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Diterbitkan olehHengki Chandra Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
Arafa Rizka Syaputra(135020107111031) Hidsal Jamil(135020100111028) Padel Aji Pamungkas(135020100111042)
IntroductionThe Definition of Health Care Health Care In America, Britain, and Canada
Nowdays, Health care has become popular topics in every nation especially in The United State, Britain, and Canada Since of the last 20 years, the price of index for medical care has increased more rapidly than the price index for all goods and services in general, especially for the USA who spending larger on health more than 14 percent.
Health care adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan sendiri atau bersama-sama dalam suatu organisasi untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan tingkat kesehatan, mencegah dan menyembuhkan penyakit serta memulihkan kesehatan perorangan, keluarga, kelompok dan ataupun masyarakat(Depkes RI)
Spending on health at 14 percent Political leaders in The USA Said “Crisis The national debate
The most common form of government- mandated universal health care coverage found in the world today is the single payer health care system that in essense offers universal health care to consumers at a money price of zero.
Britain offers a typical example. The British National Health Service(NHS) has been existence since 1948. at that period once touted as one of the world’s best national health care examples, but....
In 1948 there were ten hospital beds per thousand people there are about five per thousand people Have been closed for “efficiency” reason
Because patients in britain do not pay directly for the services they receive, some other means of rationing must be used. many others do not show up on waiting lists because they simply do not apply, knowing that the wait is so long.
Currently, only 11 percent of Canada’s national health care spending goes to administration, compared to 24 percent in The United States. Canada devotes 9.5 percent of its national income to health care, about a third less than in The United States
One impact of the lower level of spending in Canada is that their system does not provide the latest in medical technology.
Waktu tunggu untuk pelayanan kesehatan, Dalam penelitian cynthya ramsey dan Michael walker di kanada: Warga kanada harus menunggu untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan cukup lama. Durasi atau lamanya waktu tunggu rata- rata warga kanada dijelaskan dalam table berikut:
2 fakta mengenai hal tersebut : 1. pertama:lama waktu tunggu rata rata sekitar 3 sampai 4 bulan 2. karena waktu tunggu yang lama tersebut maka masyarakat punya dua alternative,pertama menyebrang ke amerika atau menunggu meninggal di rumah.
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