PENGUJIAN HIPOTESIS RATA-RATA & PROPORSI DUA POPULASI Diketahui dari penelitian terhadap sepuluh perusahaan asing yang diambil sebagai sampel acak, memiliki modal (dalam milyar rupiah) sebesar 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1,2, 11, dan 14. Sementara itu, dari penelitian terhadap 8 perusahaan nasional yang diambil sebagai sampel acak, memiliki modal (dalam milyar rupiah) sebesar 9, 7, 15, 12, 8, 10, 13, dan 14. a. Dengan alpha = 5%, ujilah pendapat bahwa rata-rata modal perusahaan asing sama dengan rata-rata modal perusahaan nasional, dengan alternatif tak sama.
PENGUJIAN HIPOTESIS RATA-RATA & PROPORSI DUA POPULASI In a wage discrimination case involving male and female employees, independent samples of male and female employees with five years’ experience or more provided the hourly wage results shown below. The null hypothesis is that male employees have a mean hourly wage less than or equal to that of the female employees. Rejection of H0 leads to the conclusion that male employees have a mean hourly wage exceeding that of the female employees. Test the hypothesis with = .01. Does wage discrimination appear to be present in this case? Male Employees Female Employees n1 = 14 n2 = 12 x1 = 9,25 x2 = 8,70 s1 = 1 s2 = 0,8