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Presentasi berjudul: "PERAIRAN PEDALAMAN DAN LAUT TERRITORIAL"— Transcript presentasi:

Dhiana Puspitawati, SH, LLM, PhD

2 TRUMAN PROCLAMATION 1945 Klaim atas wilayah laut dimulai dengan Truman Proclamation yang mengklaim kepemilikan SDL yang ada di landas kontinen – diikuti negara2 lain Menjadi tren pada tahun 1950 Kasus Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case

3 UNCLOS I: 1958 4 konvensi Convention on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Convention on the High Seas Convention on the Continental Shelf Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources on the High Seas Diakuinya konsep laut territorial – lebarnya belum disepakati – Pasal……CTSCZ 1958 Normal baselines – Pasal ……CTSCZ1958 Straight baseline system – Anglo Norwegian Fisheries Case 1951, antara UK dan Norway – explain kasus!!!

4 KASUS POSISI Norwegian Government’s Decree 12th July 1935: Delimit its northern Artic’s Circle and reserved its resources for Norway’s nationals. Inggris mempertanyakan kepada MI apakah metode delimitasi yang dilakukan oleh Norway dan baselinenya bertentangan atau tidak bertentangan dengan Hukum Internasional? – hukum yang mana?


6 THE COURT FINDS Metode delimitasi yang dilakukan oleh Decree tidak bertentangan dgn HI.Akan tetapi delimitasi wilayah laut merupakan aspek internasional krn melibatkan kepentingan internasional lebih dari 1 negara. Pertimbangan dasar adalah oleh karena eksistensi territorial sea sangat bergantung pada daratan the base-line must not depart to any appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast; dan it may be necessary to have regard to certain economic interests peculiar to a region when their reality and importance are clearly evidenced by a long usage.

7 UNCLOS I: 1958 Salah satu konvensi internasional yang dihasilan adalah Convention on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (CTSCZ 1958) CTSCZ 1958 mengadopsi metode straight baseline sistem ini

8 PASAL 4 CTSCZ 1958 “Where the coastline is deeply indented or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity, a method of straight baselines joining appropriate points may be employed. The drawing of such baselines must not depart to any appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast and must not be drawn from low tide elevation unless lighthouses or other similar installation permanently above sea level have been built on them, and the sea areas lying within the lines so drawn must be sufficiently clearly linked to the regime of internal waters. For the determination of particular baselines within the straight baseline system, account may be taken of economic interest peculiar to the region concerned, the reality and the importance of which are clearly evidenced by a long usage.”


10 Internal waters LAUT TERITORIAL
LAUT BEBAS (HIGH SEA) That brings us to archipelagic baselines. Only nations which qualify as archipelagic states under the Law of the Sea Convention may draw these baselines. There is a complex but unambiguous formula in the Convention for determining which nations qualify. The formula was drafted so that only those nations which sought this status during the negotiation of the Convention would qualify. Only nations composed solely of islands are eligible. Nations which are geographically continental nations but which also have some islands do not qualify. For example, the US may not draw archipelagic baselines around the Hawaiian islands. Instead, each island receives a circle of territorial sea etc measured from the low waterline. This slide depicts a generic archipelagic nation. Archipelagic states may draw baselines connecting the outer most points of their outer most islands. The slide also illustrates that other maritime zones are measured seaward from baselines just as with continental nations. Waters inside the baselines are known as archipelagic waters. We'll look more closely at those in just a bit. [Can have internal waters but only by drawing straight baselines across harbor mouths (Art 9), bays (Art 10), and outermost permanent harbor works (Art 11). May not use straight baselines along deeply indented coasts, or where have unstable areas or fringing islands.]

Internal waters of the State is waters on the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea (Art. 8 (1)LOSC) Where the establishment of a straight baseline in accordance with the method set forth in article 7 has the effect of enclosing as internal waters areas which had not previously regarded as such, a right of innocent passage as provided in this Convention shall exist in those waters (Art. 8 (2) LOSC)

12 CONTINUE Lebar laut teritorial diukur dari apa yang disebut garis pangkal dan perairan yang berada pada arah darat dari garis tsb dinyatakan sbg perairan pedalaman. Dengan demikian batas laut teritorial pada arah darat merupakan batas terluar dari perairan pedalaman suatu negara

The coastal state enjoys full territorial sovereignty over its internal waters Consequently, there is no right of innocent passage, such as exists in the territorial sea. The single exception to this principle is that where straight baselines are drawn along a coastline that is deeply indented of fringed with islands, enclosing as internal waters areas which had not previously been regarded as such, a right of innocent passage continues to exists through those newly enclosed waters

Mouth of Rivers (Art. 9) Bays (art. 10) Ports (art. 11) Roadsteads (Art. 12) Low-tide elevations (Art. 13)

Dengan memasuki pelabuhan negara asing, suatu kapal dikatakan telah meletakkan dirinya ke dalam yurisdiksi negara pantai tsb. Deng/ki negara tsb dapat menegakkan hukumnya terhadap kapal tsb dan semua yang ada dikapal tsb, dgn memperhatikan aturan2 HI ttg kekebalan diplomatik, yang akan timbul berkenaan dengan kapal perang. Tetapi – prinsip negara bendera --, maka negara pantai hanya akan menegakkan hukumnya jika kepentingan nasionalnya terkena dampaknya. NO RIGHT OF PASSAGE OF FOREIGN VESSEL THROUGH INTERNAL WATERS

16 Archipelagic Baselines 8
That brings us to archipelagic baselines. Only nations which qualify as archipelagic states under the Law of the Sea Convention may draw these baselines. There is a complex but unambiguous formula in the Convention for determining which nations qualify. The formula was drafted so that only those nations which sought this status during the negotiation of the Convention would qualify. Only nations composed solely of islands are eligible. Nations which are geographically continental nations but which also have some islands do not qualify. For example, the US may not draw archipelagic baselines around the Hawaiian islands. Instead, each island receives a circle of territorial sea etc measured from the low waterline. This slide depicts a generic archipelagic nation. Archipelagic states may draw baselines connecting the outer most points of their outer most islands. The slide also illustrates that other maritime zones are measured seaward from baselines just as with continental nations. Waters inside the baselines are known as archipelagic waters. We'll look more closely at those in just a bit. [Can have internal waters but only by drawing straight baselines across harbor mouths (Art 9), bays (Art 10), and outermost permanent harbor works (Art 11). May not use straight baselines along deeply indented coasts, or where have unstable areas or fringing islands.] 8

Perkembangan konsep laut teritorial sendiri pada prinsipnya hampir sama dengan perkembangan hukum laut internasional. Dimana terjdai perdebatan antara apakah laut dapat dimiliki atau tidak Yang terpenting adalah perkembangan lebar laut teritorial selama serangkaian konferensi hukum laut internasional – cannon-ball theory through the adoption of LOSC 1982

STATUS HUKUM TANAH DAN UDARA DIBAWAH DAN DIATAS LAUT TERITORIAL: Art. 2 LOSC The sovereignty of coastal state extends, beyond its land territory and internal waters and, in the case of an archipelagic state, its archipelagic waters, to an adjacent belt of sea, described as the territorial sea. This sovereignty extends to the air space over the territorial sea as well as to its sea bed and subsoil – no innocent passage of aircraft – lintas ALKI to provide aircraft, especially military aircraft? The sovereignty over the territorial sea is exercised subject to this convention and to other rules of international law.

19 Dasar Hukum: Bagian II Pasal 2 UNCLOS 1982
LAUT TERITORIAL Dasar Hukum: Bagian II Pasal 2 UNCLOS 1982 Kedaulatan negara berpantai maupun negara kepulauan diperpanjang sampai 12 mil laut diukur dari garis dasar – laut teritorial meliputi wilayah perairan, wil. udara diatasnya dan dasar laut serta sumber daya laut yang terkandung didalamnya – baik di middle maupun bottom Dibatasi oleh Hak Lintas Kapal Asing Di laut territorial – Hak lintas Damai Bagian III UNCLOS 1982

20 HAK LINTAS KAPAL ASING Pengertian Lintas Syarat Lintas
Pengertian Lintas damai Penangguhan Lintas Damai Hak dan Kewajiban Negara Pantai

21 PENGERTIAN LINTAS Lintas berarti navigasi melalui territorial dan perairan kepulauan (khusus negara kepulauan) untuk keperluan : Melintasi laut tanpa memasuki perairan pedalaman atau singgah di tempat berlabuh di tengah laut atau fasilitas pelabuhan di luar perairan pedalaman (traversing), atau Berlalu ke atau dari perairan pedalaman atau singgah di tempat berlabuh di tengah laut atau fasilitas pelabuhan tersebut (proceeding)

22 Syarat Lintas Terus menerus Langsung Secepat mungkin

23 The Right of Innocent Passage
Hak Lintas Damai “Hak setiap kapal untuk berlayar melintasi laut teritorial & perairan kepulauan suatu Negara, sepanjang tidak merugikan kedamaian, ketertiban atau keamanan Negara tersebut dengan cara lintas terus-menerus, langsung serta secepat mungkin” Pasal 20 UNCLOS 1982 : “di laut teritorial, kapal selam & kendaraan bawah air lainnya diharuskan melakukan navigasi di atas permukaan air dan menunjukkan benderanya” (pasal 15 UU No.6/1996) Dalam PP No.36/2002 tidak dimuat. UU No.4/1960 dan PP No.8/62 dikatakan bahwa kapal perang & kapal jenis tertentu wajib minta ijin ke Panglima TNI atau Kasal. Dalam UU No. 6/1996 dan PP. No. 36/2002 ? Pasal 18 & 19 UNCLOS 1982 ( s/d pasal 28) Pasal 11 UU No.6/1996 (s/d pasal 17) PP No. 36/2002 Introduce myself In this lecture: Australian Military Strategy in brief, only to compare terminlogy with that of Maritime Strategy and Operations Provide a framework of concepts to think about the Maritime School of Thought and its application My aim is to present a case study based on current Australian thinking (sources are the White Paper and Australian Maritime Doctrine): I do not suggest that it is entirely applicable to Indonesia’s strategic circumstances But the underlying concepts, especially from the Martime School of Strategic Thought, are likely to have very significant application to any maritime nation. I hope you will find it thought provoking as you consider your own strategic circumstances General Comments/Cautions: The strategic schools (Maritime/Aerospace/Continental plus Revolutionary/Terrorism) provide strategic and operational concepts with which to implement higher level national policy and strategy. When it comes to application of military power, must go through these schools of thought. Moreover, many of the ideas from the different schools are very similar in concept if not in execution. It is important to keep clear the difference between objectives of the various concepts and the means to achieve them. For example, Sea and Air Control are almost identical concepts focussed on Battlespace Dominance. Control of the Air can be achieved by Offensive Counter Air, Air Warfare, Strike or Special Forces Operations Remember that we are talking about joint and combined maritime concepts, not just naval ideas. 12 1 1 1

24 Ancam atau gun kekerasan thd kedaulatan, keutuhan wilayah
atau merdeka politik Latihan atau praktek dengan senjata Pul informasi yang rugikan hankamneg Propaganda dg tujuan pengaruhi hankamneg Luncur, darat atau terima alkap militer Bongkar muat komoditi, mata uang atau orang yg tentang aturan perundangan bea cukai, fiskal, & imigrasi Cemari lingkungan Kegiatan penelitian Kegiatan riset & survey Ganggu siskom, fasilitas atau instalasi lainnya Giat lain yg tidak berhubungan dengan lintas 14 Lintas disebut tidak damai, apabila : (Pasal 19 UNCLOS ’82 & Pasal 4 & 5 PP 36/2002)

25 Penangguhan Lintas Damai
Syarat : Demi Perlindungan Keamanan (termasuk keperluan latihan perang). Tanpa Diskriminasi Formil (nyata) terhadap kapal asing. Di daerah tertentu dalam laut Territorial atau Perairan Kepulauan. Berlaku setelah diumumkan sebagaimana mestinya.

26 Hak Negara atas Penggunaan Hak Lintas Damai
Berhak mengeluarkan peraturan-peraturan: Keselamatan pelayaran/pengaturan rute pelayaran. Pengamanan fasilitas, instalasi dan bangunan lainnya. Pengamanan kabel laut, pipa dan alat komunikasi. Perlindungan/pelestarian sumber hayati. Pencegahan pelanggaran peraturan perikanan. Perlindungan/pencegahan pencemaran laut. Kegiatan survey dan penelitian laut. Pencegahan pelanggaran peraturan dibidang Pabean, Fiskal, Imigrasi dan Saniter.

27 KEWAJIBAN Negara Pantai atas Pengguna Lintas Damai :
Pasal 24 UNCLOS 1982 : a. Tidak boleh menghalangi lintas b. Tidak boleh membuat syarat sifat menolak/ mengurangi gun lintas c. Tidak boleh adakan diskriminasi formal/nyata kapal-kapal dari suatu Negara d. Harus umumkan secara tepat atas setiap bahaya terhadap pelayaran 2. Pasal 26 UNCLOS ’82 : *Tidak boleh mengadakan pungutan, kecuali hanya sebagai pembayaran bagi pelayanan khusus (pasal 10(1) PP 36/2002)

28 Mencegah pelayaran (pasal 25 UNCLOS ’82)
Penindakan Pelanggar Lintas Damai Mencegah pelayaran (pasal 25 UNCLOS ’82) Menangguhkan pelayaran untuk sementara (pasal 52 (2) UNCLOS ’82) Mengusir dengan segera kapal perang (pasal 30 UNCLOS ’82) Menuntut kerugian (pasal 31 UNCLOS ’82)

Pada awal tahun 1992 muncul suatu berita dari Lisbon bahwa aktivis perdamaian berencana untuk berlayar ke Dili dengan menyewa kapal ferry milik portugis yang bernama Lusitania Expresso. Dikemukakan bahwa kunjungan itu bertujuan untuk menyampaikan simpati pada korban kerusuhan di Dili pada bulan November 1991, dengan menaburkan bunga di Dili.

30 THE VOYAGE (CONTINUE) Indonesia merespon berita tersebut dengan mengeluarkan Press release suatu statement pada tanggal 25 February 1992 yang menyatakan bahwa tindakan itu termasuk provocative dan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia belum menerima permohonan entry permit dari aktivis perdamaian itu. Dalam statementnya Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa pelayaran tersebut sebagai ‘provocative in nature, that it is not at all humanitarian but politically motivated and designed to instigate confrontation, aggravate tension, induce divisiveness and incite disturbances in East Timor.’ Statement itu selanjutnya menyatakan bahwa laut territorial Indonesia tertutup untuk Lusitania Expresso.

31 THE VOYAGE (CONTINUE) Tanpa menghiraukan statement tersebut, Lusitania Expresso berlayar menuju Darwin dan selanjutnya berangkat ke Dilli pada tanggal 9 Maret penumpangnya terdiri dari 132 orang dan 18 crew. Para penumpang itu terdiri dari pelajar, aktivis perdamaian, jurnalis serta crew TV. Ketika Lusitania Expresso memasuki wilayah perairan Indonesia pada tanggal 11 Maret 1992, kapal tersebut dihadang oleh KRI Yos Sudarso dan KRI Ki HadjarDewantara dan diminta untuk kembali dan meninggalkan perairan Indonesia. Kapal tersebut akhirnya berbalik arah dan kembali ke Darwin walaupun sempat berhenti sejenak untuk perbaikan mesin. Dengan demikian bisa dikatakan bahwa hak lintas damai kapal tersebut ditangguhkan, karena ada dugaan tindakan para aktivis tersebut akan membahayakan keamanan Negara (provokativ)

Apakah tindakan Indonesia menyuruh kapal tersebut untuk kembali dan meninggalkan laut teritorial Indonesia dapat dibenarkan menurut Hukum Laut Internasional? Apakah Indonesia bisa secara sepihak menutup laut wilayahnya (territorial sea-nya) untuk pelayaran Lusitania Expresso? Apakah praduga bahwa pelayaran kapal itu sebagai tindakan provokativ merupakan alasan yang cukup/benar untuk menolak lintas damai Lusitania Ekspresso?


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