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OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 1 ST GROUP Agus Dinar (NPM 130920150014) Siti Nur Asiyah (NPM 130920150017) Magister Of Public Health Faculty of Medicine Universitas.

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1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 1 ST GROUP Agus Dinar (NPM 130920150014) Siti Nur Asiyah (NPM 130920150017) Magister Of Public Health Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

2 PRELIMINARY Every year thousands of accidents happen at work that cause loss of life, material damage, and disruption of production The accident data covering the whole company 'which became a member of the Social Security number of participants with approximately 7 million people, or about 10% of all workers in Indonesia Thus, the number of accidents reached 930 events for 100,000 workers every year.

3 Occupational health efforts in Indonesia have gained serious attention, Paradigm "healthy" launched by the Ministry of Health in 1998, more emphasis promotive-preventive than curative-rehabilitative efforts

4 DEFINITION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Occupational health is a part of public health or the application of public health in a community worker and environmental society aims to obtain health status as high, whether physical, mental, and social for the community workers and the community environment of the company, through the efforts preventive, promotive and curative of diseases or health problems caused by work or the working environment. (Notoatmodjo, 1997)

5 Occupational health is a specialization in health sciences as well as the practice that aims, so that the worker / community workers obtain health status as well as possible (in terms of possible; if not, sufficient degree of optimal health), physical, mental, emotional, and social with promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative against diseases / health problems caused by work or the working environment, as well as against disease in general. (Suma'mur, 2009)

6 Occupational health is an effort to maintain and improve the health of the physical, mental and social well-being of all workers as high. Prevent health problems caused by working conditions; the protection of workers from occupational risk factors that are detrimental to health. Placement and maintenance workers in a work environment tailored to the capabilities of physiology and psychology, and concluded as the adaptation of work to man and each man to his job. (ILO/WHO, 1995)

7 The Basic Concept of Occupational Health Health promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative Labor protection on the adverse effects of work and / or work environment to the safety and health of workers Suitability / compatibility between labor and work and work adjustment to the workforce

8 The Main Purpose of Occupational Health Prevention and eradication of diseases from occupational accidents. Maintenance and improvement of health and nutrition workers Care and enhances the efficiency and productivity of labor. Eradication of fatigue and heighten the excitement and enjoyment of work Protection for the public about a company to avoid the dangers of pollution posed by the company. Protection of the public from the dangers that may be posed by the company's products.

9 The Main Focus of Occupational Health Efforts Maintenance and improvement of the health of workers and capacity it works Improvement of working conditions and work environment that is conducive for occupational health Development organization of work and work culture direction occupational health support.

10 The Principal Comprehensive of Occupational Health Placement of workers in jobs / positions that correspond (fit) with a working capacity and health status Health promotion in the workplace (workplace health promotion) to improve the health and working capacity as well as disease prevention, is promotive and preventive efforts. improve the working environment, is preventive efforts. Repairs carried out by controlling risk factors of physical contaminants, chemical, and biological. the repair work, a preventive effort. Repairs carried out by adjusting the demands of the task with the physical and mental abilities of workers and controlling ergonomic risk factors derived from job the development organization of work and work culturethe health surveillance of workers

11 Differences Characteristics Between Occupational Health with Public health Occupational HealthPublic health 1.Public health workforce is the main aim1.Public health as the main target 2.Who cared organized society that are usually accessible2. Community care is not organized and less easy to access 3. Characterized by very effective inspection before work, pre-placement, periodic and special 3. It is difficult to carry out medical examinations as a promotive and preventive 4.Encountered is the work and the working environment4.The environment in general is the main problem 5. Mainly aimed at improving occupational health and work productivity 5. The main aim is the health and welfare public, whereas only salient aspects of productivity in the event of disease outbreaks 6.Financed by the company or the business world6.Financed by the government or the public budget 7.Very rapid development after the industrial revolution7. Development is very quickly after there is progress dii science regarding microorganisms 8. Legislation is mainly within the scope of employment, especially occupational safety and health (K3) 8.Legislation, especially in the sphere of health

12 CONCLUSION Occupational health is a specialization in health sciences as well as the practice that aims, so that the worker / community worker health as well as possible physical, mental, emotional, and social with promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative against diseases / health problems caused by job or work environment, as well as against general diseases. Occupational health purpose is to create a workforce that is healthy and productive. This objective can be achieved, if supported by the work environment health requirements. An occupational health laws and regulations have legal foundation that must be obeyed by all parties, workers, employers or other related parties Occupational health purposes are cared organize for people who are usually accessible, face is the work and the working environment, aims to improve health employment and labor productivity, finanded by the company or the business world.



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