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Presentasi berjudul: "AN INTRODUCTION TO EIS PERTEMUAN-9"— Transcript presentasi:

Mata Kuliah : CSM-211 , Management Support System Tahun Akademik : 2012/2013 AN INTRODUCTION TO EIS PERTEMUAN-9 Sasaran Pembelajaran The student can shows EIS perspective SIE and create screen of EIS 9-1

2 OBJECTIVES Introduction EIS Framework EIS Development
Executive, Task and Information Perpective EIS Design screen EIS Data Management and Soft Information What an EIS is not The Keys to EIS success 9-2

3 AN EIS DEFINED AN EIS a computerized system that provides executives with easy access to internal and external information that is relevant to their critical success factors 9-3

4 Characterics of an EIS Tailored to individual executive users
Extract, filter, compress, and track critical data Provide on line status access, trend analysis, exeption reporting, drill down Access and integrate a broad range of internal and external data User friendly and require little or no training to use Use directly by executives without intermediaries Present graphical, tabular, textual information 9-4

5 EIS and ESS EIS and ESS have relationship. But ESS is not particularly important for purposes other than to recognize that the capabilities sometimes associated with an ESS influence and increase system requirements. Example : Support electronic communication ( , computer conference, word processing) Ability to Data analysis (spreadsheet, query, DSS) Ability as organized information tools (e-calendar, tickler files) 9-5

6 Sample screen form lockheed EIS

7 Perkembangan (history) SIE
Tahun 1970 EIS pertama kali dibuat oleh Northwest Industries and Lockheed John Rockart dan Michael Treacy’s membuat “The CEO Goes On-Line” pada tahun 1982 Pertengahan 80-an beberapa produsen perangkat lunak memproduksi EIS-software seperti Pilot Software Command Center dan Comshare’s Commander Akhir tahun 80-an banyak seminar tentang EIS, salah satunya International Data Corporation Tahun 1990 terjadi perubahan pandangan terhadap EIS. Jika pada versi sebelumnya (1985) EIS lebih diarahkan untuk eksekutif, mulai saat itu juga dibuat untuk keperluan para manajer dan analis, mereka menjadi salah satu pemakainya. Informasi dalam EIS menyatakan bagaimana perusahaan dapat dilihat kinerjanya melalui KPI dan CSF, biasanya luas tetapi global. EIS saat ini berisi data yang lebih beragam, seperti informasi financial, customer related data, bisnis proses dan informasi eksternal 9-7

8 EIS evolution 9-8

9 WHY EIS EIS are developed for a variety of reasons, including :
More timely information Greated access to operational data Greater access to corperate database More concise, relevant information New or additional information More information about the external environment More competitive information Greater access to external database Faster access to information Reduced paper costs 9-9

10 EIS improve executives job performance abilities leading to
Enhanced communications Greater ability to identify historical trends Improved executive effectiveness Improved executive efficiency Fewer meetings and less time spent in meetings Enhanced executive planning, organizing and controlling More focused executive attention Greater support for executive decision making Increased span of control 9-10

11 EIS support organizational objectives such as
Greater response to customer needs Improved product or service quality Downsizing the organization 9-11

12 MIS, DSS, EIS MIS process data history, now and projection that relationship by internal activities and external monitoring. MIS supporting planning, controlling, actual and provide the information periodically to help decision support DSS is Information system computer based to supporting decision support and problem solving structure and un-structure by data support and analysis models. DSS more lower than EIS, because designed to specific analysis, tasks problem solving by structure and un-structure by methamatical model ( example : simulation or program linear) On EIS, DSS as the component to help executive level to analysis the problems. 9-12

13 WHAT AN EIS IS NOT EIS doesnot eliminate the need for other kinds of organizational computing. Transaction Processing System (TPS) are still required. MIS will still supply reports that serve well identified information needs, generate demand reports on request, and support quires to the organizaitons database DSS are still sused to analyze specific, poorly strucred decision making tasks. Expert systems (ES) may add intelligence of the EIS, but many ES applications stand alone 9-13

14 ========= thanks 4 your attention ========
3 Perspective on EIS EIS Staff, staff that developer and maintain of EIS User, executive as user EIS to supporting tasks Vendor and Consultant, provide goods of software and service to development EIS ========= thanks 4 your attention ======== 9-14


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