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T HE I NDONESIA N ATIONAL G ROUP IAEG Indonesia National Group Bandung, January 25, 2007 About IAEG.

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Presentasi berjudul: "T HE I NDONESIA N ATIONAL G ROUP IAEG Indonesia National Group Bandung, January 25, 2007 About IAEG."— Transcript presentasi:

1 T HE I NDONESIA N ATIONAL G ROUP IAEG Indonesia National Group Bandung, January 25, 2007 About IAEG

2 National Group Members National Group Members of IAEG are associations, corporations, or societies which represent the interests of Engineering Geology in their countries or groups of countries (regional organisations). Members of National Groups apply for affiliation to the IAEG through their National Group.

3 The National Group acts as a liaison between the membership in the individual countries and the International Association.

4 A National Group should nominate a Chairperson and Secretary. On 1st January each year, the names of those carrying out these offices for the coming year should be forwarded to the Secretary General in writing.

5 The officers should: maintain a list of the names and addresses of all members and associate members in that country ; inform the Secretary General/Treasurer of the number of members and send the appropriate subscriptions to the Treasurer not later than 31st May each year ; distribute the Bulletin and IAEG Newsletters to members or make appropriate arrangements with the Secretary General/Treasurer for these to be mailed directly from the IAEG headquarters ; provide a written report on their activities to the Vice- President for their geographical area by the end of March each year ; at the same time, the Vice-President should be notified of the name of the representative who will vote on behalf of the National Group at Council meetings during the forthcoming year ;

6 The officers should: (cont’d) ensure that their Group is represented at the Council meetings and that a member is nominated to vote on behalf of their National Group ; if for any reason a voting representative cannot attend, the officers of the National Group should ensure the Secretary General is notified of a proxy vote ; maintain appropriate communication with their members to ensure that the members are aware of IAEG activities and the officers are aware of their members' views ; as appropriate, make recommendations for nominations for the officers of IAEG, potential recipients of the Hans Cloos and Richard Wolters awards and membership of commissions ; encourage the submission of papers to IAEG publications and meetings ; when requested, they should ensure the appropriateness and quality of abstracts and papers and/or make the necessary selection if quotas are imposed.

7 Chairperson: Untung Sudarsono Secretary: Imam A. Sadisun The officers IAEG Indonesia: Secretariat: Engineering Geology Laboratory Bandung Institute of Technology Jl. Ganesha No.10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA Phone/Fax : +62-22-2510802 E-mail:

8 Materi Brainstorming

9 Agenda Kegiatan 2007-2008 Officer dan alamat NatGroup Jan 07 - Des 08, tetap. Melakukan pendataan ulang anggota untuk tahun 2007 dan segala kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan keanggotaan, dengan bulletin Rp 400.000,oo dan tanpa bulletin Rp 50.000,oo.  Setiap instansi ada wakilnya  Deadline akhir bulan Januari 2007 Mengajak anggota untuk mengikuti pertemuan ilmiah internasional yang diseponsori oleh IAEG, terutama IAEG Congress  NatGroup masih hanya bisa membantu reduksi biaya registrasi dan bantuan akomodasi Bekerja sama dengan Redaksi Jurnal Geoaplika untuk penerbitan edisi khusus jurnal yang berisi makalah-makalah dengan topik khusus dari anggota National Group

10 Agenda Kegiatan 2007-2008 (Cont’d) Pertemuan rutin minimal 4 kali dalam setahun yang disebut sebagai “Roundtable National Group Meeting”  Maret 2007: MGI  Juni 2007: GL-ITB  Sept 2007: diputuskan kemudian  Des 2007: diputuskan kemudian  Diisi juga oleh presentasi oleh anggota atau “tamu” NatGroup, terutama dari host pertemuan Membuat Web untuk National Group (web sementara / optional) Aktif dalam International Year for Planet Earth dengan thema Earth Scientists for Society Lain-lain :  Merumuskan singkatan resmi  INEG (ditunggu via email di  Merumuskan logo resmi  logo yang lama  Membuat cap  mengikuti logo  Nama web   Alamat e-mail   Kop surat seperti yang ada di undangan, logo diganti yang baru.  Nama yang sudah terdaftar masuk dalam Web NatGroup  Form keanggota bisa didownload di web  Bank transfer  BCA KCU Dago Account No. 7770512110 A/n. Imam A. Sadisun (akan dicantumkan di web juga) dan konfirmasi ke 081320126099

11 Terima Kasih

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