PROJECT PREPARATION REPORTS Summary & Conclusions Introduction Background Project Rationale The Project Area The Project Organization & Management Production, Markets, & Financial Results Benefits & Justification Outstanding Issues Annexes Gittinger, Appendix A, pp 411-431 Handouts: NURZAMAN B
A preparation or appraisal report Sources: FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization); The World Bank; other international lending institutions FAO Investment Centre (1975 & 1977) Inter-American Development Bank (1978) The substance is more important than its format Depending on the kind of project A non-specialist can understand Specialized back up information Annexes or The Project Profile.
1. Summary & Conclusions 2 halaman; elemen penting sangat ringkas; mencakup rasional project & prioritas, tujuan, lokasi dan skala usaha, pemanfaat proyek (beneficiaries); komponen utama; periode investasi; biaya; organisasi; efek ekonomi & finansial; isu utama
2. Introduction Tidak bersifat teknis: persiapan (arrangements) shg laporan proyek telah disusun; Konsep dasar proyek dalam perencanaan pembangunan nasional ; Kelembagan dan organisasi lain terlibat dalam persiapan; Penghargaan terhadap team penyusun proyek Tidak bersifat rinci
3. Background Sejelas mungkin; Dasar pemikiran dan latarbelakang pembahasan yg tepat; Kerangka proyek, gambaran kedepan yg luas dalam aspek ekonomi dan sosial; Hubungan yg jelas antara uraian latarbelakang dengan bahagian2 lain dari laporan bertele-tele (ramble) sering terjadi di bahagian ini
3.1. Current Economic Situation income per capita, X-M, BOP, possible study of alternatives project 3.2. Agricultural Sector characteristics agric sector, constraints 3.3. Development & Social Objectives national plans, policies (price-i- subsidies-supply-rural income target), agric devel strategy 3.4. Income Distribution & Poverty to benefit particular group of the rural poor 3.5. Institution institutions involved: Dept of Acgric; bank;
4. Project Rationale Alasan memilih proyek; membahas peluang dan hambatan dalam sektor terkait; development strategy yang terkait dg proyek; tujuan dan skala proyek; mebahas resiko proyek dan langkah mengurangi resiko
5. The Project Area 5.1. Physical Features lokasi; iklim; geologi/tanah/tipografi; sumber air; 5.2. Economic Base sumberdaya pertanian/peternakan; landuse/cropping system; supply/marketing; 5.3. Social Aspect land tenure/size holdings; population/ migration; Social service 5.4. Infrastructure 5.5. Institutions
6. The Project 6.1. Project Description 6.2. Detailed Features 6.3. Project Phasing & Disbursement Period 6.4. Cost Estimate: 6.5. Financing 6.6. Procurement 6.7. Environment Impact
7. Organization & Management 7.1. Credit Administration 7.2. Marketing Structure 7.3. Supply of Inputs 7.4. Land Reform 7.5. Reasearch 7.6. Extension 7.7. Cooperatives 7.8. Farmer Organization & Perticipation
8. Production, Markets, & Financial Results 8.2. Availability of Markets 8.3. Farm Income 8.4. Processing Industries & Marketing Agencies 8.5. Government Agencies or Project Authorities 8.6. Cost Recovery
9. Benefits & Justification 9.1. Social Benefit income distribution; employment; access to land; internal migration; nutrition & health; other indicators 9.2. Economic Benefit Chapter 7, 8, 9 , 10
10. Outstanding Issues Isu penting dari proyek yg berhub dg project rationale, kebijakan, pengelolaan, staffing, dan pengaturan keuangan tekanan utk mengambil tindakan penting
11. Annexes Laporan rinci pendukung Lebih teknis dan utk specialists Dalam bentuk map, tabel, gambar, charts, diagrams, photo