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Diterbitkan olehFarida Tedja Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
Kuliah 6 : Penyusunan Konsep (Concept Generation)
Konsep Produk ? Sebuah gambaran / perkiraan mengenai teknologi, prinsip kerja, dan bentuk produk. Gambaran singkat bagaimana produk memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan. Biasanya diekspresikan sebagai sebuah sketsa atau model 3 dimensi secara garis besar dan disertai uraian gambar Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Aktivitas Penyusunan Konsep
Proses penyusunan konsep dimulai dengan serangkaian kebutuhan pelanggan dan spesifikasi target, dan diakhiri dengan terciptanya beberapa konsep produk sebagai sebuah pilihan akhir Penyusunan konsep yang baik memberi keyakinan pada tim bahwa seluruh kemungkinan telah digali. Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Kesalahan-kesalahan dalam Penyusunan Konsep
Hanya mempertimbangkan 1 atau 2 alternatif Kegagalan mempertimbangkan kegunaan konsep yang dipakai oleh perusahaan lain. Hanya melibatkan 1 atau 2 orang dalam proses, menyebabkan kurangnya kepercayaan dan tanggung jawab dari anggota tim lainnya Integrasi yang tidak efektif untuk menemukan solusi parsial yang menjanjikan Kesalahan mempertimbangkan seluruh kategori penyelesaian Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Generation Most Important Aspect of Design
Most Difficult Aspect of Design Brainstorming Include everyone (Marketing, Purchasers, Manufacturing, etc.) Need MANY possible ideas! (The more, the better!) Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Over-the-Wall Design ?? Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Generation Process
Clarify the Problem Problem Decomposition External Search Lead Users Experts Patents Literature Benchmarking Internal Search Individual Methods Group Methods Systematic Exploration Classification Tree Combination Table Reflect on the Process Continuous Improvement Clarify the Problem Reflect on the Solutions and the Process Search Externally Internally Explore Systematically Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Problem Decomposition
Functional Decomposition (for technical product) Decomposition by sequence of user action: is often useful for products with very simple technical functions involving a lot of user interaction Decomposition by key customer needs: is often useful for product in which form, and not working principles or technology, is the primary problem Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Functional Decomposition
Function: WHAT the product must do Form (Shape, or Structure): HOW the product will do it “Form follows function” Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Functional Decomposition
System Flow Diagram Energy, Material, Information (Signal) System Flow Diagram system inputs outputs system energy inputs material inputs information inputs energy outputs material outputs information outputs Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Generation Exercise: Vegetable Peelers
Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Peeler: System Flow Diagram
Input Output Peel Vegetable Whole vegetable Peeled Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Peeler: Functional Decomposition
Manipulate Vegetable Separate Skin Hand Power Apply Hand Discard Whole Peeled Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Generation Example: Power Nailer
Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Problem Decomposition: Function Diagram
INPUT OUTPUT Energy (?) Energy (?) Hand-held Material (nails) Material (driven nail) nailer Signal (tool "trip") Signal (?) Store or Convert accept energy to Energy external translational energy energy Apply Store Isolate Driven Nails translational nails nail energy to nail nail "Trip" of Sense Trigger tool trip tool Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
External Search: Hints for Finding Related Solutions
Lead Users benefit from improvement innovation source Benchmarking competitive products Experts technical experts experienced customers Patents search related inventions Literature technical journals trade literature Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Internal Search: Hints for Generating Many Concepts
Suspend judgment Generate a lot of ideas Infeasible ideas are welcome Use graphical and physical media Make analogies Wish and wonder Solve the conflict Use related stimuli Use unrelated stimuli Set quantitative goals Use the gallery method Trade ideas in a group Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Explore Systematically
Concept Classification Tree Concept Combination Table Managing the Exploration Process Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Classification Tree
Goal: generate as many concepts as possible An elementary approach to developing a functional description of a product Decompose prime function hierarchically into sub functions For each function, develop as many alternative functions as possible For each subfunction, develop as many means of accomplishing the function as possible Fast and simple, but interconnecting links between sub functions not considered Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Concept Combination Table
Method: Select one concept for each function and combine those selected into a single design Cautions May generate too many ideas Erroneously assumes that each function is independent and each concept satisfies only one function results may not make sense Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Concept Combination Table Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Concept Combination Table Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Sebuah solenoida menekan sebuah pegas dan kemudian melepaskannya dengan berulangkali untuk menjalankan paku dengan hantaman yang berulang Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Concept Combination Table Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Motor akan memutar pegas, menghasilkan akumulasi energi potensial yang kemudian diantarkan pada paku dengan sekali pukulan Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Concept Combination Table Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Motor akan berputar dan melepaskan pegas, menyimpan dan mengantarkan energi melalui beberapa pukulan. Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Concept Combination Table Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Generating Concepts From Functions
Motor linier akan mengakselerasikan palu besar, mengakumulasikan energi kinestik yang dihantarkan pada paku melalui pukulan tunggal Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
Dira Ernawati,ST.MT - P3
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