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Technology of Snack Foods and Candy

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Presentasi berjudul: "Technology of Snack Foods and Candy"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Technology of Snack Foods and Candy

2 Overview 1st : Introduction 2nd : Sweeteners 3rd : Other Ingredients
4th : Chocolate 5th : Candy Cooking 6th : Type of Candy 7th : Type of Candy

3 Introduction Definition and Scope of Confectionery Industry
History and Development of Confectionery Industry Type of Candy Food Safety of Candy Future Chances of Candy

4 Sweeteners Type of Sweeteners in Candy Making (Natural and Artificial Sweeteners) Function of Sweeteners as Raw Material in Candy Making Sweeteners Specification, Relative Sweetness and Crystal Size

5 Other ingredients Flavouring, certified color, edible fat, protein, gelatin, antioxidant, acidulant, doctoring agent, surface active agent, lechitin, starch, gelatinizing agent, gum, glaze, pectin, waxes and coconut Function and Specification

6 Chocolate Ingredients and Type of Chocolate Chocolate Processing
Quality and Damage of Chocolate Product Chocolate Veneering Technology Veneering = pelapisan/topping

7 Candy cooking Introduction Principle of Candy Processing
Stages of Sugar Temperature Principle of Crystallization Unusual Form of Candy

8 Type of candy Crystallin & non-crystallin Candy Soft & Hard Candy
Sugar & chocolate confectionery Definition, Raw Material, Process and Quality Candy marketting Research and Development

9 Definition & Scope Of Confectionery Industry
Confectionery is the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection. Modern usage may include substances rich in artificial sweeteners as well. Generally, confections are low in nutritional value but rich in calories.

10 Cont. Definition & Scope
Scope of Confectionery Industry : Include : Sweets Lollipops candy bars Chocolate cotton candy and other sweet items of snack food.

11 Some of the categories and types of confectionery include :
Fudge Hard sweet Toffee Chocolate Jelly Marshmallow Marzipan Nougat Caramel Fondant.

12 Cont’d The term does not generally apply to : Cakes Biscuits puddings
which require cutlery to consume, although exceptions such as petit fours or meringues exist.

13 Regional Name of Candy U.S.A.  candy
U.K.  sweets is also used for the extensive variety of candies that comprise confectionery. Britain, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries  sweets or sweeties In some parts of England : spogs, spice, joy joy and goodies In North-West England, especially Lancashire : toffees is often used as a generic term for all confectionery. Northeast England and the Scottish Borders : derivative of chuddy, a localised term for chewing gum. In Australia and New Zealand  "lollies".

14 Sejarah Pembuatan Permen
Permen karet  Penduduk Yukatan (Indian di Meksiko) : “cikili” dari getah pohon sapodila  Orang Yunani : “Matische” dari getah pohon damar  Suku Maya mengunyah getah pohon sapodilia  Suku Indian Amerika Utara : getah pohon cemara dan lilin lebah

15 1848 : John Curtis  permen karet “State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum”
1869 : William Finley  paten permen karet 1870 : Thomas Adams  paten mesin karet 1899 : Franklin Canning  karet fungsional untuk gigi 1914 : William Wrigley  Wrigley Doublemint 1928 : Walter Diemer  permen karet tiup

16 Sejarah Permen Di Inggris  abad ke 15
Di Amerika  abad 17 Permen dari pohon maple Jenis Permen : Liquorice, marshmallow, marzipan (Belanda), praline, sugar plums 1778 : Belanda mengekspor 5 ton permen jahe dari Batavia ke Eropa Di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah  permen jahe “Gember Bonbons”. Pasuruan, Jawa Timur  permen jahe “SINA”

17 Sejarah Permen di Jepang
1549 : Konpeito (bahasa portugis) Bahan baku : gula  mahal (pada saat itu) Konpeito sebagai suvenir/hadiah bagi kaisar Jepang Abad 16 : Industri pembuatan konpeito Wagashi  permen tradisional jepang, biasanya disajikan dng the Amzaiku : seni permen Jepang

18 1868 : Albert Bickmore & Joseph Stockdale dalam Buku “Travels in the East Indian Archipelago” : Indonesia memiliki potensi pohon asem yang melimpah  Permen Gula asem 1875 : coklat susu di Swiss 1904 : William Morrison & John Wharton  Gulali Abad 19 : hard candy

19 Sejarah Permen Permen berasal dari bahasa Arab (gand i)  konfeksi gula Madu : bahan baku permen Cina, India, Timur Tengah, Mesir, Yunani, Romawi menggunakan madu untuk melapisi buah, bunga, biji2an.

20 karet fudge fondant marsmallow toffe Hard candy Permen jelly nougat

21 Candy Classification Based on Major Raw Material : Sugar Confectionery
Chocolate Confectionery Based on Texture : Crystalline (Cream taste, Ex : Fondant, fudge) Non-Crystalline (Amorphous, Ex : Hard candy, Chewy, Soft candy)

22 Candy Classification There are many kind of candy (more than 10 types). Based on the raw material, candy is divided into three categories : 1. Hard Candy 2. Soft Candy 3. The third group (main ingredients is non sugar)

23 Hard candy Consist almost entirely of sugars, with addition of small amounts of flavoring and color Ex : pepper mint sticks, fruit drops, clear mint, rock candy

24 Soft Candy Consist of sugar to which no more than 5 percent of other ingredients have been added Ex : marshmallow, nougat

25 The Third Group Contains large properties of ingredients other than sugars Ex : fudge, caramels, chocolates, etc

26 ASSIGNMENT Membuat artikel atau makalah tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pembuatan permen di negara sbb : Australia Afrika Selatan Belgia China Indonesia Italia India Irlandia Jerman Jepang Kanada Meksiko New Zealand Swiss UK USA

27 ASSIGNMENT Mengelompokkan jenis permen yang beredar di pasar atau supermarket berdasarkan komposisi bahan bakunya (Hard, Soft, other group). Cantumkan pula komposisinya. Prospek ke depan untuk masing-masing permen.

28 ASSIGNMENT Soft Candy : Format Makalah : Hard Candy : Kertas A4
Permen karet : Permen jelly : Marsmallow : Cotton candy : Pastilles : Fondant : Tofee : Fudge : Nougat : Format Makalah : Kertas A4 Huruf Arial 11 pt Spasi 1,5 Margin 3 cm, kecuali kiri 4 cm Presentasi. Isi : Bahan baku, Proses, Prospek ke depan Soft copy dan ppt dikumpulkan

29 Food Safety BMI Classification < 18.5 underweight
18.5–24.9 normal weight 25.0–29.9 overweight 30.0–34.9 class I obesity 35.0–39.9 class II obesity ≥ class III obesity Obesity Diabetes Melitus Type 2 Tooth Decay BMI = kilograms / meters2

30 Food Safety Aman…asal….
Jumlah yang dikonsumsi per hari tidak berlebihan Perhatikan komposisinya ! Imbangi dengan pola hidup sehat (ex : pola diet, olahraga teratur) Keseimbangan antara aktivitas harian dengan makanan yang dikonsumsi

31 Health Consequences of Fat Mass Increasing
Medical Field Condition Cardiology Ischemic heart disease: angina and myocardial infarction Congestive heart failure High blood pressure Abnormal cholesterol levels Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism Dermatology Stretch marks Acanthosis nigricans Lymphedema Cellulitis Hirsutism Intertrigo Endrocrinology & Reproductive Medicine Diabetes mellitus Polycystic ovarian syndrome Menstrual disorders Infertility Complications during pregnancy Birth defects Intrauterine fetal death

32 Health Consequences of Fat Mass Increasing
Medical Field Condition Gastrointestinal Gastroesophageal reflux disease Fatty liver disease Cholelithiasis Neurology Stroke Meralgia paresthetica Migraines Carpal tunnel syndrome Dementia Idiopathic intracranial hypertension Multiple sclerosis Oncology Breast, ovarian Esophageal, colorectal Liver, pancreatic Gallbladder, stomach Endometrial, cervical Prostate, kidney Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma

33 Health Consequences of Fat Mass Increasing
Medical Field Condition Respirology Obstructive sleep apnea Obesity hypoventilation syndrome Asthma Increased complications during general anaesthesia Rheumatology & Orthopedics Gout Poor mobility Osteoarthritis Low back pain Urology & Nephrology Erectile dysfunction Urinary incontinence Chronic renal failure Hypogonadism Psychiatry Depression in women Social stigmatization

34 Future Chances of Candy
Ingredient Substitution Texture stabilization Shelflife Improvement Reduction of ionic equipment effect Develop a new and better quality candy : more nutritious  higher sales + profit

35 Future Chances Low calorie Low carbohydrate Sugar free Guilt free


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