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Organisasi Komputer John Paul Vergara 1 Operating System Concepts.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Organisasi Komputer John Paul Vergara 1 Operating System Concepts."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Organisasi Komputer John Paul Vergara 1 Operating System Concepts

2 Sejarah Komputer Pra-1600 Abacus Muhammad ibn Musa Al'Khowarizmi
Kalkulator personal yang pertama Memperkenalkan posisi angka dalam perhitungan Muhammad ibn Musa Al'Khowarizmi Abad ke 12 Menuliskan suatu proses yang diikuti keterangan tentang tujuannya – merupakan cikal bakan cara penulisan program Memperkenalkan algoritma Operating System Concepts

3 Sejarah Komputer Era Mekanis (1600-1940) John Napier (1612)
Mathematician, mengembangkan logaritma Membuat mesin perkalian William Oughtred (1622) Menemukan slide rule Berbasis pada Algoritma Napier Digunakan para scientists & engineers sampai pertengahan th 1900 Operating System Concepts

4 Sejarah Komputer Era Mekanis (1600-1940) Wilhelm Schickhard (1623)
Astronom dan mathematician Menjelaskan cara kerja suatu mesin yang secara otomatis dapat melakukan operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian Blaise Pascal (1642) Mathematician Memproduksi suatu mesin hitung secara masal Hanya dapat melakukan operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan Operating System Concepts

5 Pascal’s Calculator 1642 (Pascalin) Sejarah Komputer
Era Mekanis ( ) Pascal’s Calculator 1642 (Pascalin) Operating System Concepts

6 Sejarah Komputer Era Mekanis (1600-1940) Gottfried Liebniz (1673)
Mathematician Mengembangkan Mesin Pascal Penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian Joseph-Marie Jacquard (1801) Mesin tenun Jacquard Menggunakan punched cards untuk pola tenunnya Operating System Concepts

7 Sejarah Komputer Era Mekanis (1600-1940) Charles Babbage (1822)
Mathematician , “Bapak Komputer Modern” Menginginkan akurasi dalam perhitungan Membuat mesin pengurang Membuat tabel komputasi matematik Membuat mesin analisis Melakukan berbagai operasi penghitungan Menemukan punch card Menciptakan struktur modern dari : I/O, storage, ALU Operasi penjumlahan dalam 1 detik, perkalian dalam 1 menit George Boole (1847) Melakukan analisa matematik logik Operating System Concepts

8 Sejarah Komputer John Atanasoff (1937) Howard Aiken (1943)
Electronic Computer pertama Binary Arithmetic Menggunakan kapasitor utk Electronic Memory Belum beroperasi secara sempurna Mendapatkan hak paten utk Electronic Digital Computer Howard Aiken (1943) Men design Harvard Mark I Electro-Mechanical Mengimplementasikan Babbage’s machine Dikembangkan oleh IBM Operating System Concepts

9 Sejarah Komputer Enigma -- WWII COLOSSUS (1943)
German Encryption System Digunakan utk melakukan enkripsi pesan yang akan dikirim ke kapal selam COLOSSUS (1943) Top Secret British Code Breaker Alan Turing – Designed & Programmed Dirahasiakan selama 30 tahun setelah perang dunia Electronic Computer System pertama yang sangat fungsional Operating System Concepts

10 ENIAC - background Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
Eckert and Mauchly University of Pennsylvania Trajectory tables for weapons (Dpt menganalisa lintasan peluru) Started 1943 Finished 1946 Too late for war effort Used until 1955 Operating System Concepts

11 ENIAC - details Decimal (not binary) 20 accumulators of 10 digits
Programmed manually by switches 18,000 vacuum tubes 30 tons 15,000 square feet 140 kW power consumption 5,000 additions per second Operating System Concepts

12 von Neumann/Turing Konsep penyimpanan program
Programs dan data disimpan dalam Main memory Operasi pada ALU menggunakan data biner Menterjemahkan instruksi dari memory kemudian melaksanakannya dalam Control unit Peralatan Input dan output dioperasikan oleh control unit Dikembangkan di Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies IAS Selesai pada th 1952 Operating System Concepts

13 Structure dr von Nuemann Machine
Arithmetic and Logic Unit Input Output Equipment Main Memory Program Control Unit Operating System Concepts

14 Structure of IAS - detail
Central Processing Unit Arithmetic and Logic Unit Accumulator MQ Arithmetic & Logic Circuits Input Output Equipment MBR Instructions & Data Main Memory IBR PC MAR IR Control Circuits Address Program Control Unit Operating System Concepts

15 IBM Menggunakan Punch Cards 1953 - the 701 1955 - the 702
Scientific calculations the 702 Business applications Mengembangkan type 700/7000 series Operating System Concepts

16 Transistors Menggantikan tabung hampa Ukuran Kecil Harga Murah
Panas yang dihasilkan kecil Solid State device Dibuat dari bahan Silicon Ditemukan pada th 1947 di Bell Labs William Shockley. Operating System Concepts

17 Transistor Based Computers
Mesin Generasi kedua NCR & RCA IBM 7000 DEC Produced PDP-1 Operating System Concepts

18 Microelectronics “small electronics”
Komputer disusun dari gerbang, memory dan interkoneksi Semiconductor e.g. silicon wafer Operating System Concepts

19 Generations of Computer
Vacuum tube Transistor Small scale integration on Up to 100 devices on a chip Medium scale integration - to 1971 100-3,000 devices on a chip Large scale integration 3, ,000 devices on a chip Very large scale integration to date 100, ,000,000 devices on a chip Ultra large scale integration Over 100,000,000 devices on a chip Operating System Concepts

20 Moore’s Law Increased density of components on chip
Gordon Moore - cofounder of Intel Number of transistors on a chip will double every year Since 1970’s development has slowed a little Number of transistors doubles every 18 months Cost of a chip has remained almost unchanged Higher packing density means shorter electrical paths, giving higher performance Smaller size gives increased flexibility Reduced power and cooling requirements Fewer interconnections increases reliability Operating System Concepts

21 Growth in CPU Transistor Count
Operating System Concepts

22 IBM 360 series 1964 Replaced (& not compatible with) 7000 series
First planned “family” of computers Similar or identical instruction sets Similar or identical O/S Increasing speed Increasing number of I/O ports (i.e. more terminals) Increased memory size Increased cost Multiplexed switch structure Operating System Concepts

23 DEC PDP-8 1964 First minicomputer (after miniskirt!)
Did not need air conditioned room Small enough to sit on a lab bench $16,000 $100k+ for IBM 360 Embedded applications & OEM BUS STRUCTURE Operating System Concepts

24 DEC - PDP-8 Bus Structure
I/O Module Main Memory I/O Module Console Controller CPU OMNIBUS Operating System Concepts

25 Semiconductor Memory 1970 Fairchild Size of a single core
i.e. 1 bit of magnetic core storage Holds 256 bits Non-destructive read Much faster than core Capacity approximately doubles each year Operating System Concepts

26 Intel First microprocessor All CPU components on a single chip 4 bit Followed in 1972 by 8008 8 bit Both designed for specific applications Intel’s first general purpose microprocessor Operating System Concepts

27 DRAM and Processor Characteristics
Operating System Concepts

28 Trends in DRAM use Operating System Concepts

29 Operating System Concepts

30 Introduksi Apa yang disebut System Operasi? Mainframe Systems
Desktop Systems Multiprocessor Systems Distributed Systems Clustered System Real -Time Systems Handheld Systems Computing Environments Operating System Concepts

31 Apa yang disebut Sistem Operasi?
Sederetan instruksi (program) yang menghubungkan antara user dengan Komputer dan melakukan kontrol terhadap sistem Komputer Tujuan Operating system : Menjalankan programs dan membuat penyelesaian masalah secara mudah. Membuat computer system berjalan secara baik. Membuat pemakaian computer hardware secara efisien. Operating System Concepts

32 Komponen Sistem Komputer
1. Hardware – (CPU, memory, I/O devices). 2. Sistem Operasi – melakukan kontrol dan mengkoordinir penggunaan hardware diantara beberapa aplikasi dan beberapa jenis user. 3. Program Aplikasi -- (compilers, database systems, video games, business programs). 4. Users (pengguna, periferal, komputer lain). Operating System Concepts

33 Computer Hardware Central Processing Unit Operating System Concepts

34 Computer Hardware CPU Chip Detail Operating System Concepts

35 Computer Hardware A Motherboard Operating System Concepts

36 Computer Hardware Schematic Diagram of a Personal Computer
Operating System Concepts

37 Computer Hardware The ENIAC Operating System Concepts

38 Sistem Jaringan Operating System Concepts

39 Definisi Sistem Operasi
Resource allocator – mengatur dan mengalokasikan sumber daya. Control program – melakukan kontrol terhadap user program dan operasi I/O . Kernel . Operating System Concepts

40 Mainframe Systems Mengurangi waktu setup dengan melakukan batching pada proses yang sejenis Automatic job sequencing – melakukan kontrol secara otomatis dari satu proses ke proses yang lain. Resident monitor initial control in monitor control transfers to job when job completes control transfers pack to monitor Operating System Concepts

41 Memory Layout for a Simple System
Operating System Concepts

42 Multiprogrammed Systems
Several jobs are kept in main memory at the same time, and the CPU is multiplexed among them. Operating System Concepts

43 Fitur yang diperlukan pada proses Multiprogramming
I/O routine –disediakan oleh sistem. Memory management – pengalokasian memory oleh sistem untuk beberapa proses. CPU scheduling –. Alokasi peralatan / Periferal. Operating System Concepts

44 Desktop Systems Personal computers
I/O devices – keyboards, mice, display screens, small printers. User convenience. Can adopt technology developed for larger operating system. May run several different types of operating systems (Windows, MacOS, UNIX, Linux) Operating System Concepts

45 Parallel Systems Multiprocessor systems with more than on CPU in close communication. Tightly coupled system – processors share memory and a clock; communication usually takes place through the shared memory. Advantages of parallel system: Increased throughput Economical Increased reliability graceful degradation fail-soft systems Operating System Concepts

46 Parallel Systems (Cont.)
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) Each processor runs and identical copy of the operating system. Many processes can run at once without performance deterioration. Most modern operating systems support SMP Asymmetric multiprocessing Each processor is assigned a specific task; master processor schedules and allocated work to slave processors. More common in extremely large systems Operating System Concepts

47 Symmetric Multiprocessing Architecture
Operating System Concepts

48 Distributed Systems Distribute the computation among several physical processors. Loosely coupled system – each processor has its own local memory; processors communicate with one another through various communications lines, such as high-speed buses or telephone lines. Advantages of distributed systems. Resources Sharing Computation speed up – load sharing Reliability Communications Operating System Concepts

49 Distributed Systems (cont)
Requires networking infrastructure. Local area networks (LAN) or Wide area networks (WAN) May be either client-server or peer-to-peer systems. Operating System Concepts

50 General Structure of Client-Server
Operating System Concepts

51 Clustered Systems Clustering allows two or more systems to share storage. Provides high reliability. Asymmetric clustering: one server runs the application while other servers standby. Symmetric clustering: all N hosts are running the application. Operating System Concepts

52 Real-Time Systems Often used as a control device in a dedicated application such as controlling scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems, and some display systems. Well-defined fixed-time constraints. Real-Time systems may be either hard or soft real-time. Operating System Concepts

53 Real-Time Systems (Cont.)
Hard real-time: Secondary storage limited or absent, data stored in short term memory, or read-only memory (ROM) Conflicts with time-sharing systems, not supported by general-purpose operating systems. Soft real-time Limited utility in industrial control of robotics Useful in applications (multimedia, virtual reality) requiring advanced operating-system features. Operating System Concepts

54 Handheld Systems Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
Cellular telephones Issues: Limited memory Slow processors Small display screens. Operating System Concepts

55 Migration of Operating-System Concepts and Features

56 Computing Environments
Traditional computing Web-Based Computing Embedded Computing Operating System Concepts

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