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Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

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1 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Objective Assess the efficacy and safety of prandial glucose regulator biphasic insulin aspart (BIAsp) both as monotherapy or in combination with oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA) for type 2 diabetes management before, during, and after Ramadan fasting in routine clinical practice. Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

2 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Study Design A total of 152 patients were enrolled in this study with slightly more female than male. 65.1% of patients receiving insulin therapy prior to the study entry. Patients started or continued BIAsp at a minimum of one month before the start of Ramadan fasting until a minimum of one month after completing Ramadan fasting. Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

3 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

4 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Results - FPG P-value 0.05 mg/dl Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

5 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Results - PPG P-value 0.05 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

6 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Results - HbA1c P-value 0.05 HbA1c % Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

7 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009
Results - Body Weight P-value 0.05 Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009

8 Results - Hypoglycemia
Baseline Pre- ramadan Ramadan End of the trial Minor Hypoglycemia events on daytime 0.13 0.05 0.14` 0.09 Minor Hypoglycemia events nocturnal 0.06 0.08 Major Hypoglycemia events on daytime Major Hypoglycemia events nocturnal Pradana et al. Maj Kedot Indon, Volum: 59, Nomor: 12, Desember 2009



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