“A university is defined by the quality of its academic conversations, not by the technologies that service them.” Traditionally there has been a disconnect between Laurillard’s vision and at least the North American Learning environment which is: course-focused Not necessarily enquiry based Incidentally not necessarily library based And this had informed the development of CMS’s to 2005, though there is some evidence of change Laurillard, D. (2002). Rethinking university teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2nd ed.). London: Routledge/Falmer.
The function of libraries? Fullfill information needs of faculty, researchers, students, university. An attractive work, meeting and social space. Information manager for the university (CRIS, research data, research output, e-learning objects). Expert centre digital information for research and teaching. Part of the research & teaching workflow. Support knowledge creation & dissemination. Integrate information literacy in regular curriculum. Bring information and tools in the environments our users are utilizing. Support e-research. Larger organisations and collaboration with external parties.
TENAGA PERPUSTAKAAN dalam UU N0. 43/2007 PUSTAKAWAN TENAGA TEKNIS Pustakawan merupakan profesi yang sangat dekat dengan informasi
KODE ETIK Berupa norma atau aturan yang harus dipatuhi oleh setiap pustakawan untuk menjaga kehormatan, martabat, citra dan profesionalisme
TANTANGAN PUSTAKAWAN Perkembangan Ilmu Semakin cepat, baik ragam isi maupun media Tuntutan pemakai semakin beragam, seketika “just in time”, seperti pasar bukan lagi gudang Pemanfaatan TI adalah suatu keharusan. Kepemilikan bukan lagi penting, yang penting adalah akses Pustakawan bukan penjaga buku, tetapi garda ilmu pengetahuan
KEWAJIBAN TENAGA PERPUSTAKAAN Memberikan layanan prima terhadap pemustaka Menciptakan suasana perpustakaan yang kondusif Memberikan keteladanan dan menjaga nama baik lembaga dan kedudukan sesuai dg tugas dan tanggungjawabnya.
God Always Listening And Understanding