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F ORM Bayu Priyambadha, S.Kom. F ORM Form is the interface (user interface) for users to communicate with the application system. Each posted data from.

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Presentasi berjudul: "F ORM Bayu Priyambadha, S.Kom. F ORM Form is the interface (user interface) for users to communicate with the application system. Each posted data from."— Transcript presentasi:

1 F ORM Bayu Priyambadha, S.Kom

2 F ORM Form is the interface (user interface) for users to communicate with the application system. Each posted data from a user called the request and any results of processing by the server is called a response.

3 HTML F ORM In HTML, we use sintax : Form tag has attribute : Action for define destination file Method for define method used on sending request Method : Get Post Head Put Link Unlink Option Delete Trace Connect


5 R EAD S ENT D ATA Read data with Get method : Use $_GET[“name”] Read data with Post method : Use $_POST[“name”] Ex : <? echo $_GET[“data1”]; echo $_GET[“data2”]; ?> <? echo $_POST[“data1”]; echo $_POST[“data2”]; ?>

6 F ORM E LEMENTS There are several components that can be used in the field on the form include:, For this type of input in the form of field filling one row, For this type of input in the form of multi-row &, For the type of input options (combo box) Every input element have attribute named “name”, for define the name of element

7 I NPUT E LEMENT Input tag has many type : For text type For submit form For reset form For password type For file type For checkbox type For radio button type For hidden input

8 E XAMPLE Form.php Form.php Proses.php <?php echo $_GET[“nama”]; ?> Proses.php <?php echo $_GET[“nama”]; ?>

9 T RY T HIS !!! Buat sebuah form dengan inputan : Berlabel “panjang”, bertipe teks Berlabel “lebar”, bertipe teks Tombol submit Buat halaman penerima dengan spesifikasi : Menerima kiriman “panjang”, diisikan pada variabel “p”, Menerima kiriman “lebar”, diisikan pada variabel “l”, “p” dan “l” dikalikan, hasilnya dimasukan dalam variabel “hasil”, Variabel “hasil” dicetak.


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