Lecture Notes for Operation Management By Suhada Strategi Korporasi Lecture Notes for Operation Management By Suhada
Definisi Strategi Korporasi Pedoman atau arah bagi organisasi dalam jangka panjang dan penentuan tujuan yang harus dicapai oleh organisasi tersebut dengan sukses ( Krajewski,2009)
Definisi Strategi Operasi Alat-alat atau cara-cara yang didalamnya fungsi operasi mengimplementasikan strategi korporasi
B. PILIHAN STRATEGIS Perusahaan dalam menyiapkan strategi hendaknya melakukan 3 tahapan pilihan strategis yaitu; Menentukan misi organisasi, Memonitor dan menyesuaikan terhadap lingkungan bisnis Menentukan pembeda dan kompetensi Inti Perusahaan (Distinctive dan core competencies) Perusahaan harus memiliki Keunikan yang mampu membedakan dengan layanan atau produk perusahaan pesaing.
Isu2 Manajemen dalam Operasi Global Global Strategic Context Differensiasi Kepemimpinan Biaya Respon Slide ini menjadi kerangka diskusi tentang isu-isu dalam operasi global Perluasan wacana dalam isu-isu manajemen rantai pasokan, keputusan lokasi dan manajemen logistik Mahasiswa hendaknya tidak hanya memahami isu-isu tersebut tetapi juga memiliki konsep tentang perbedaaan-perbedaan pendekatan dalam manajemen operasi pada level Domestik (national) dan pada level Global (Materi Prespektif Global juga akan di temui secara mendalam dalam manajemen Keuangan Internasional) Manajemen Rantai Pasok Keputusan Lokasi Manajemen Logistik
Corporate Strategic Marketing Operasi Fin./Acct. Strategi Bisnis Visi Misi Perusahaan Strategi Bisnis Functional Area Strategi Area fungsional
Visi (Vision) 3M: “Be innovative and satisfy our customers” Microsoft: “Information at your fingertips” GE: To be number one or two in every business” Federal Express: “When it absolutely, positively, must get there overnight, use FedEx”
Vision 3M: “Be innovative and satisfy our customers” Microsoft: “Information at your fingertips” GE: To be number one or two in every business” Federal Express: “When it absolutely, positively, must get there overnight, use FedEx”
Misi (Mission) Mission – menujukkan Kemana Kamu akan Pergi? Dalam rangka mencapai Visi Tujuan Organisasi yang akan dicapai Provides boundaries & focus Answers ‘What do we provide society?’ © 1995 Corel Corp. You might ask students to prepare for class by visiting several company web sites, and, for each company: locating the company mission, and printing a copy of the mission to bring to class. The students should also be asked to, if possible, determine the strategy used by the company to achieve its avowed mission. You might even ask that a student finding a mission statement that they believe of special interest, bring a copy of the statement on a transparency. You might begin the class by asking students why a company’s mission is so important. Does it really convey important information, or is it, as some cynics might claim, simply an expression of wishful thinking? Among other benefits, the mission provides an “umbrella” under which decisions should be made. This may be especially useful for a global enterprise. If the students have obtained the mission statements of companies with which they are familiar, you might ask if their perception of the company suggests that it is fulfilling it published mission. If the answer is “No,” ask what suggests otherwise.
Mission Polaroid Corp. (late 1970s) Polaroid manufactures and sell photographic products based ion inventions of the company in the field of one-step instants photography and light polarizing products, utilizing the company’s inventions in the field of polarized light. The company considers itself to be engaged in one line of business Polaroid Corp. (mid 1980s) Polaroid designs, manufactures, and markets worldwide a variety of products based on inventions, primarily in the photographic field. These include instant photographic cameras and films, light polarizing filters and lenses, and diversified chemical, optical, and commercial products. The principal products of the company are used in amateur and professional photography, industry, science, medic, and education
Manajemen Rantai Pasok Penemuan sumber pasokan Integrasi Vertikal (Vertical integration) Make-or-buy decisions ( Keputusan Membuat sendiri atau membeli) Partnering ( Berkerjasama) Comparative advantage base on low cost. Sifatnya mengandalkan pada sumber daya yang un-renewable Competitive, labih mengarah pada Inovasi dan pengembangan technology atau base on distinctive competencies affect. Differentiation diversification : on of reason to decide this choising, is product life cycle. Hal yang mempengaruhi Life cycle Teknologi dan inovasi Intensitas persaingan. Kapan kita menggunakan differentiation atau diversification : Differentiation lebih pada existing product yang sudah ada Diversification lebih pada new product development. Product : Product idea Kemasan /packaging Brand
Keputusan-Keputusan Lokasi Isu-2 Terkait Negara Isu-2 terkait produk Kebijakan pemerintah dan resiko politik Isu-2 Organisasi
Manajemen Bahan Baku Aliran Bahan Baku ( Flow of materials) Kecepatan dan pilihan-2 transportasi Tingkat Persediaan (Inventory Level) Pengemasann(Packaging) Penyimpanan (storage)
Faktor-Faktor yang mempengrauhi Misi Organisasi Filosofi & Nilai-nilai Tingkat Keuntungan Lingkungan & Tingkat Pertumbuhan Misi One can obviously discuss the impact of each of these factors on a company mission. An alternative is to have each student take a company mission and identify the connection to each of the factors. In particular, ask students if the connection is uni- or bi-directional, i.e., “The environment within which a company operates may impact its mission, can the mission also impact the environment?” Pelanggan Citra Perusahaan Keuantungan Sosial
Analisis Swot dalam Formulasi Strategi Mission Internal External S trengths O pportunities Strategy Internal External W eaknesses T hreats Competitive Advantage
Bagaimanakah Keunggulan kompetitif dan Kompetensi pembeda bekerja Company Mission Business Strategy Functional Area Strategies Marketing Decisions Operations Fin./Acct. Keunggulan Kompetitif, Mengarahakan pada pencapaian Kompetensi pembeda mempengaruhi
Stages in the Product Life Cycle Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Growth rate
Strategy and Issues During a Product’s Life
Strategi-Strategi untuk mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif Diferensiasi dan diversifikasi Kepemimpinan Biaya (Cost leadership) Quick response ( Kecepatan (waktu) Layanan) Flexibility ( Fleksibiltas) This slide simply opens the discussion on the several modes of competing.
Bersaing dengan Diferensiasi (Competing on Diferentiation) Keunikan dapat melampaui karakteristik fisik dan atribut layanan dalam rangka mencapai segala sesuatu yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen akan sebuah nilai suatu produk atau layanan
Bersaing Berdasarakan Biaya ( Competing on Cost) Memberikan nilai maksimum sesuai dengan persepsi konsumen Tidak Berdampak pada kualitas yang rendah atau nilai yang rendah bagi konsumen secara relatif terhadap produk tersebut
Bersaing berdasarkan kecepatan respon ( Competing On Reponse) Flexibility Reliability Timeliness Requires institutionalization within the firm of the ability to respond
Prioritas Bersaing Biaya rendah Kualitas Desain yang bagus Konsistensi kualitas Betrsaing berdasarkan waktu((Time-bases Competition) Fast Delivery On-Time Delivery Development Speed for new product Flexibiltas Customization Volume flexibility
OM’s Contribution to Strategy Quality Product Process Location Layout Human Resource Supply Chain Inventory Scheduling Maintenance HP’s ability to follow the printer market Differentiation (Better) Cost leadership (Cheaper) Southwest Airlines No-frills service Sony’s constant innovation of new products Pizza Hut’s five-minute guarantee at lunchtime Federal Express’s “absolutely, positively on time” Motorola’s automotive products ignition systems Motorola’s pagers IBM’s after-sale service on mainframe computers Fidelity Security’s broad line of mutual funds FLEXIBILITY Design Volume LOW COST DELIVERY Speed Dependability QUALITY Conformance Performance AFTER-SALE SERVICE BROAD PRODUCT LINE Operations Decisions Examples Specific Strategy Used Competitive Advantage Response (Faster) Students can be asked to add to the list of examples shown in this slide. You might also ask students whether OM can contribute in similar ways in all industries.
Four International Operations Strategies
Tugas 1. Jelaskan Keunikan-Keunikan Perusahaan untuk dapat bersaing dengan perusahaan lainnya 2. Jelaskan Bagaimana Stretegi Bersaing yang dilakukan oleh MC.Donal? 3. Jelaskan Perbedaan Strategi Bersaing Produk Kartu Halo Telkomsel dengan Produk IM3 PT. Indosat
Lanjutan Tugas 4.Perusahaan Lion Air adalah contoh perusahaan yang menerapkan strategi bersaing yang bagaimana? Jelaskan alasan Anda 5. Jelaskan hal-hal apa saja yang dilakukan sebelum perusahaan membentuk strategi korporasi?
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