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Theresia Tiaranita 08-2804 VI i  Topik : Reading  Judul : Improving Reading Comprehension Through Cooperative Learning Method to The Seven Grade Students.

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2 Theresia Tiaranita 08-2804 VI i

3  Topik : Reading  Judul : Improving Reading Comprehension Through Cooperative Learning Method to The Seven Grade Students of SMP Santo Yusuf Tegaljaya in Academic Year 2011/2012  Latar Belakang : Reading adalah skill bahasa yang penting karena tanpa reading siswa tidak mendapat informasi melalui reading text  book, novel, newspaper, dan majalah.

4  Rumusan masalah : Kurangnya minat siswa dalam hal membaca sehingga dibutuhkan metode pembelajaran yang menarik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam hal membaca melalui Cooperative Learning Method  Tujuan : Menigkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam hal bahasa Inggris khususnya reading ( membaca ) melalui cooperative learning method sehingga dapat membuat siswa lebih tertarik dan dapat menciptakan suasana kelas yang kondusive.

5 Various techniques and many ways may be used to express themes.techniques ● Leitwortstil Leitwortstil is the purposeful saying of words throughout a literary piece that usually expresses a motif or theme important to the story.motif This technique is also used frequently in classical Hebrew narratives. ● Thematic patterning Thematic patterning is "the distribution of recurrent thematic concepts and moralistic motifs among the various incidents and frames of a story. Thematic patterning may be arranged so as to emphasize the unifying argument or salient idea which disparate events and disparate frames have in common". motifs

6 1. Theme are expressed and emphazised by the way the author makes us feel by sharing feeling of the main character. 2. Themes are presented in thoughts and conversation 3. Themes are suggested throught the characters. 4. The action or events in the story are used to suggest theme.


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