1 INTRODUCTION Pertemuan 1 s.d 2 Matakuliah: A0554/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Tahun: 2006.

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1 1 INTRODUCTION Pertemuan 1 s.d 2 Matakuliah: A0554/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Tahun: 2006

2 2 TRANSACTION CYCLE Business processes can be organized into three main transaction cycle : –Acquisition cycle –Revenue cycle –Conversion cycle

3 3 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY It breaks down systems development into a series of manageable phases. Each phase has clearly defined objectives. Specific tools and techniques are used in each phase. Each phase involves specific project management activities. Each phase ends with clearly specified deliverables. Users provide feedback and sign off on deliverables.

4 4 PHASES IN SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE Systems investigation Systems analysis Systems design Systems implementation

5 5 Systems Investigation The objectives of this phase are to study the current system, identify needed changes and possible solutions, tentatively propose a solution, and show that the solution is feasible.

6 6 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS The main objective of the analysis phase is to develop requirements for the new system. Systems analysis requires a study of the current system and proposed solution in more detail than in the investigation stage.

7 7 SYSTEMS DESIGN The purpose of systems design is to develop a physical realization of the system. This is accomplished by designing reports, input forms, tables and processing step.

8 8 SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION Implementation involves developing applications, testing the system, training users, making necessary changes to business processes, installing the system, and converting from the old to the new system.

9 9 Models and Techniques used in different phases of the systems development life cycle System Investigation –Overview –Event table –Source doc. & journals

10 10 Systems analysis –Workflow table –Activity diagram –Use case diagram –Use case description –Risks analysis –Types of internal control

11 11 Systems design –UML class diagram –Form layout –Input controls –Report layout –Use case diagram –Use case descriptions

12 12 Systems Implementation –Training manual –User manual


14 14 MEKANISME PEMBELAJARAN Mata kuliah bersifat project yang dikerjakan selama 1 semester. 1 project dikerjakan oleh 1 kelompok mahasiswa. Banyaknya mahasiswa dalam 1 kelompok ditentukan oleh dosen kelas. Jenis perusahaan & proses bisnis yang dijadikan tugas project ditentukan dan disiapkan oleh dosen / ditentukan oleh mahasiswa sendiri.

15 15 PENILAIAN Tugas mandiri40% Nilai dari tugas project mahasiswa selama 1 semester. Ujian tengah semester30% Bahan yang diujikan dari hasil project pert. 1 s/d 14. Ujian akhir semester30% Bahan yang diujikan dari hasil project pert. 15 s/d 26.

16 16 LAIN-LAIN Batas waktu pengumpulan project kelompok adalah pada pertemuan 26 (minggu ke-13). Presentasi hasil project oleh kelompok mahasiswa berdasarkan penunjukkan oleh dosen.

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