1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu. Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at


Presentasi serupa

1.Trus dari syurga datang ku, Ku khabarkan kepada mu Selamat dan kesukaan Yang untuk kaum sekalian J03M Terus Dari Syurga 1.
1.Noposiyan ne Yesus Mantad sid kapatayan. Otomon tokow kikiawi Dit kinamanangan di Yesus Kristus. G03 Noposiyan ne Yesus 1.
1.Yokoy tolu kõyuwan Nujum mantad kosila'an. Mooy okoy sid kotonõbon Tu warot ormaton. J11 Yokoy Tolu Koyuwan Nujum 1.
1. Nakajanji oku dot maya di su'u nu O'oput dogon Tuhan
1. Onom tadlaw tokow gumama, Tadlaw koturu pongintaranan.
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
At kĩkibiton dĩ Mariam? Dot ninsamũng di moleekãt
A38 I Kristus No Tarapan Ku
E3 Monikid Tadlaw Mimbulay
J06 Okirow it Rombituon Yesus
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Sumungod tokow sorid Betlẽhem. Tumomon tokow; nosusu i rãja.
E6 Kosila’an om Kotonobon
1. Yesus Tuhan penebus ku. Dengar doa ku. Jangan-lah Tuhan lalui
1. Sid lobong tongungut Siri i Yesus Dot numamot Di tadlaw sumilaw.
B16 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
1. It ita’ak nu aa otobus,. Tu riniba okoy. Gisom dot monorima om
1. Sudah-kah darah mu,. Yesus, tertumpah untuk ku
B20 Mimoyo Oku dot Nogontian Oku
1. Sõdoy dot õyongow Kumirow ah rombituon Tu i tĩdi õm tanak.
G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw
H03 O Tuhan Yesus sid Surga
Siri i tidi yo mananggom do'o. Nasaraw yo'alo do rombituon.
1. Aaluk gaam araa’an. Sampay matay i Tuhan ku. Tuhan tara’at nilabus,
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
A8 Asanong ot Keematan Ku
J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo
B23 Mangapil Oku sid Dikaw
Mari-lah, mari-lah ke Betlehem Mari tengok-lah, lahir raja syurga
B22M Ya Yesus ‘Ku Berjanji
Minlalanu tõkow, mĩnlalanu tõkow Mĩnlãlanũ tokow no bo.
1a. Poonongo ne ginawo ya. Do mangarayow dikaw. Pagka aso pogisaman
Sĩri i tidi yo mãnanggom do'o. Nasaraw yõ'alo dõ rombituon.
1. O Tuhan Yẽsus ĩkaw no. Panganawãw di gĩnawo. Gotong aakoh atabanan
A20M Sungguh Besar Kau Allah Ku
F05 Yesus, Tuhan Ku, Apakah Dosa Mu
Sid sakot do tongo rõmbung Pakatapãn dogon.
Covenant in the Body of Christ
A18 Hormaton i Tama om i Ginama Yo
1. O Tuhan Yesus, raja s'kalian alam,. Anak Allah dan manusia
Woyo'o oku po, oy Tuhan, Tu rumosi oku sid ralan.
1. Aapo nawaal Ku ikaw. Sid tiyan di tidi nũ,. Notutunan Ku no ikaw
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yesus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potomon
1. Hosiana ĩ raja, I tanak do Kinoringan. Nokorikot sĩd daaton,
B01M Tuhan Saja Gembala Ku
B24 Panalamat, Rongo’o Oku
Torimakasi sid ginawo ku 2X
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yẽsus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potõmon
Yoku diti engin mangarayow dikaw Dot ensanan i ginawo ku.
1. Awasi i Yẽsus, mogkuasa kikiãwi Tanak di Tuhãn om tulun.
Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus
1. ‘Seeso tokow sid Kinoringan. ‘Seeso tokow sid Kinoringan
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
C6 Songkuro Kaawasi i Pini’isa’an
B52 Kinoringan ot Monulung Dogon
1. O Tuhan ya, ong itungon ya banar I winaal nu sitid pomogunan
1. Ya mata hari jiwa ku. Tidak g'lap bila kau dekat
C2M Orang Tau Kita Kristian
A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
1. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan om sid Tatõd yo. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan
VOS ( Voice Of Computer Science ) _ Nearer My God To Thee
A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat
B17 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
I maanalamat, Tuhan tawasi Imanuel, Tuhan ot maya,
B06 Potomumungo ‘Ku Dikaw Tuhan
Take a look at these photos.... Also, in case you're wondering where this hotel is, it isn't a hotel at all. It is a house! It's owned by the family of.
"More Than Words" Saying I love you, Is not the words, I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you, Not to say but if you only knew, How easy, it.
Mary, Our Mother Jesus Christ Course Document # TX
Transcript presentasi:

1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu. Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at 1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu? Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at? Tu rinotuan koh tukum tawagat Dot nisalip koh. F05 Oy Tuhan Yesus 1

2. Ikaw nababanan dot kosusa'an, Yangko yoku ot ogumu o sala. Tu minangaranggal oku dit boros Do Kinoringan. F05 Oy Tuhan Yesus 2

3. Kikiawi tongo duso do riniba, I Tuhan Yesus ot minomurimon. Nga nosopulan tokow no di Yesus Namanang tokow. F05 Oy Tuhan Yesus 3

4. Oy raja ku i raja do kikiawi, Amu oku keelo sumuli dikaw, Mangarayow, om monorimakasi Kotoluadan nu. F05 Oy Tuhan Yesus 4

5. Daapun-i ot pangarayow ku dikaw, Tolikudan ku i kara'atan ku, I keenginan do Kinoringan noono Ot tonudon ku. F05 Oy Tuhan Yesus 5

1. Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended, That we to judge thee Have in hate pretended? By foes derided, by thine own rejected, O most afflicted! F5E Ah Holy Jesus 1

Who brought this upon thee? Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee! 2. Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon thee? Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee! 'Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee; I crucified thee. F5E Ah Holy Jesus 2

For the sheep is offered; The slave hath sinned, 3. Lo, the Good Shepherd For the sheep is offered; The slave hath sinned, And the Son hath suffered. For our atonement, While we nothing heeded, God interceded. F5E Ah Holy Jesus 3

4. For me, kind Jesus, was thy incarnation, Thy mortal sorrow, and thy life's oblation; Thy death of anguish And thy bitter passion, for my salvation. F5E Ah Holy Jesus 4

I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee, Think on thy pity 5. Therefore, kind Jesus, Since I cannot pay thee, I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee, Think on thy pity And thy love unswerving, Not my deserving. F5E Ah Holy Jesus 5