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Entrance bienvenue dans ma vie. See the other side of her table of content: 2 ND PAGE TABLE OF CONTENT PERSONAL INTEREST ALL ABOUT CAROLINE EVENTS IN.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Entrance bienvenue dans ma vie. See the other side of her table of content: 2 ND PAGE TABLE OF CONTENT PERSONAL INTEREST ALL ABOUT CAROLINE EVENTS IN."— Transcript presentasi:

1 entrance bienvenue dans ma vie

2 See the other side of her table of content: 2 ND PAGE TABLE OF CONTENT PERSONAL INTEREST ALL ABOUT CAROLINE EVENTS IN MY LIFE WHAT I LOVE EDUCATION editor’s favourite: “it is caroline’s secret world”

3 life goes on. “ good and bad things; they don’t last for ever. that all will pass.

4 A L L A B O U T C A R O L I N E the name is CAROLINE Jakarta, 7 th February 1993 born on e-mail @olineleeCaroline Lie

5 E D U C A T I O N SMPK Sang Timur, Jakarta year of 2005-2008 SMA Regina Pacis, Jakarta year of 2008-2011 alumni of: current education: Tarumanagara University, Jakarta Accounting; Economics Faculty

6 P E R S O N A L I N T E R E S T hobbies reading books, travelling, knitting movies & books harry potter, narnia, percy jackson, agatha christie collection, etc songs songs michael bublé, robbie williams, christina aguilera,

7 E V E N T S I N M Y L I F E 1 st time Makrab joining musical drama: Sound of Music

8 being a cheerleader going to Vippasana Graha going to Prambanan Temple

9 W H A T I L O V E polyvore pinterest tumblr instagram

10 buah mangga enak rasanya Si manalagi, ya tuan, paling ternama cukuplah sudah kita berjumpa sampai disini, kita berpisah… “ “

11 grazie.

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