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Lokakarya dan Konferensi Nasional Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam PENGELOLAAN JURNAL ILMIAH Dumairy Gadjahmada International Journal of Business.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Lokakarya dan Konferensi Nasional Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam PENGELOLAAN JURNAL ILMIAH Dumairy Gadjahmada International Journal of Business."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Lokakarya dan Konferensi Nasional Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam PENGELOLAAN JURNAL ILMIAH Dumairy Gadjahmada International Journal of Business (Gama IJB), managing editor Laboratorium Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis U G M Yogyakarta, 12-13 Juni 2009

2 PENGELOLAAN JURNAL ILMIAH Unsur 1Perencanaan 2Pengorganisasian 3Pengarahan 4Pengendalian 5Penilaian Fungsi 1Produksi 2Pemasaran 3Keuangan 4Sd Manusia 5Informasi Pengelolaan (Management)

3 Perencanaan Pengorganisasian Pengarahan Pemantauan Pengendalian Produksi Keuangan Sd Mnsia Informasi Pemasaran

4 PENGELOLAAN PRODUKSI Matarantai [1] bersifat akademik, ditangani oleh jajaran redaksi. Sedangkan [2] bersifat teknis, cukup ditangani oleh jajaran administrasi. Kerawanan pada umumnya berada pada [1]. Nyaris sebgn besar energi pengelola jurnal tersita di sini, pengadaan naskah untuk diolah sehingga layak terbit dan menjadi artikel. InputProcessOutput naskahreviu, suntingartikel artikel2cetak, jilidjurnal [1] [2]

5 PENGELOLAAN PEMASARAN Kedua matarantai ini lbh mrpkn urusan jajaran administrasi, namun jajaran redaksi perlu juga peduli, khususnya dalam hal matarantai [2]. Penerbitan jurnal harus diniati dan disadari sbg kegiatan cost center; bukan merupakan revenue center, apalagi profit center! InputProcessOutput jurnaledar, kirimnomor tukar jurnaledar, jualpendapatan [1] [2]

6 PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN Mengingat penerbitan jurnal mrpkn cost center, tindakan sekaligus tujuan pengelola dalam urusan keuangan adalah pengendalian biaya (minimizing cost). Perlu kerjasama serasi antara jajaran redaksi dan jajaran administrasi. Tantangan pengelola: menyadarkan penerbit yaitu pimpinan lbg induk bahwa penerbitan jurnal adalah cost center. InputProcessOutput danapenganggarananggaran

7 PENGELOLAAN S’DAYA MANUSIA Pengelola jurnal perlu menjelaskan pekerjaan administratif kepada jajaran redaksi, dan juga sebaliknya. Jangan pernah berharap mereka akan saling menyerasikan sendiri. Pengelola jurnal-lah yang harus berperan sebagai penyerasi! InputProcessOutput calon red.“pembimbingan”redaktur calon adm.pmbmbngn, plthnadmn’tur [1] [2]

8 PENGELOLAAN INFORMASI Berbagai rencana internal perlu dipaparkan agar diketahui semua pihak, sehingga masing2 dapat menyesuaikan diri. Sebaliknya, informasi eksternal perlu disampai- kan agar jajaran internal tidak cepat puas diri. InputProcessOutput rencana2rapat, edaraninformasi informasi2edaran, rapatrencana [1] [2]

9 Master of Management Program Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada

10 General Information The Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (Gama-IJB, for short) is published by the Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta STT No: 2011/SK/DITJEN PPG/STT/1994 Accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, No. 39/DIKTI/Kep/2004 Published quarterly and fully in English Full-text electronic version is available at EBSCO Publishing ISSN: 1411-1128; Current Volume: 10/2009

11 Brief History June 1991: Kelola a bimonthly bulletin, fully in Bahasa Indonesia contents: news and articles, no advertisement May 1994: Kelola Gadjah Mada Business Review an academic journal, quarterly, bilingual contents: articles and advertisements, no news board of editors: all Indonesians May 1999: Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business an academic journal, quarterly, fully in English contents: articles, no advertisement and news board of editors: Indonesians and foreigners

12 Institutional Standing Gama-IJB is a fully-autonomous institution (in terms of editorial policy) of the MM Program, Faculty of Ecs. and Business UGM. Aiming at disseminating knowledge, results of researches, and other scientific findings, publication of Gama-IJB is an academic commitment of the Master of Management Program FEB-UGM in promoting academic products of Indonesians and on Indonesia to the rest of the world. As an academic commitment, publication activity of this journal has been realized as a cost center. No dream to make it a profit center or even just a revenue center.

13 Content of Articles Academic or scientific writings in the fields of business, management, accounting, and economics. Mostly empirical findings of a study and critical analyses of an issue. Conceptual ideas or thinking are also welcomed if innovative or academically contributive. Book reviews and replying discussions.

14 Readers and Subscribers Academicians/lecturers in the fields of business, management, accounting, and economics. Graduate (S2) and post-graduate (S3) students in management, accounting, and economics. Science-based practitioners in the same fields. University libraries.

15 Contributors or Writers Academicians/lecturers in the fields of business, management, accounting, and economics. [d] & [f] Experts and science-based practitioners in the same fields. [d] Academic-cultured public figures (government officials, politicians). [d] Post-graduate (S3) students in management, accounting, economics, and related fields. [d] & [f] [d] : domestic persons[f] : foreigners

16 Manuscript Intake Manuscripts come by themselves (submitted freely by writers) without formal invitations or written requests. However, in any occasion of organizational or scientific meeting (conference, seminar, and the like) editors invite personally and informally their colleagues to submit manuscripts. Similar persuasions are also practiced when officials of the MM Program visit to (is visited by) another MM/MBA Program.

17 Manuscript Evaluation All entering manuscripts are firstly checked by editorial secretary for the fulfillment of technical requirements. If technically eligible, managing editors examine editorial standard of the content, and then (if the editorial standard is met) send the manuscript to two relevant peer-reviewers. Peer-reviewers evaluate whether the manuscript is publishable, or must be revised, or rejected. In case a contradictory opinion between both peer-reviewers, managing editors deliver it to the third peer-reviewer to get a second opinion.

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