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Presentasi berjudul: "UNGKAPAN-UNGKAPAN BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK PENGAJARAN"— Transcript presentasi:


2 TUJUAN Guru mampu menyelenggarakan seluruh kegiatan dalam kelas dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyertai tindakan (language accompanying action) dan reinforcing, basic questioning, variability, explaining, introductory procedures and closure dan advanced questioning.

Mengelola seluruh aktivitas kelas dalam bahasa Inggris Guru bertindak sambil bicara Guru menggunakan fixed expressions yang lazim digunakan oleh penutur asli Guru menggunakan speech dan speed yang alamiah

4 Language for instructional purposes
Guru menjalankan fungsi-fungsi instruksional dalam wacana bahasa Inggris Guru terampil merealisasikan setiap fungsi instruksional dalam bahasa Inggris yang berterima

5 Greetings and forms of address
Good morning, children. Good morning, Ms Farida. Hello, boys and girls.

6 Checking attendance Lets’s call the roll. Let’s take the register.
Let’s check to see who’s here. Remember to answer “I’m here”

7 Organizing the classroom
Get your books and pencils out. Pick your pencils up. Turn your face around to face the wall chart. Put all your things away. Leave the windows open.

8 Ending lessons That’s all for today. On Monday, there’ll be more.
Ok children, make a line to say goodbye. Ok, it’s break time, so you can go out play.

9 Recalling routines What do we do when we are having a story? Come up and sit on the mat. What do we do at the end of the lesson? Clear everything up nicely

10 Explaining and demonstrating
Today we are going to do some drawing. Look at what we are going to make. Next we are going to make a monster. Over the next few lessons we are going to colour some animals. We’ll start like this.

11 Asking for helpers and giving things out
I need two helpers please. So, you can give out these pictures? One each. Can you pass around these sheets of paper? So everyone has one? Hand these back down your rows.

12 Asking who wants a turn Who wants to start? Hands up! Maria again? But you’ve just had a go. Whose turn is it to do a mime? One more go. Who wants the last go? Who has still not had a turn?

13 Playing with things Whoop’s! one’s gone in your lap. Can you pick it up? Oh dear! You missed it. Can you get it? Watch out! Kick it over here! Roll it, don’t bounce it! Careful! He’s behind you!

14 Reinforcing That’s good work. Keep it up, Doni.
You have caught on very quickly. Wow…aren’t you doing well. I’m pleased with that. You are doing better.

15 Setting up pairs and groups
You’re going to do this in pairs. You’re going to work in threes. You will be playing this in groups of three or four. Here are two pictures. Keep them face down. You can look at them both.

16 Basic questioning What can you think of…….? What makes you think that?
Why do you say that? What is rosemary used for? Does anybody know? Why would they be wearing it on a hot day?

17 Variability Variasi ungkapan-ungkapan Variasi kegiatan
Variasi gerak tubuh Variasi raut muka Veriasi nada suara Variasi media

18 Explaining Discourse structure: reviewing, orienting, introducing, getting feedback, closing. Discourse markers: first of all, then, after that, finally, etc. Spoken language style. Interactive.

19 Advanced questioning Penny, you might like to explain a little bit about the French history? I wonder what this little fellow might be feeling at this moment? Jonathan? Anyone like to make a comment on this poem, please? Is there a comparison in this first section?

20 Classroom Discourse Demonstration
Opening procedures Orientation Activities Feedback Giving assignment Closing procedures


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