G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw


Presentasi serupa

This is pretty strange how it worked out this way. Even if you are not religious, you should read this. Cukup mencengangkan bgm mungkin semua ini bisa.
SIN TRANSFER IN THE SANCTUARY. Leviticus 4:4 KJV [4] And he shall bring the bullock unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord.
GREETING S M K KELAS X Oleh : Baiq Wirdianti
Arise Above The Storm…  Know your storm…  See Jesus in your storm…  7 Lessons to survive the storm…
1.Noposiyan ne Yesus Mantad sid kapatayan. Otomon tokow kikiawi Dit kinamanangan di Yesus Kristus. G03 Noposiyan ne Yesus 1.
1.Yokoy tolu kõyuwan Nujum mantad kosila'an. Mooy okoy sid kotonõbon Tu warot ormaton. J11 Yokoy Tolu Koyuwan Nujum 1.
1. Nakajanji oku dot maya di su'u nu O'oput dogon Tuhan
This is pretty strange how it worked out this way
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
PDKK YB Praise & Worship Thema: “Ini Tahun Yobel”
At kĩkibiton dĩ Mariam? Dot ninsamũng di moleekãt
E3 Monikid Tadlaw Mimbulay
J06 Okirow it Rombituon Yesus
Terpuji-lah Allah, hikmat-nya besar Begitu kasih-nya, 'tuk dunia cemar
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Sumungod tokow sorid Betlẽhem. Tumomon tokow; nosusu i rãja.
E6 Kosila’an om Kotonobon
1a. Berdiri kerna Yesus. Hai serdadu Tuhan. Kibarkan panji raja,
1. Sid lobong tongungut Siri i Yesus Dot numamot Di tadlaw sumilaw.
B16 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
1. It ita’ak nu aa otobus,. Tu riniba okoy. Gisom dot monorima om
B20 Mimoyo Oku dot Nogontian Oku
1. Sõdoy dot õyongow Kumirow ah rombituon Tu i tĩdi õm tanak.
The first reason Sebab yang pertama.
H03 O Tuhan Yesus sid Surga
Siri i tidi yo mananggom do'o. Nasaraw yo'alo do rombituon.
1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu. Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at
1. Aaluk gaam araa’an. Sampay matay i Tuhan ku. Tuhan tara’at nilabus,
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
B03M Hai Umat Puji Allah Mu
A8 Asanong ot Keematan Ku
J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo
1. Oy tongo tanganak ongoy kow siti Sid kandang do sapi
B23 Mangapil Oku sid Dikaw
Mari-lah, mari-lah ke Betlehem Mari tengok-lah, lahir raja syurga
B22M Ya Yesus ‘Ku Berjanji
1a. Poonongo ne ginawo ya. Do mangarayow dikaw. Pagka aso pogisaman
Sĩri i tidi yo mãnanggom do'o. Nasaraw yõ'alo dõ rombituon.
1. O Tuhan Yẽsus ĩkaw no. Panganawãw di gĩnawo. Gotong aakoh atabanan
A20M Sungguh Besar Kau Allah Ku
F05 Yesus, Tuhan Ku, Apakah Dosa Mu
1. Lebih dekat Tuhan kepada mu Meski salib Yesus yang angkat ku
1. Memandang palang raja ku Yang mati untuk dunia
Covenant in the Body of Christ
A18 Hormaton i Tama om i Ginama Yo
1. Yesus berpesan: Dalam malam g'lap Kamu harus jadi lilin gemerlap; Anak masing-masing di sekitarnya, Dalam dunia ini bersinar-lah. 5 B16M.
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yesus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potomon
Allah ku memrintah Allah kũ memrintah.
1a. Malam kudus, Bintang g'merlap bercahya Malam ini Yesus ku lahir-lah Manusia, binasa dalam dosa Terslamat-lah kerna Kristus datang.
Torimakasi sid ginawo ku 2X
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yẽsus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potõmon
Yoku diti engin mangarayow dikaw Dot ensanan i ginawo ku.
1. Awasi i Yẽsus, mogkuasa kikiãwi Tanak di Tuhãn om tulun.
B15 Nokorikot Kow no ka sid di Yesus
Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
1. O Tuhan ya, ong itungon ya banar I winaal nu sitid pomogunan
A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
1. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan om sid Tatõd yo. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan
A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat
B17 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
I maanalamat, Tuhan tawasi Imanuel, Tuhan ot maya,
B06 Potomumungo ‘Ku Dikaw Tuhan
This is pretty strange how it worked out this way
Dimana kamu tinggal? Alamat anda dimana?
Mary, Our Mother Jesus Christ Course Document # TX
Transcript presentasi:

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 1. Mangarayow okoy dikaw Oy Kinoringan sid surga. Tu noposiyan i Yesus. Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 2. Namot dit tadlaw kotolu Minomod-gagaw kikiawi, Nokembulay koposiyan. Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 3. Minomoros i moleekat Dot, “Kada kow-i rumosi Tu noposiyan ne Yesus." Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 4. Oy Tuhan taakay okoy no Dit koposiyan nu wagu, Tu mimoyo okoy dikaw. Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 5. Monorimakasi okoy Sid dikaw o Tuhan Yesus, Tu ikaw pagandalan ya. Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw 6. Royo'on ya i ngaran nu, Bontugon ya singkole'ed, Oy Ama, Tanak, om Sundu. Haleluya, haleluya, haleyuya. G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw

Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus manusia. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 1

2. Hari ketiga yang cerah Fajar menghalaukan duka Lihatlah kubur terbuka. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 2

3. Kata malaikat: “Marilah, Jangan yang hidup kau cari Di dunia orang mati. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 3

4. “Ia t'lah bangkit, lihatlah Tempat yang ia tinggalkan Maut pun ia kalahkan. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 4

5. Kami berdoa pada mu Tuhan yang bangkit dan jaya Buatlah kami percaya. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 5

6. Ya juru-s'lamat, penebus Nama mu kami agungkan Sampai kekal kaulah Tuhan. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. G06M Allah Dimuliakan 6

1. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya. Ye sons and daughters of the King, Whom heavenly hosts in glory sing, Today the grave bath lost its sting. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 1

2. On that first morning of the week, Before the day began to break, The Marys went their Lord to seek. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 2

3. An Angel bade their sorrow flee, For thus he spake unto the three: 'Your Lord is gone to Galilee.‘ Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 3

dear, And said: 'Peace be unto you here!' 4. That night the Apostles met in fear, Amidst them came their Lord most dear, And said: 'Peace be unto you here!' Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 4

5. When Thomas afterwards had heard That Jesus had fulfilled hi word, He doubted if it were the Lord. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 5

6. 'Thomas, behold my side,' saith he, 'my hands, my feet, my body see; 'and doubt not, but believe in me.' Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 6

7. No longer Thomas then denied; He saw the feet, the hands, the side; 'Thou art my Lord and God,' he cried. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 7

been, In life eternal they shall reign. 8. Blessèd are they that have not seen, And yet whose faith bath constant been, In life eternal they shall reign. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 8

9. On this most holy day of days, To God your hearts and voices raise In laud, and jubilee, and praise. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 9

10. And we with holy Church unite, As evermore is just and right, In glory to the King of Light. Alleluia! G06E Ye Sons and Daughters of the King 10