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Agung Nusantara Respons relatif jumlah barang X yang diminta terhadap perubahan harga barang X  = (  Qx/Qx) : (  Px/Px)

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Presentasi berjudul: "Agung Nusantara Respons relatif jumlah barang X yang diminta terhadap perubahan harga barang X  = (  Qx/Qx) : (  Px/Px)"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Agung Nusantara E-mail:

2 Respons relatif jumlah barang X yang diminta terhadap perubahan harga barang X  = (  Qx/Qx) : (  Px/Px)

3  Qx  Px  = --------------------- + ---------------------- (Qx b – Qx a )/2 (Px b – Px a )/2 P/t Q/t A B Pa Pb QaQb

4 P/t Q/t A Pa Qa  Qx/Qx  = -------------------  Px/Px

5 ClassificationResponsivenessCoefficient Elastic%  Q > %  P  > 1 Inelastic%  Q < %  P  < 1 Unitary%  Q = %  P  = 1 Special Cases: a. Completely Inelastic b. Infinitely Elastic %  Q = 0 %  P = 0  = 0  = infinite

6 1.Number of substitute goods 2.The greater proportion of spending on an item to consumers total income 3.Consumer expectations 4.The longer the time period allowed consumers to adjust their spending habits

7 CoefficientClassificationEffect on Total Revenue  > 1Elastic P naik sedikit berdampak penurunan Q lebih besar  < 1InelasticP naik besar berdampak penurunan Q sedikit  = 1UnitaryPeningkatan P seimbang dengan penurunan Q

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