PENILAIAN KINERJA KELOMPOK Misbahuddin Azzuhri SE, MM, CPHR®, CSRS® Department of Management FEB UB D Building 1st Floor, Jalan Mayjen Haryono 165 B Malang 65145 Phone : +62-341 558224, Fax : +62-341 558224 E-mail:
What is a Group? Multiple members 2 or more people perceive themselves as a group Group rewards Corresponding effects Common goals
three LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE Rummler & Brache Tingkat organisasi (organization level) Tingkat proses (process level) Tingkat tugas/pelaksanaan tugas (job/performer level)
Variabel yang mempengaruhi: ORGANIZATION LEVEL Menekankan pada hub organisasi dengan klien dan fungsi-fungsi utamanya yang tergambar dalam kerangka dasar struktur organisasi serta mekanisme kerja yang ada. Variabel yang mempengaruhi: a. strategi organisasi b. alokasi sumberdaya c. struktur organisasi
Menekankan pada proses kegiatan antarfungsi. PROCESS LEVEL Menekankan pada proses kegiatan antarfungsi. Mencakup kesesuaian proses kegiatan dengan peraturan dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan, pelanggan, efisiensi dan efektivitas proses.
GROUP PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Definisi Membandingkan antara pekerja dengan pekerja lainnya Pelaku penyelia / atasan langsung Tujuan pengambilan keputusan kenaikan upah, promosi & bentuk penghargaan organisasional
Factors Affecting Group Performance Kohesivitas Kelompok (Group Cohesiveness) Struktur Komunikasi (Communication Structure) Peran Kelompok (Group Roles) Kehadiran Anggota (Presence of Others) Jenis Tugas (Type of Task) Dominasi Individu (Individual Dominance) Groupthink
Factors Affecting Group Cohesiveness Group Homogeneity Homogeneous Heterogeneous Slightly heterogeneous Stability of Membership Isolation Outside Pressure Group Size Group Status
Smaller is best for cohesiveness Performance depends on task type Group Size Smaller is best for cohesiveness Performance depends on task type additive tasks conjunctive tasks disjunctive tasks
Communication Structure Chains Centralized Circles Open
Group Roles Task-Oriented Maintenance-Oriented Individual offering new ideas coordinating activities Maintenance-Oriented encouraging cohesiveness encouraging participation Individual blocking group activities calling attention to oneself
Presence of Others Social Facilitation and Inhibition Social Loafing mere presence of others comparison of performance evaluation apprehension Social Loafing effort won’t be noticed free-rider theory sucker-effect theory
Individual Dominance By the group leader By a group member
Groupthink can occur when the group: is cohesive is insulated from outsiders believes it is infallible it is morally superior is under pressure to conform has a leader who promotes a favorite solution has gatekeepers who keep information from members
GROUP PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Kualitas Kuantitas Ketepatan Waktu Penghematan Biaya Kemandirian atau Otonomi dalam Bekerja (Tanpa selalu disupervisi) Kerjasama
GROUP PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Deficiency Contamination Performance Criteria Objectivity
GROUP PERFORMANCE METHODS Alternation Ranking mengurutkan peringkat terendah sampai tertinggi berdasarkan kemampuan Paired Comparasion seorang karyawan dibandingkan dengan seluruh karyawanyg jumlah sedikit, guna mencari alternatif untuk keputusan Forced Distribution (Grading) Memisah-misahkan para karyawan ke dalam berbagai klasifikasi yang berbeda. Biasanya proporsi tertentu harus diletakkan pada setiap kategori. Point Allocation Method Penilai mengevaluasi perbedaan relatif di antara para karyawan. Karyawan yang lebih baik diberi nilai lebih besar daripada para karyawan dengan prestasi lebih jelek
How does team building improve performance
Group versus Individual Performance Groups have higher quality decisions are more risky Individuals are more creative make a decision more quickly
NEXT Penilaian Kinerja Individual