Introduction Infrastruktur mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan Speed responsiveness Infrastruktur e-bisnis Arsitektur jaringan Hardware Software aplikasi Akses data dan aplikasi e-bisnis
Introducion Menurut Zwass, framework untuk internet terdiri dari: Infrastruktur Services Product and services
Introduction I E-business services – application layer CRM, supply chain management, data mining, content management systems II System software layer Web browser and server software and standards, networking software and database management systems III Transport or Network Layer Physical network and transport standards (TCP/IP) IV Storage /physical Layer Permanent magnetic storage on web servers or optical backup or temporary storage in memory(RAM) V Content and data layer Web content for intranet, extranet and internet sites, customers’ data, transaction data, clicktream data
What is the internet?? The Internet Timeline Just how big is the internet? Intranet dan ekstranet What is the world wide web? Web browsers and servers Web 2.0 Internet-access software applications Electronic mail or Blogs Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Voice over IP (VoIP)
How does it work? Internet Standards Networking standards The HTTP protocol Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) Domain Names Web presentation and data exchange standards
Who controls the Internet? ICANN, The internet society ( The internet engineering task force (IETF, The word wide web consortium ( Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture consortium TINA-c (
Managing e-business infrastructure Managing hardware and system software infrastructure Internet service provider
Managing employee access to the internet and
Managing e-business application infrastructure
Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA)
New access devices Mobile access device Interactive digital television
The future of the internet infrastructure