speed: 100 Mhz dan 133 MHz –Addressable Memory: 64 Gigabytes –28.000.000 transistor (0,18 micron) –FCPGA
Processor Intel Pentium 4 –Clock Speed: 533MHz system bus: 2.80 GHz, 2.66 GHz, 2.53 GHz, 2.40B GHz, 2.26 GHz 400MHz system bus: 2.60 GHz, 2.50 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.20 GHz, 2A GHz, 2 GHz, 1.90 GHz, 1.80 GHz, 1.70 GHz –Hyper Pipelining –Rapid execution engine –Streaming SIMD Extentions 2 –Enhanced floating point/multimedia http://www4.tomshardware.com/cpu/00q4/001120/index.html
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