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1 G-0472 English for Editing Meeting 1. Editing Course Content 2 Introduction Editing System and Mechanism Editing Focus: Unclear Sentences and Translation.

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1 1 G-0472 English for Editing Meeting 1

2 Editing Course Content 2 Introduction Editing System and Mechanism Editing Focus: Unclear Sentences and Translation Problems Editing Focus: Fragments Editing Focus: Run-Ons Sentences Editing Focus: English Punctuation and Spelling Editing Focus: Verbs and Tenses Editing Focus: Prepositions Focus Editing: Word Choice in Editing House Style Editing American and British English Consistency and Word Usage Review and Exercises

3 3  Mahasiswa akan dapat mengetahui tentang tugas dan kewajiban Editor  Mahasiswa akan dapat memisahkan kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat yang salah  Mahasiswa akan dapat mendemonstrasikan etika dan strategi Editing  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerangkan manfaat mata kuliah Editing dan mekanisme pembelajarannya  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerapkan peraturan pemakaian tanda-tanda baca dan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar  Mahasiswa akan dapat menerapkan tehnik proofreading baik secara manual maupun digital  Mahasiswa akan dapat menyusun kembali kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat rancu sehingga menjadi kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat yang benar Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU)

4 4 In general, PROOFREADING involves the identification and correction of typographical errors, punctuation errors, misspellings, and formatting inconsistencies. It may also mean comparing two documents for uniformity. The difference between editing and proofreading

5 5 EDITING covers the same areas, but may include English grammar, word usage, capitalization, word breaks, tone, and format.

6 6 The class includes acquiring the skills of editing, followed by an application of those principles to actual editing projects. A strong foundation in editing, grammar and usage, punctuation, and proofreading is emphasized. Editorial Principles & Practices

7 Why do people need editors Editing skills are essential to good writers, be they native speakers or non-native speakers, experts or novices. To a large extent, editing involves identifying grammar errors and correcting them, especially for ESL/EFL learners who tend to repeat their errors. Hence the guideline they need to bear in mind is trouble- shooting. That is to say, the learners find out and correct the grammar errors, then classify them into error types, and practice relevant grammar intensively until they internalize those grammar rules. 7

8 Book References: A S Hornby. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 6. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Jan Peterson. (1999). Better Writing through Editing. 9. McGraw-Hill College. Boston. Prof.Strunk. (2001). Elements of Style. 10. Harper Collins. New York. Joyce S. Kain. (2003). Eye on Editing. 10. Pearson Education. New York. 8

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