PLANNING ERA Staffing for an ERA Interaction the risk assessor & the risk manager Risk Characterization Problem indentification Identification of VEC’s Establishment of objective(s) of the ERA Development of a conceptual model Selection of assessment endpoints Selection of measurement endpoints Establishment of level of effort Selection of references sites The final product of ERA planning
PROBLEM FORMULATION Definies the Problem Being Studied Identifies The Study Area Describes What Biological Resources Are At Risk
PROBLEM FORMULATION Identifies What Values are Being Protected (Assessment Endpoints) Identifies How These Values Will be Measured for Risk (Measurement Endpoints) Describes How Risks May Occur, by Linking Sources of Stress to Biological Resources
STUDY AREA Define Political and Ecological Boundaries Determine TimeIdentify the Ecological Region (s) of Concern Period of Concern
INFORMASI Site location: peta, perairan, habitat, tipe tanah, penggunaan lahan, sumber kontaminan Site history: sejarah penggunaan, daftar potensial kontaminan dan karakteristiknya Environmental setting: data iklim, latar belakang ekologi, potensi kantaminan sat ini, dan exposure pathways
SAMPLING & METHOD Unit area: unit ekositem, miss DAS Ulangan; perilaku musim, ekosistem, spesies Konsistensi: team risk assessor, laboratorium, analisis, tujuan, metodologi, pembahasan, kesimpulan dan saran
VALUE ECOSYSTEM COMPONENTS (VECs) VECs adalah sumberdaya ataupun kondisi lingkungan: Penting bagi manusia Nilai sosial/ekonomi Punya intrinsic ecological significance Fungsi sebagai baseline untuk mengetahui dampak
CONCEPTUAL MODEL Kondisi kontaminan yang dilepas Penerimaan lingkungan Mekanisme transport dan transformation Contaminated media Kondisi ekposure Receptors Effects of intersest
SELECTION ENDPOINTS Tujuan ERA adalah assessment endpoints: level populasi, level community, dan sangat jarang level ekosistem;
ASSESSMENT ENDPOINTS Food Supply: Maintain the supply of aquatic life, wildlife and plants that are harvested by Kamoro and Papuan peoples for food or other needs
ASSESSMENT ENDPOINTS Food Supply: Maintain the supply of aquatic life, wildlife and plants that are harvested by Kamoro and Papuan peoples for food or other needs
ASSESSMENT ENDPOINTS Ecosystem Function: Maintain the functional integrity of the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
MEASUREMENT ENDPOINTS Food Supply: Presence/absence of species Hectares of habitat lost Tissue concentrations of contaminants Environmental concentrations of contaminants Toxicity tests
REKOMENDASI Rekomendasi Suter (1989) jika menggunakan population level endpoints: (1) Individu spesies yang berpotensi terdapat di site dan terekpose (2) Kematian individu karena significant effect thp populasi secara keseluruhan
Conceptual Model of EXPOSURE
THE FINAL PRODUCT OF ERA PLANNING Clear statement of the objectives of ERA; Celar Conceptual model that identifies the environmental values to be protected; Clear the data required to address the problems identified at the site; Series of documents: the site, the problem, and the priorities;
WORKPLAN Untuk setiap tiga level ERA; Dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan studi; Detil proposed approach to collect information; The work plan would be submitted for review and approval by appropriate regulatory agencies; The documents should be available to all members of the study team and should form the first step of ERA documentation
Reference 1. CCME, 1996. A Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment: General Guidance. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment;