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2 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
STAI adalah pengukuran cepat, pendek akan state dan trait dari kecemasan yang memperoleh tanda yang tinggi untuk kegunaan teknis (Spielberger, 1983). State anxiety adalah keadaan sesaat dari rasa takut atau cemas yang sebagian besar kita alami pada suatu peristiwa. Trait anxiety adalah tendensi yang relatif stabil dari individu untuk merespon secara cemas menjadi perkiraan yang membuat stres. Dua hal ini terpisah namun berhubungan. Level dari trait anxiety merefleksikan kemudahan untuk menunjukkan state anxiety.

3 Cont’d STAI terdiri dari 40 item terukur yang menilai kedua tipe dari kecemasan secara terpisah. Item dalam STAI sederhana dan deskriptif. Masing-masing 20 item state anxiety dinilai dari 4 skala intensitas, yang dilabeli dengan “Not at All”, “Somewhat” “Moderately So” dan “Very Much So”. Subjek diminta untuk menjawab sesuai apa yang mereka rasakan sekarang. 20 item dari trait anxiety dinilai dari 4 skala intensitas, yang dilabeli dengan “Almost Never”, “Sometimes”, “Often” dan “Almost Always”. Subjek diminta untuk menjawab sesuai apa yang mereka rasakan secara umum.

4 STAI digunakan untuk siswa SMA, mahasiswa dan dewasa.
State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children digunakan untuk siswa SD dan SMP.

5 Contoh item stai The S-Anxiety scale
The S-Anxiety scale consists of twenty statements that evaluate how respondents feel "right now, at this moment." 1 = Not At All  2 = Somewhat  3 = Moderately So  4 = Very Much So A. I feel at ease B. I feel upset

6 The T-Anxiety scale The T-Anxiety scale consists of twenty statements that assess how respondents feel "generally." 1 = Almost Never  2 = Sometimes  3 = Often  4 = Almost Always A. I am a steady person B. I lack self-confidence

7 State and Trait scores can range from a
Each item weighted 1-4 with approximately half the items reverse scored. State and Trait scores can range from a Minimum of 20 Maximum of 80

8 Beck depression inventory
21-item self-report instrument Measures severity of depression in adults and adolescents 13 and older Corresponds to criteria in DSM-IV

9 21 Items Mood Pessimism Sense of Failure Self-dissatisfaction Guilt
Punishment Self-Dislike Self-Accusations Suicidal Ideas Crying Irritability Social Withdrawal Indecisiveness Body Image change Work Difficulty Insomnia

10 Cont’d Fatigability Loss of Appetite Weight Loss Somatic Preoccupation
Loss of Libido

11 REvision Items dropped Items added Body Image change Agitation
Work difficulty Weight loss Somatic preoccupation Items added Agitation Worthlessness Loss of energy Concentration difficulty

12 Items changed New Item Old item changes in sleeping pattern insomnia
changes in appetite loss of interest in sex tiredness or fatigue Old item insomnia loss of appetite Loss of libido Fatigability

13 ADMINISTRATION BDI Time: 5-10 minutes to complete
Answers should be for the past two weeks extended from one week for DSM-IV Check to be sure that all items have been completed

14 Scoring BDI Each item is rated 0 - 3
If more than one is selected choose the higher figure Scores can range from 0 to 63

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