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Presentasi berjudul: "ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF HAIR"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Classification of Scalp Ailment
1. Bacteria / microbe a. Ulcer (furunkulosis), caused by bacteria stafilokokus that caused inflammation on hair folicle and spread to closest tissue. b.Hard Ulce(karbunkulosis), inflammation on hair folicle which is closed each other, especially on diabetes militus sufferer a. Furunkulosis b. Hard Ucle Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

3 Classification of Scalp Ailment
2. Dermatitis papilaris capillitii 3. Tinea capitis 2. Dermatitis Papilaris Capillitii, is inflammation on hair folicle accompanied by suppuration at skin in the form of tie crossing at the back mess. The cause is stafilokokus bacteria. 3. Ailment caused by fungus infection. It caused by fungus on scalp (tiniakaiplis). It can cause fracture hair and baldness. 2. Dilihat secara gambaran klinis, berupa pita melintang dibelakang kepala. Pita itu terdiri atas folicle meradang dengan bagian tepi yang kasar dan keras. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

4 Classification of Scalp Ailment
4. Chronicle Inflammation The cause is dermatitis seborhoicha on the scalp and spread up to forehead, eyelids, eyebrows, etc. Indication: inflammation redness, peel out of hair surface like smooth scales. 5. Insects Parasites like insects/hair bug infection (pediculosis capitis) cause itchy on scalp, this is caused by its bites. It’s eggs (nits) stick on the edge of hair stalk. 4. Dermatitis seborhoica 5. Pediculosis capitis Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

5 Classification of Scalp Ailment
6. Dandruff (Seborocheic Dermatitis) Based on its form, dandruff is classified into : 1. Dry dandruff (pityriasis capitis simples) Scales colored white – yellow and rather black, sheen and dry on the scalp. Causing much itchy so that influence hair growth 2. Wet dandruff (pityriasis steatoides) Scales colored white – yellow, wet as it appears on fatty hair and scalp. It smells and difficult for setting 1. pityriasis capitis simples 2. pityriasis steatoides Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

6 Classification of Scalp Ailment
7. Tinea Capitis / Kadas / Ringworm Indication: very itchy on the scalp, crust in the form of bowl (concave), colored yellow, smells bad. Spread easily by long contact 8. Scobiosis Skin ailment caused by bugs / parasite insects. Indication : itchy bump, spread out. Bumpy after scratching. 7. tinea capitis 8. Scobiosis Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

7 Classification of Scalp Ailment
9. Piodra / Stone, This is caused by fungus/basil parasite. It occurs on hair stem and doesn’t damage the inner hair stalk. Indication : black/brown bumps rather oval occur on the hair stalk. Piodra stick om the hair Source : Rostamailis (2005) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

8 Classification of Hair Ailment
Ailment on the hair root is caused by factors of the body problem, such as : Fever Hormone balance problem Unbalance of food consume Food poisoned Ailment of hair consist of : Pearl disease like small things stick on the hair, colored grey rather white. The hair break easily on that site and the end of hair is branching. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

9 Classification of Hair Ailment
2. Canities / White hair The cause : factor of age, genetic defect, hereditary disease, leprosy /shock, depressed, etc 2 Kinds of Canities : a. Congenital Canities. Occurred since born, there’s no pigment and sometimes it exist at a group of head hairs. b. Acquire Canities. It occurs as adultery approach because of mentally depressed, worried, nervous, chronicle illness/hereditary disease. Gambar Congenital Canities Gambar Acquire Canities Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

10 Classification of Hair Ailment
3. Trichoclasia. It’s indicated by the occurrence of loops on the hair colored white like pearl disease. This is caused by disorder hair matrix. 4. Trichoptilosis. Condition where the end of hair is branching like fibrous. It’s caused by lack of treatment, unbalanced nutrient, improper use of cosmetics, too many times contact with sun shine. 3. Trichoclasia 4. Trichoptilosis Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

11 Classification of Hair Ailment
5. Hypertrichosis/Hirsutisme. Hair grow widely and very thick. 6. Trichorhexis Nodosa. Hair at a certain length expand, protrude/thicken and next to the bump, the hair is branching. It’s caused by lack of fat and protein. 5. Hypertrichosis 6. Trichorhexis nodosa Bentuk Penyakit Rambut Source : Rostamailis (2005) Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

12 Classification of Hair Ailment
7. Monilethri/Monilethria. At a certain length of hair, it’s thicken then thin, breaking and branching. The cause is heredity. 8. Alopecia / baldness. This Hair falls continuously until the head is bald 7. Monilethri 8. Alopecia Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

13 Classification of Hair Ailment
b. Alopecia Adusta, Baldness that is caused by genetics (real bald). Kinds of Baldnessakan : Alopecia areata, Baldness at a certain place, it form small circles b. Alopecia senetis, It’s caused by age Macam-macam Tipe Kebotakan : a. Alopecia areata, Kebotakan yang terjadi pada tempat-tempat tertentu, berbentuk bulatan-bulatan b. Alopecia Adusta, Kebotakan yang disebabkan oleh pembawaan (botak asli) sejak lahir. c. Alopecia senetis,Terjadi karena usia Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

14 Classification of Hair Ailment
d. Alopecia Sebor Heica capitis. Hair falls continuously, caused by disease at sebaceous gland. e. Alopecia cecatricata. This is caused by illness. Indicated by the occurrence of a circle or oval/irregular shape. f. Alopecia dynamica. Hair fall is caused by damage of folicle the result of fungus infection. Like alopecia follicularis, the damage of hair folicle causes ailment of the hair. d. Alopecia seborheica capitis e. Alopecia cecatricata f. Alopecia dynamica Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

15 Classification of Hair Ailment
g. Alopecia syphylitica. Hair fall is caused by syphilis. h. Alpoecia Localis. Hair fall at a certain place, it’s caused by illness at nerve around the spot of hair fall. i. Alopecia Moligua. It’s almost the same as alopecia but it’s more acute. g. Alopecia syphylitica h. Alopecia localis i. Alopecia moligua Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

16 Classification of Hair Ailment
j. Alopecia Universatis. Hair fall at all part of the body. The cause is serious illness like typhus fever. k. Alopecia Adnoda. Hair fall is caused by genetic factor (real bald). j. Alopecia Universalis k. Alopecia Adnoda. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

17 Classification of Hair Ailment
l. Alopecia Prematura. Hair fall in the early age (still too young). 2 Kinds of Alopecia : a. Alopecia Prematura Idiophatica, is hair fall starting from middle age. b. Alopecia Prematura Synato Neatika, is hair fall because of illness. l. Alopecia prematura Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

18 Classification of Hair Ailment
The main factors resulting alopecia : Irregularity of eating Often suffering from hair ailment such as pearl disease. Having scalp ailment, such as dandruff. Physical condition, i.e. nerve tension in a long time, think much, mentally depressed. Mechanical condition, wearing tight hat/head cover continuously. Genetic factor. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

In his work, a beautician must be able to analyze the condition and characteristic of the client’s hair, which consist of : Types of scalp and hair. Diameter of hair Elasticity of hair Porosity of hair Degree of hair fertile Color of hair The length of hair Ailment of scalp and hair 2. Diameter : besar kecilnya batang rambut dibedakan dalam halus, sedang dan kasar. 3. Elastisitas : sifat batang rambut yang dapat menentukan keberhasilan dalam penataan, dibedakan dalam baik, sedang, buruk. 4. Porositas : kondisi-kondisi yang ditentukan oleh cuticula rambut. Cuticula terbuka = porous, cuticula tertutup = resistant atau porositas yang sangat jelek. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata


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