
Presentasi serupa

Jenis dan Ragam TIK Oleh : R. Arri Widyanto.
CPU dan Memori Utama.
Alat input ,Output dan pengolongan komputer
Perangkat Keras dan Lunak
Teknologi Informasi.
Alat Input / Masukan Segala sesuatu yang masuk ke dalam sistem
Hardware Hardware Merupakan komponen-komponen fisik peralatan yang membentuk suatu sistem komputer, serta peralatan-peralatan lain yang mendukung komputer.
Gambar Konfigurasi Komputer
1 Pertemuan 1 Introduction Matakuliah: sistem Operasi Tahun: 2010.
H A R D W A R E K O M P U T E R.
1 Pertemuan 17 Input / Output Matakuliah: T0316/sistem Operasi Tahun: 2005 Versi/Revisi: 5.
Pengenalan Sistem Operasi
Memory and Storage Chapter 24 Subject: Digital System Year: 2009.
Perangkat Teknologi Forensik
Komputer sebagai alat bantu sistem informasi
Materi Sesi ke 3 Dasar-dasar Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Pengertian Teknologi Informasi Komponen Teknologi Informasi
Pengenalan Hardware & Software
Perangkat Keras Komputer (Hardware)
Hardware: Input and Output
Perangkat Teknologi Forensik
Oleh Lasminiasih, SE,.MM Teknologi komputer.
BIOS (Basic Input Output System) System Operasi
TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Jenis-jenis sistem komputer.
Chapter 3: Computer Hardware
Pertemuan 3 Tinjauan Piranti Keras komputer
Gambar Konfigurasi Komputer
TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Jenis-jenis sistem komputer.
Dasar Pemrosesan Komputer
Sistem dan Teknologi Perangkat Keras Komputer
Hardware Hardware Merupakan komponen-komponen fisik peralatan yang membentuk suatu sistem komputer, serta peralatan-peralatan lain yang mendukung komputer.
Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi
Alat Input / Masukan Segala sesuatu yang masuk ke dalam sistem
Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Introduction to Computers and Networks
Teknologi Informasi : Prespektif Manajemen
Pertemuan Ke – 2 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer
Alat Input / Masukan Segala sesuatu yang masuk ke dalam sistem
Pertemuan I Pengenalan Komputer 9/8/
Pengantar Teknologi Informasi
Perangkat Lunak Komputer Created by: Kusnul Kotimah.
Pengantar Teknologi Informasi 3. Sistem Komputer
Chapter 3: Computer Hardware
Pengenalan Komputer dan Perangkatnya
Jaringan Komputer.
Hardware Merupakan komponen-komponen fisik peralatan yang membentuk suatu sistem komputer, serta peralatan- peralatan lain yang mendukung komputer dalam.
KELOMPOK 6 Arranged by Group 3 Adam Pangestu ( ) Muhammad Arif( ) Mohammad Lutfi( ) Mala Sari( ) Noor Fajri( )
Transcript presentasi:


3 Computer Hardware Chapter Sejarah komputer Jenis sistem komputer Komponen Hardware dan fungsi peripheral computer

Learning Objectives Mengetahui sejarah dan evolusi perangkat keras komputer. Mengidentifikasi jenis dan penggunaan utama sistem komputer mikro, midrange/medium dan mainframe. Keutamaan teknologi komputer dan penggunaan peripheral komputer untuk input, output, dan penyimpanan

Learning Objectives Mengidentifikasi sistem komputer dan contoh komponen serta fungsi sistem komputer. 5. Mengidentifikasi sistem komputer dan peripheral kemudian memilih nya (sistem komputer) untuk direkomendasikan pekaiannya pada dunia bisnis, dan menjelaskan alasan untuk pilihan Anda.

Case 1: Mobile devices and wireless technologies are a must-have Cost isn’t the issue – connectivity is (cost tidak masalah - konektivitas adalah) The challenge/tantangan: Menyediakan kemampuan komputasi mobile dan Memberi aplikasi sehingga mereka dapat digunakan pada layar LCD kecil.

Case Study Questions Apakah ada manfaat yang bisa mewujudkan dalam organisasi dengan menghubungkan seluruh karyawan mereka dengan perangkat mobile? Apakah CIO dalam kasus, mengatakan bahwa ROI tidak penting ketika pengemb pangan erangkat komputasi mobile? Jelaskan posisi Anda. Pada kasus ini menunjukkan bahwa perangkat mobile (BlackBerry) semakin populer. Apa saja tentangan BlackBerry yang membuatnya begitu populer? Check out Penelitian di website Gerak di untuk membantu dengan jawaban Anda. .

Real World Internet Activity Perangkat mobile BlackBerry, sekarang ini sangat populer, hanyalah salah satu dari beberapa perangkat mobile yang ada untuk komunikasi mobile dan messaging. Using the Internet Siapakah pesaing utama BlackBerry, ? Strategi apa yang mereka gunakan untuk memajukan produk mereka ke pasar? Apakah fitur, harga, merek, atau sesuatu yang lain? Apakah BlackBerry benar-benar pemimpin

Real World Group Activity Salah satu pengguna nirkabel, teknologi mobile yang dijelaskan dalam kasus ini adalah Kepolisian Negara Massachusetts. Yang dapat memberikan kemampuan untuk cepat mendapatkan informasi tentang orang-orang yang mencurigakan. Seperti Untuk menggagalkan terorisme. In small groups, Dapatkah Anda memikirkan cara-cara lain untuk penegakan hukum yang dapat menggunakan teknologi nirkabel untuk memerangi kejahatan dan meningkatkan keamanan publik? Apakah potensi masalah yang mungkin timbul dengan praktek?

Calculating pre-computer Mengandalkan jari tangan dan kaki Abacus/Sempoa : memanipulasi batu atau manik-manik untuk menghitung: Menghitung Kata berasal dari kalkulus, kata Latin untuk batu kecil Pertama menambahkan mesin mekanik Diciptakan oleh Blaise Pascal in 1642 Wheels/roda to move counters Machines in the age/diera of industrialization Teknik tenun dengan cara menekan kartu berlubang,  

Early computing (awal komputasi) Charles Babbage and Analytical Engine Abad ke-19 Mesin hitung, Data, nilai-nilai hitung yang tersimpan dalam memori dan melakukan perbandingan logis. Mekanik dan bukan elektronik Herman Hollerith and sensus 1890 Punched cards to merekam data sensus Cards read in machine tabulasi Hollerith’s company pergi dan menjadi IBM Mesin Babbage tidak pernah selesai. Ini bekerja sangat mirip dengan komputer modern dengan unit perhitungan (CPU) dan memori. Tapi belum elektronik. Mesin Hollerith adalah mesin penghitungan yang rumit yang bisa menghitung data sensus. Dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, biro Sensus takut bahwa mereka tidak akan mampu untuk tabulasi sensus tahun 1890-an. Hollerith memungkinkan untuk cepat menghitung data. Babbage’s machine was never completed. It worked very similarly to the modern computer with a calculating unit (CPU) and memory. It was not electronic. Hollerith’s machine was an elaborate counting machine that could count census data. Tabulating the 1880 census was done by hand and took years. With the growth of the population, the Census bureau was afraid that they would not be able to tabulate the 1890’s census. Hollerith made it possible to quickly count the data.

Electronic computers ENIAC – komputer digital dan elektronik pertama 1946 Programmable 5000 calculations per second Used vacuum tubes First generation computer Kekurangan: ukuran bear dan hanya bisa melakukan satu program pada satu waktu ENIAC dikembangkan untuk tabel penembakan Perang Dunia II. Belum selesai pada waktu perang, tetapi kemudian menjadi dasar untuk komputasi modern. Perbandingan kecepatan untuk PC modern saat ini yang melakukan jutaan perhitungan per detik. Compare speed to today’s modern PC that does millions of calculations per second.

Next wave of computing (Selanjutnya gelombang komputasi) Second generation, akhir 1950-an : Transistor menggantikan tabung vakum 200.000 sampai 250.000 kalkulasi per detik Third generation, pertengahan 1960-an Integrated circuitry, miniaturization (sirkuit terpadu, miniaturisasi) Fourth generation, 1971 Selanjutnya miniaturisasi sirkuit Multiprogramming and virtual storage Fifth generation, 1980s Millions of calculations per second (Jutaan kalkulasi per detik)

Microcomputers 1975, ALTAIR, flicking (menjentikkan) switches 1977, Commodore and Radio Shack produce personal computers (menghasilkan komputer pribadi) 1979, Apple computer, selling PC tercepat, sdh banyak tersebar di kalangan akademis. Peneliti dan profesional 1982, IBM introduces the PC which changes the market (IBM memperkenalkan PC yang mengubah pasar) PC membuat komputasi untuk semua orang Kombinasi PC dan jaringan dengan Internet mengubah dunia PCs make computing for everybody Combination of PC and networks with the Internet changed the world

Computer System Categories

Microcomputer Systems Personal Computer (PC) – microcomputer for use by an individual Desktop – fit on meja kantor Laptop – kecil, portable PC

Recommended features for PC Periksa dan untuk fitur PC terbaru yg tersedia Check and for the latest PC features available

Microcomputer Systems Workstation – PC, jaringan kuat untuk bisnis profesional Network Server – mikrokomputer yang lebih kuat, yang mengkoordinasikan telekomunikasi, dan berbagi sumber daya dalam jaringan kecil Students will confuse Network server with Network computer. You need to distinguish the two.

How corporate buyers choose PCs (Bagaimana perusahaan pembeli memilih PC) Solid performance at a reasonable price (Padat kinerja dengan harga yang wajar) Operating system ready Connectivity – antarmuka jaringan handal, serta atau kemampuan nirkabel yang handal Most users don’t need the top of the line computer with super fast processor or huge RAM or hard drive

Terminals Devices/perangkat yang memungkinkan akses ke jaringan Dumb terminals – keyboard dan monitor video dengan pengolahan terbatas Intelligent terminals – jaringan PC atau jaringan komputer diubah menjadi jaringan komputer Network terminals or computers Windows terminals tergantung pada server jaringan untuk perangkat lunak, pengolahan dan penyimpanan Internet terminals tergantung ke Internet, atau Intranet untuk sistem operasi dan perangkat lunak Dumb terminal sedang dihapus untuk terminal lebih cerdas Dumb terminals are being phased out for more intelligent terminals

Information Appliances (Informasi Peralatan) Hand-held microcomputer devices Personal digital assistants (PDA) BlackBerry Video-game consoles atau monitor Internet enabled cellular phones (Internet memungkinkan telepon selular)

Midrange systems High-end network servers Minicomputers for penelitian ilmiah dan pemantauan proses industri Less costly to membeli, mengoperasikan dan memelihara dari mainframe

Mainframe Computer Systems Large/besar, cepat, sistem komputer yang kuat (powerful computer systems) Large primary storage capacity (Besar kapasitas penyimpanan utama) High transaction processing (pemrosesan transaksi tingggi)) Complex computations (perhitungan yang komplek) Can be used as superservers for large companies (Dapat digunakan sebagai SuperServers untuk perusahaan besar)

Supercomputer Systems Extremely powerful systems (system sangat kuat) Scientific/ilmiah, engineering/teknik dan aplikasi bisnis pada kecepatan sangat tinggi Peramalan cuaca global, pertahanan militer. Pemrosesan paralel dengan ribuan mikroprosesor Miliaran operasi per detik Minisupercomputers biaya ratusan ribu dolar

Computer hardware functions Input Keyboards, mouse, scanner optik Convert data into electronic form Processing Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic-logic unit : melakukan perhitungan aritmatic dan functions Logic Control unit : mengendalikan proses data dan seluruh kegitan operasi system Output Video display units, printers, etc. Mengkonversi informasi elektronik menjadi bentuk yang dimengerti manusia A computer is a system with input, processing, output, storage and control

Computer hardware functions Storage Primary Storage Unit or memory Secondary Storage Magnetic disks and Optical disks Control Control unit of the CPU : Controls the other components of the computer A computer is a system with input, processing, output, storage and control

Computer Processing Speeds Milidetik - seperseribu detik Mikrodetik - juta per detik Nanodetik - miliar detik Picosecond - seper sekian detik If a person took one step per nanosecond, they would circle the earth 20 times in one second

Computer Processing Speeds MIPS – Million/(juta) Instructions Per Second. Teraflops - Trillions of floating point operations per second (pada Supercomputer) Clock speed of the computer: Megahertz (MHz) – millions of cycles per second Gigahertz (GHz) – billions/milyaran of cycles per second.

Moore’s Law Hukum Moore menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan komputer akan berlipat ganda setiap 18 sampai 24 bulan. Sejauh itu. Selain itu, harga tingkat tertentu kekuasaan akan dipotong setengah setiap 18 sampai 24 bulan. Juga berlaku untuk biaya penyimpanan Moore’s law suggests that computer power will double every 18 to 24 months. So far it has. Additionally, the price of a given level of power will be cut in half every 18 to 24 months. Also holds for storage costs.

Case 2: The business value of customer self-service kiosks Self-service kiosks at airports Northwest Airlines mengatakan bahwa lebih dari setengah pelanggan berhak memilih self-service check-in Delta mengatakan bahwa kios mencukur 5 sampai 15 menit waktu antri pelanggan Penghematan biaya yang besar: Vancouver Airport akan membutuhkan tambahan 145 check-in counter tanpa kios Networked special-purpose microcomputer terminals

Technology of self-service kiosks Networked special-purpose microcomputer terminals Video layar sentuh (touch screens) Built-in thermal printers Magnetic-stripe card reader

Case Study Questions Apa teknologi sistem komputer dan fungsi termasuk dalam kios self-service kiosk Apa teknologi lainnya yang harus disediakan? Why? Kunjungi website Kinetics USA untuk lebih jelasnya. Apa nilai/keuntungan bagi pelanggan kios self-service untuk check-in pada maskapai? Layanan apa yang lainnya harus disediakan? Ambil tur demo dari Delta kios check-in di / travel / trav_serv / kios. to help you answer.

Case Study Questions What is the business value of self-service kiosks in the airline industry? Apakah kios self-service memberikan keunggulan kompetitif pada maskapai penerbangan ? Why or why not?

Real World Internet Activity Self-service kiosks are membantu the airline industry. Using the Internet Carilah industri lain yang mendapatkan manfaat dari penggunaan kios Self-service.

Real World Group Activity Mengingat rencana untuk menggunakan kios Self-service ke daerah-daerah seperti tempat parkir dan lobi hotel, apa yang Anda lihat sebagai langkah berikutnya dalam penggunaan kios? In small groups : Discuss the future of self-service kiosks. Apakah menurut anda ada downsides to penggunaan/ use?

Peripherals (komponen pendukung system koputer) Peripheral is generic name for all input, output, and secondary storage devices yang merupakan bagian dari computer system but are not part of the CPU Online devices Separate from CPU But electronically connected to and controlled by CPU Offline devices Separate from and not under control of the CPU Peripherals are online devices (Peripheral adalah perangkat secara online) All peripherals are online devices

Peripheral Checklist

Input technologies Keyboard: most widely-used Graphical user interface (GUI) Icons, menus, windows, buttons, bars Used for selection Trend to natural user interface as opposed to paper source documents

Pointing Devices Electronic Mouse Trackball – Stationary device like a mouse Roller ball used to move cursor on screen. Pointing Stick – Small eraser head-like device in keypad Moves cursor in direction of pressure placed on stick.

Pointing Devices Touchpad – Small rectangular touch-sensitive surface Moves the cursor in the direction of finger moves on the pad Touch Screen – use computer by touching screen Video display screen that emits a grid of infrared beams, sound waves, or a slight electric current Grid is broken when the screen is touched.

Pen-based Computing Used in Tablet PCs and PDAs Pressure-sensitive layer like touch screen under liquid crystal display screen Have software that digitizes handwriting, hand printing, and hand drawing

Speech Recognition Systems Discrete: pause between each word Continuous: conversationally-paced speech System compares your speech patterns to library of sound patterns Training: to recognize your voice patterns Speaker independent system: understand voice never heard before Used in voice-messaging computers

Optical Scanning Read text or graphics and convert them into digital input Desktop or flatbed scanners Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Read characters and codes Used to read merchandise tags, sort mail, score tests Optical scanning wands Read bar codes such as the Universal Product Code (UPC)

Other Input Technologies Magnetic stripe Read magnetic stripe on credit cards Smart cards Microprocessor chip and memory on credit card Used more often in Europe than in US Digital cameras Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Identification numbers of bank and account printed in magnetic ink on bottom of check

Output Technologies Video displays Printed Output Cathode ray tube (CRT) like a television Most desktop PC screens Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) Laptop and PDAs, some PCs Printed Output Inkjet printer Spray ink on page Laser printer Electrostatic process like photocopying machine Voice response systems

Storage tradeoffs Storage media cost, speed, and capacity tradeoffs. Cost increases with faster access speeds but decreases with increased capacity.

Computer Storage Fundamentals Binary representation Data are processed and stored in computer system through the presence or absence of signals Either ON or OFF ON = number 1 OFF = number 0

Bit and Byte Bit (short for binary digit) Byte Smallest element of data Either zero or one Byte Group of eight bits which operate as a single unit Represents one character or number

Representing characters in bytes

Computers use binary system to calculate Processor has millions of switches turned either off or on. Use the binary number system to store and compute numbers Figure shows that any integer number can be represented using 0’s and 1’s.

Measuring storage capacities Kilobyte (KB): one thousand bytes Megabyte (MB): one million bytes Gigabyte (GB): one billion bytes Terabyte (TB): one trillion bytes Petabyte (PB): one quadrillion bytes

Direct and Sequential Access Direct Access or Random Access Directly store and retrieve data Each storage position has unique address and can be accessed in same length of time Semiconductor memory chips, magnetic disks Sequential Access Data is stored and retrieved in a sequential process Must be accessed in sequence by searching through prior data Magnetic tape

Direct and sequential access

Semiconductor memory Microelectronic semiconductor memory chips Used for primary storage Advantage: Small size Fast Shock and temperature resistance Disadvantage: Volatility: must have uninterrupted electric power or lose memory

Two types of semiconductor memory RAM: random access memory Most widely used primary storage medium Volatile memory Read/write memory ROM: read only memory Permanent storage Can be read but cannot be overwritten Frequently used programs burnt into chips during manufacturing Called firmware

Flash drive New type of permanent storage Uses semiconductor memory Small chip with thousands of transistors Easily transported Also called jump drives, USB flash drives Source: Courtesy of Lexar Media.

Magnetic Disks Used for secondary storage Fast access and high storage capacity Source: Quantum. Source: Corbis.

Types of magnetic disks Floppy disks Magnetic disk inside a plastic jacket Hard disk drives Magnetic disk, access arms, and read/write heads in sealed module RAID (Redundant arrays of independent disks) Disk arrays of interconnected hard disk drives Fault tolerant with multiple copies on several disks Floppy disk contains 1.44 Megabytes Zip drive (similar to floppy disk) up to 750 MB Hard disks can contain hundreds of GB of storage

Magnetic Tape Secondary storage Tape reels and cartridges Used in robotic automated drive assemblies Archival storage and backup storage

Optical Disks

Uses of optical disks Image processing Long term storage of historical files of images Scan documents and store on optical disks Publishing medium for fast access to reference materials Catalogs, directories, etc. Interactive multimedia applications Video games, educational videos, etc.

Radio Frequency Identification RFID Tag and identify mobile objects E.g., store merchandise, postal packages, pets Use RFID chips to transmit and receive radio signals Chips half the size of a grain of sand Passive chips: do not have power source and derive power from signal in reader Active chips: Self-powered

RFID versus bar codes RFID Privacy concerns due to invisible nature Scan from greater distance Can store data Allows more information to be tracked Privacy concerns due to invisible nature

Case 3: Advances in Speech Recognition Software Computerized speech has become smarter, easier to use and more integrated with other applications Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Early IVR systems are menu-driven Advanced are more conversational Connected to other systems

Case Study Questions What are the business benefits and limitations of IVR at Verizon and others? How could their use of IVR be improved? What types of business situations would benefit most from IVR technology? Which ones would benefit least? Given the advancements in voice recognition software over the last 20 years, what types of new applications for IVR do you see in the next 20 years? Give examples.

Real World Internet Activity IVR is advancing rapidly in terms of its ability to simulate natural language conversations and accept common phrases. Using the Internet Research the state of the art in speech recognition. One good place to start is

Real World Group Activity Simply simulating natural conversations is but one capability of speech software applications. Text-to-speech, voice verification, and speech-to-text are a few others. In small groups, Brainstorm how speech recognition systems can be used in innovative and useful ways. Do you think we will eventually eliminate the need for humans in common telephone interactions? Is this good or bad?