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Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas.

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1 Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas Kreativitas

2 Aspect of individual differences:Physical Personality Intelligence Creativity ??

3 Guilford’s Theory: a factor approach  The definitional problem.  Melakukan tes terhadap orang2 yang berbeda2 posisi, tentang struktur intelektual (secara fungsional), dan didapat “the three faces of intellect (operation, content, and product)”, seperti figure 1.

4 Figure 1: Theoretical model for complete “structure of intellect” (Sprinthall&Sprinthall,1974) Convergent Thinking Memory Cognition Evaluation Divergent Thinking OPERATIONS Units Classes Relations Systems Transformations Implications PRODUCTS Behavioral Semantic Symbolic Figural CONTENTS  Matrix of 5X6X4 blocks  Or a total of 120 differences

5 Guilford’s creative traits Elaboration Divergent thinking Flexibility Originality Fluency Kreatif berarti berpikir divergen yang menghasilkan sesuatu yang unik, pemikirannya asli atau baru, dan biasanya berbeda bahkan menyimpang dari gagasan konvensional atau umum

6 Mackinnon, Barron, and Roe: Studies of “creative” people  Studi terhadap orang2 terkenal dan experts, menggunakan series of assessment procedures, termasuk psychological personality test. Hasilnya relatif sama dengan Guilford. Creative possessing autonomy in judgment inventive and industrious independent in judgment

7 Wallach and Kogan, Getzels and Jackson: Creativity in children Wallach and Kogan Elementary-age children Getzels and Jackson Teenagers Hasil Kreativitas bukan sekedar suatu fungsi kecerdasan IQ di atas 120 adalah menjadi prasyarat ke kreativitas? Pikiran kreatif adalah sedikit banyak terpisah dari kecerdasan umum, karena merupakan suatu proses yang lebih mandiri. IQ dan kreativitas tidak ada korelasi (r=+0.23); IQ 120, r=+0.20.

8 E. Paul Torrance  The famous Minnesota Test of creative thinking (tes verbal)  To be creative if the included fluency, flexibility, originality, and imagination.  Creative people tend to generate many original  Torrance has added some non verbal assessment items, such as incomplete drawings.

9  IQ and creativity are not synonymous, and teachers seem to prefer students with high IQ's to those with high creativity.  Apa dampaknya?

10 Creativity: How is it measured?  Problem solving ability test (Flanagan’s Ingenuity test, Guilford’s sample insight problem, Pattern arrangement test).  Nonverbal test (Pattern meanings, the line meaning test)

11 Creativity: How is it measured? Getzels and Jackson: Humor and creativity?

12 Creativity: Implication for teaching  The creative process can be taught, through instruction, teach pupils to think in uncommon ways, to develop divergent solution to problems, to associate flexibility, to elaboration fluency.  Most classroom instruction is organized in order to promote convergent thought  How to teach for creative/ divergent thinking? 1) meng-create kurikulum untuk pengalaman belajar alternatif, 2) modifikasi setting kelas, 3) menggunakan the creativity assessment procedures sebagai teknik mengajar, 4) membantu siswa berpikir divergen, uncommon, unik (merubah mind-set)

13 Sebagai Penutup….  A key element in the growth of creativity is the ability to take risk, to make change, to give up the known and the familiar.

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