A Strategic Approach to Teaching Games


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Transcript presentasi:

A Strategic Approach to Teaching Games Yogyakarta State University

Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Department of Physical Education

Kritik terhadap pendekatan tradisional Siswa didrill sampai KO atau lama mengantri Berasumsi bahwa keterampilan teknik akan ditransfer ke suatu permainan dalam waktu singkat Membosankan, pengulangan, peraturan ketat dan… Mengalami kegagalan – keterampilan teknik yang sama dari tahun ke tahun Tidak ada penekanan “pengambilan keputusan atau aplikasi keterampilan dalam konteks bermain

Pengajaran Permainan Tradisional Dikritik karena… Siswa menghabiskan waktu untuk berdiri, bukan belajar mandiri Disalahgunakan untuk penyaluran energi berlebihan atau sebagai waktu istirahat yang di awasi Mengabaikan prinsip2 pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak Pendekatan yang berpusat pada guru Memiliki progres belajar yang lemah (1X/minggu) Tidak menspesifikasi outcome pembelajaran, tapi hanya untuk mendapatkan kesenangan

Mengapa Mengajar dengan Pendekatan Taktik? Siswa akan menjadi seorang pemain yang berpikir sehingga siswa mampu utk terlibat secara tenang, yakin, dan antusias dalam berbagai permainan Meningkatkan penampilan bermain siswa Setelah siswa memahami taktik, siswa perlu belajar keterampilan untuk meningkatkan penampilan taktik

Fakta dalam PENJASORKES 1 X Seminggu (2X 30-45 menit) Siswa bertanya “bpak/ibu mainnya kapan??” kalo belajar berulang-ulang begini. Peningkatan keterampilan teknik tidak bisa dilakukan dalam 1x seminggu Sarana dan prasarana relatif kurang di sekolah Materi Penjasorkes tidak hanya mengajarkan 1 jenis permainan saja ( Setiap 3-4 X pertemuan sudah ganti materi atau cab.yang lain)

Peran Permainan Mengapa TGfU diperkenalkan? Seringnya kegagalan dalam pembelajaran permainan karena terlalu menekankan pada penampilan Tidak banyak mengetahui tentang permainan Bagi siswa yang sudah memiliki skill, kenyataannya memiliki teknik yang tidak fleksibel dan miskin kapasitas pengambilan keputusan Ketergantungan terhadap guru untuk membuat keputusan Siswa lebih senang belajar permainan dengan cara bermain

Solusi? Apa? Untuk menyediakan kerangka dasar bagi guru untuk menerapkan pendekatan taktik dalam mengajar permainan Mengapa? Karena siswa mampu utk terlibat secara tenang, yakin, dan antusias dalam berbagai permainan Karena siswa memahami bagaimana taktik itu dapat ditransfer di antara tipe permainan dan olahraga yang relatif sama Bagaimana? Menggunakan permainan sederhana untuk mengajarkan dasar taktik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bermain berbagai jenis permainan

Kategori Permainan Target Games Permainan di mana pemain menggerakkan objek, terutama dengan tingkat akurasi tinggi, pada suatu target dengan pukulan sesedikit mungkin Striking/Fielding Games Tujuannya adalah memukul objek, biasanya bola, untuk dijauhkan dari pemain bertahan di lapangan Net/ Wall Games Menggerakkan objek ke udara melampaui net sehingga lawan tidak mampu mengembalikan Invasion Games Tujuanya adalah untuk menginvasi daerah lawan untuk mencetak skor dan melindungi daerahnya dari skor lawan Jamie Target Games: Games in which the performer propels an object, preferably with a high degree to accuracy, at a target Fielding/ Run Scoring Games: The goal is to strike an object, usually a ball, so it eludes defenders in the field Net/Wall Games: Involve propelling an object into space so an opponent is unable to make a return Invasion Games: The goal is to invade an opponent’s territory to score What links games together? … their structure (rules, skills, strategy) The approach we will be taking is a movement education approach … that is to say that we won’t be playing the Formal Games with all of it’s rules, etc. By grouping games into similar categories allows us to focus on rules, skills, and strategies common among games within a category What we do is modify rules, skills, and movement concepts so that the learner will develop the necessary skills (physical, cognitive, and affective) to play any game within the games category So, instead of playing Curling, we would use modified games to introduce learners to rules, skills, movement concepts, and strategies that are common to Target Games … that way, they can transfer this knowledge to a variety of target games, not just one This gives the learner a larger repertoire to choose from and provides them with more choice when it comes to participation in games


4 Pojok Aktivitas Pertanyaan Refleksi Apa yang sama tentang permainan2 tersebut dalam kategori yang sama? (aturan, teknik, keterampilan, strategi)? Adakah sesuatu yang sama di mana siswa dapat belajar dalam kategori yang sama? Dapatkah kesamaan ini dapat ditransfer di antara tipe permainan yang mirip? Bagaimana Anda dapat mengajar tema-tema kategori permainan yang sama?

Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Pendekatan untuk mengembangkan pemikiran taktik melewati sejumlah permainan yang berbeda Form At the centre of the TGFU model (see Figure 1) is "the learner". That is to say that throughout all steps of the model, the learner's needs and developmental characteristics should be the most important consideration so that the tasks the learner takes part in are appropriate for her/his capabilities. Step 1: The Game Form The first step in the model (the game) is designed to foster an understanding of game form. At this stage, the game may be a modification of a formal game, but should have a specific objective and reflect an understanding of concepts, skills and abilities pertinent to a category of games. Step 2: Game Appreciation The second stage is the development of game appreciation. Learners should develop an appreciation for how the rules, skills and strategies all influence each other … for example, if you modify the reduce the number of players in a fielding/ run scoring game, it will likely increase scoring Step 3: Tactical Awareness The next step of the model is tactical awareness. By participating in game-like scenarios, learners develop an understanding of important offensive and defensive tactics that assist in gaining an advantage over their opponent. Step 4: Making Appropriate Decisions After developing an awareness of important tactics, learners begin to understand and make appropriate decisions within the game context. This is stage 4 (making appropriate decisions) where they use their knowledge they have developed through game appreciation and tactical awareness to know when and how to execute certain tactics within the game … for example, when should you dribble the ball in soccer …. In the defensive zone, it can be very dangerous whereas in the offensive zone, it can be used to create a scoring opportunity Step 5: Skill Execution Having gone through this process, learners will then realize the importance of proper skill execution and hence will have a context from which to develop and/or refine their current skill level. They should have realized why the skill is important, as well as how to it can be implemented in a game. This is where using a Laban Movement Analysis is crucial … if you identify the key skills and movement concepts, you can practice and refine skills in an appropriate manner and it adds more relevance … e.g., why do you want me to practice kicking that ball quickly? Why should I use different pathways when learning how to cradle a lacrosse ball? Step 6: Game Performance The final step of the model involves applying the previous steps through performance. Instructors play a major role at this step in providing feedback to the learner regarding her/his execution of the skills previously introduced.

(Representation, exaggeration) Simplification 1. Game Form (Representation, exaggeration) 3. Skill Execution (How to do?) 2. Tactical Awareness (What to do?)

Resources for Other Game Categories Reference List Websites: www.tgfu.org www.playsport.net www.educ.uvic.ca/Faculty/thopper/ http://resources.emb.gov.hk/phyedu/ (Contains video clips) http://www.mpeta.ca/ (see speaker notes from MPETA/ CAHPERD Conference) http://www.curriculum.org (Course Profiles)