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Presentasi berjudul: "Leadership."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Leadership

2 What Is Leadership? Leadership
The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.

3 Manager Characteristics Leader Characteristics
Some Characteristics of Managers Versus Leaders in the Twenty-First Century Manager Characteristics Leader Characteristics Administrator A Copy Maintains Focuses on System and Structure Relies on Control Short-range View Asks How and When Eye on The Bottom Line Imitates Accepts The Status Quo Classic Good Soldier Does Things Right Innovates An Original Develops Focuses on People Inspires Trust Long-range Perspective Asks What and Why Eye on The Horizon Originates Challenges The Status Quo Own Person Does The Right Things Sumber : Luthans (1995 : hal. 342)

4 Empirical Results… (Castile, 2006)
Regression analysis showed a strong positive correlation between leadership and organisational performance (<0.05) But … although independent variables where found to be jointly significant they are individually insignificant (hence not independent) - (multicollinearity) Factor analysis generated a 2 Factor model F1 Generates and manages a vision F2 Empowers others

5 Teori Kepemimpinan (Robbins, 2002)
Teori Sifat (Traits Theory) Teori Keprilakuan (Behavioral Theory) Teori Kepemimpinan Teori Kemungkinan (Contigency Theory)

6 Transformational Theory
Leadership Theories... Trait Theory Style Theory Situational Theory Transformational Theory Emerging Models Made Behaviours Context Situational Flexibility Born and Made Primal Leadership Servant Leadership Results Focus Capability Focus Born Heroic Characteristics

7 Trait Theories Traits Theories of Leadership Leadership Traits:
Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Leadership Traits: Ambition and energy The desire to lead Honest and integrity Self-confidence Intelligence High self-monitoring Job-relevant knowledge

8 Sifat Pemimpin Yang Dikagumi (Kouzes & Posner)
No. Karakteristik Sifat % (2002 edition) (1995 edition) 1. Honest 88 2. Forward- Looking 71 75 3. Competent 66 63 4. Inspiring 65 68 5. Intelligent 47 40 6. Fair-Minded 42 49 7. Broad-Minde 8. Sopportive 35 41 9. Straight forward 34 33 10. Dependable 32 11. Cooperative 28 12. Determined 24 17 13. Imaginative 23 *75 ribu Kuesioner di enam benua

9 Behavioral Theories Behavioral Theories of Leadership
Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Trait theory: Leaders are born, not made. Behavioral theory: Leadership traits can be taught.

10 The Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton)

11 Contigency Theory (Situational Leadership)

12 Transformational Vs Transactional Leadership
Leaders who engage in “transactions” with employees, such as using rewards to encourage good performance and punishment for inadequate performance. Transactional leaders rely heavily on power from their organizational position and status. Research shows that most men describe themselves this way.

13 Transformational leadership
“Transformational” leaders are focused on “transforming” their employees’ priorities to reflect the interest of the group. This involves the use of collaboration and open communication. Transformational leaders influence people and events. Most women identify themselves this way.

14 Variables of Transformational Leadership
Idealized Influence Inspiration Intellectual stimulation Individualized consideration Broadening and elevating follower goals Performance beyond expectations Transactional Leadership Contingent reward Management by exception (active or passive) Laissez faire Transactional leadership - leader exerts influence during daily exchanges with employees without much emotion contingent reward - rewards in exchange for reaching mutually agreed upon goals active mgt. by exception - watch for deviations from rules and then take corrective actions passive mgt. by exception - intervene only if stds not met laissez faire - avoiding decisions Transformational leadership charisma - vision, sense of mission inspiration - high expectations intellectual stimulation - promotes intelligence individualized consideration - personal attention, coaches and advises Leader/follower exchange Agreed upon performance

15 Human Resources Management in HealthCare
Oleh : Arief Alamsyah Human Resources Management in HealthCare

16 Masuk Rumah Sakit Pasien Moment of Truth (MOT) Petugas Tukang parkir
Pendaftaran Satpam Kasier Dokter Perawat Petugas Apotik Lab. Petugas Rontgent

17 National Health System Components
1 Delivery of Care 2.Health Financing 3.Human Resources 4.Drugs and Products 5.Community Empowerment

18 RS terkesan Doctor Oriented Padahal SDM RS sangat Kompleks : - Perawat - Ahli Gizi - Ekonom - Analis - Fisioterapis - Radiografer - Satpam - Tukang Cuci (Laundry)

19 Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.32 Tahun 1996
Tenaga Kesehatan terdiri atas : Tenaga Medis Tenaga Keperawatan Tenaga Kefarmasian Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat Tenaga Gizi Tenaga Keterapian Fisik, ex : physiotherapist, speech therapist Tenaga Keteknisian Medis, ex : radiografer

20 The lack of unity for health
Source: Dr. Charles.Boelen, Towards Unity for Health, WHO Geneva, 2000 Policy Makers Mrs TalkWell Dr ButCare Health Managers Health Professions Mr AllDone Prof KnowAll Academic Institutions Communities WantAll

21 Sub Cultures In Healthcare Organization
Basic Assumptions Sub Culture Medical Nursing Managerial Relationship to Environment Basic Identity Relevant environments Position vis- a vis environment Nature of Reality & Truth Basic Orientation Criteria of verifiability Time Orientation Essence of Human Nature Basic Nature Mutability Nature of Human Relationship Relationship between people Relationship between organization Expert, specialist Scientific, Technical Dominant Physical , External criteria Scientific Test, authorities Past & Present Neutral Own group members mutable, doubting others Inviduality, competition Paternalism, collegial Helpers, supporters Socio-cultural Harmonious & symbiotic Physical, social Traditional, moral dogma Past & present Same Collaterality, group consensus Participation, delegation Public autorities Economic, political Physical Authorities, rational-legal Past &Present Collaterality, autocratic Paternalism, consultation

22 Definisi MSDM Serangkaian keputusan untuk mengelola hubungan ketenagakerjaan (calon pegawai, pegawai & pensiunan) secara optimal mulai dari rekruitmen, seleksi, penempatan, pemeliharaan (kompensasi &kesejahteraan) dan pengembangan, (karir, pendidikan & pelatihan ) serta terminasi, untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (memelihara dan meningkatkan performansi)

23 Aktivitas Manajemen SDM
Perencanaan SDM Rekruitmen dan Seleksi Penilaian Kinerja Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Pemberian Kompensasi Pemeliharaan Karyawan Hubungan Karyawan

24 Aktivitas MSDM Kompetensi Yang Dibutuhkan Penilaian Kinerja
Kompensasi Pelatihan & pengembangan Perencanaan Rekrutmen Seleksi Penilaian Kinerja Pemeliharaan (karir) Hubungan Karyawan Kompetensi Yang Dibutuhkan

25 Recuitment is the act or process of an organization attempting to obtain additional manpower for operational purpose Recutiment including the identification and evaluation of source, is major step in the total staffing process. It continues with inventories of capabilities, recuitment, selection, placement and orientation

26 Tingkat Absensi (TA) TA Hari Kerja yang Hilang
= Hari Karyawan Bekerja + Hari Karyawan Tidak berkerja Seorang ahli gizi full timer total hari kerja sebulan rata-rata 25 hari, bekerja 13 hari, jumlah hari tidak bekerja 12 hari TA = 12/ 25 X 100% = 50%

27 Turn Over Accession Rate (AR), karena keluar
Separation Rate (SR), karena pemecatan Andaikata suatu RS memiliki 800 karyawan, dimana selama itu terjadi 16 kali karyawan keluar dan 24 kali pemecatan maka AR 16/800 X 100% = 2 % SR 24/800 X 100% = 3% Replacement rate minimal sama dengan AR

28 Selecting is chossing. The selection process involves picking out by preference some objects from among others.

29 Success Profile What I Know (Knowledge) What I can Do (Competency)
What I have Done (Experience) Personal Traits (Personality)

30 Selection Process Successive Hurdles Harus lulus secara bertahap
Compensatory Kekurangan di salah satu faktor dapat ditutup oleh faktor lain

31 Successive Hurdles STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP Seleksi Berkas Tes
Wawancara Personality Check Cek Kesehatan Diterima

32 Compensatory STOP Berkas Tes Personality Diterima Cek Kesehatan

33 Orientasi Disebut juga proses induksi. Memperkenalkan para karyawan baru terhadap peranan atau kedudukan mereka di organisasi dan dengan para karyawan lain

34 Manfaat Program Orientasi
Tenaga kerja baru (new comers) menjadi faham terhadap organisasi di mana mereka bekerja Mengurangi rasa kekhawatiran bagi tenaga kerja baru akan masa depanya Penyelia, atasan langsung,rekan sekerja akan lebih yakin, bahwa tenaga kerja baru akan bekerja dengan baik dan benar Mengurangi akan turn over

35 Orientasi Masalah Organisasional Sejarah Singkat Organisasi
Struktur, visi, misi,values, ritual Nama dan jabatan direktur Lay out Rumah Sakit Periode Percobaan Policy, aturan, sangsi Buku Pedoman Karyawan Proses Pelayanan Hal lain penting masalah pelayanan Perkenalan Dengan Supervisor Dengan instruktur (CI) Dengan rekan sekerja Dengan bagian HRD Ke HRD-an (Tunjangan-tunjangan Karyawan) Skala Penggajian Cuti dan Liburan Jam Istirahat Latihan dan Pendidikan Konseling Asuransi Program Pensiun Pelayanan organisasi terhadap Karyawan Lain-2 misal Kopkar Tugas-tugas Jabatan (Khusus) Lokasi Pekerjaan Tugas-tugas Pekerjaan Alur Orientasi Fungsi jabatan SOP-SOP Hubunganya dengan pekerjaan lain

36 Contoh Alur Orientasi perawat baru
UGD 1 minggu Poli 1 minggu Tes Dengan CI Specific care 3 hari Ruangan Kelas 3 1 minggu Ruangan Kelas 1 dan 2 2 minggu Penempatan

37 Pelatihan dan Pengembangan
Definisi Pelatihan Pelatihan adalah serangkaian aktivitas yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan keahlian-keahlian, pengetahuan, pengalaman, ataupun perubahan sikap seorang individu. Pelatihan berkenaan dengan perolehan keahlian-keahlian atau pengetahuan tertentu.

38 Two-Sides of Skills Hard Skills Soft Skills

39 Program Satuan Pelatihan (PSP)
PENGERTIAN : Bentuk suatu perencanaan sistematis program pelatihan yang mencakup: Tujuan pelatihan yang akan dicapai Lingkup materi pelatihan Strategi pelaksanaan pelatihan Sumber / referensi

40 Komponen PSP 1. Topik / pokok bahasan 2. Prasyarat kemampuan peserta
3. Tujuan pelatihan 4. Materi pelatihan 5. Kegiatan belajar mengajar 6. Alat, media, dan bahan pelatihan 7. Evaluasi

41 Format PSP

42 Motivating people …

43 Relationship of Various Needs Theories
Hygiene Factors Need for Achievement Need for Power Need for Affiliation Self-Actualization Esteem Affiliation Security Physiological Motivators Relatedness Existence Growth Maslow Alderfer Herzberg McClelland Material pertinent to this illustration is found on page 125.

44 Motivation Motivation as…
Energizing condition of organism that serves to direct that organism toward the goal of certain class Motivation is…. An inner impulse that determines what people do and the energy and enthusiasm with which they do it (WHO,1992, On Being in Charge)

45 The Motivational Process (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, 1994)
Need Deficiences Search for ways to Satisfy needs Need deficinecies reassessed By the employee The Employee Reward or Punishments Goal directed Behaviour Performance (Evaluation of goal Accomplished)

46 A Hierarchy of Work Motivation (5 stages Original Version, Maslow)
Self Actualization Needs Personal growth Realization of potential Esteem Needs Status Symbols,reputation Belongingness & Love Needs Relationship, work grooup Safety Needs Protection, security, law Biological & Physiological Needs Food, shelter,sex, sleep

47 Alderfer’s ERG Theory (Luthans 9th, 2002)
Existence needs : Kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan eksistensi pegawai (Makan, minum, pakaian, gaji, keamanan kerja) Relatedness needs : Kebutuhan interpersonal yaitu kepuasan berinteraksi Growth needs : Kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan diri

48 McClelland’s Learned needs Theory (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, 1994)
Need for achievement : Kebutuhan untuk berprestasi yang merupakan refleksi dari dorongan akan tanggungjawab untuk memecahkan masalah Need for affiliation : Kebutuhan untuk berafiliasi yang merupakan dorongan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain Need for Power : Kebutuhan untuk kekuasaan yang merupakan refleksi dari dorongan untuk mencapai otoritas dan mempengaruhi orang lain

49 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation (Luthans 9th, 2002)
Hygiene Factors (Dissatisfiers) Motivators Company Policy & Administration Supervisor Salary Interpersonal Relation Working Conditions Achievement Recognition Work Itself Responsibility Advancement

50 KOMPENSASI Finansial Non Finansial Langsung Tak Langsung Pekerjaan
Gaji Pokok Upah Gaji Penghasilan Tidak Tetap Bonus Insentif Opsi saham Tak Langsung Program proteksi Pensiun Fasilitas Bayaran di luar jam kerja Pekerjaan Tugas yang menarik Tantangan Tanggung jawab Pengakuan Pencapaian Lingkungan Kebijakan yang sehat Rekan kerja yang mendukung Supervisi yang kompeten lingkungan yang nyaman

51 Thank You For Your Kind Attention

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