History Of Cajon When African Slaves were brought to South-America, they were not allowed to play drums. They started to use simple wooden boxes and shipping crates as substitutes and The Cajon was born. The English translation of the spanish word “Caja” is “box”. The Cajon was developed as an instrument, and nowdays many different variations exist. VariationsDifferent Cajon Peruano (Traditional) 1800 M Plays the traditional music of Peru and Cuba Doesn’t use snares Only has a Wooden Have very dry sound Cajon Cubano 1900 M used in the Afro-Cuban Rumba the slowest of the 3 Rumba variations, played by three cajon players Cajon Flamenco 1970 M Plays the Flamenco musik add a guitar string to the inside of the playing surface complements perfectly the sound of the guitar Cajon Modern the sound of the instrument very similar to the sound of a drumset usually perform with a drumset appreciate the cajon for softer acustic settings
THE PROFIT OF CAJON THAN DRUM CajonDrum Pricecheapexpensive Efficiencysimplecomplicated FlexibilityEasy to moveDifficult to move SpesificationAcoustic musicAll genre music
THE PARTS OF DRUM Snare Drum Rack Tom DrumFloor Tom Drum Bass Drum
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