Introduction to Business Dodi Setiawan Riatmaja., S.Psi., M.B.A.,
Apa saja profesi di Indonesia yang anda ketahui?
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Profesi adalah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pelatihan dan penguasaan terhadap suatu pengetahuan khusus. Suatu profesi biasanya memiliki asosiasi profesi, kode etik, serta proses sertifikasi dan lisensi yang khusus untuk bidang profesi tersebut. Contoh profesi adalah pada bidang hukum, kedokteran, keuangan, militer,teknik dan desainer
Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis. Profesi mempunyai karakteristik sendiri yang membedakannya dari pekerjaan lainnya. Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis. Asosiasi profesional Ujian kompetensi Pelatihan institutional Lisensi Otonomi kerja Kode etik Layanan publik dan altruisme Status dan imbalan yang tinggi
Top 10 Careers with highest job satisfaction Musicians and Actors Authors Fire fighters Doctors Professors Artists Software Engineers Criminal Investigators Career Counselors Education administrators
Explore Career Options What are some of the changes in the work environment that contribute to the transformation of the traditional career track?
Explore Career Options Silahkan anda menganalisa Profesi Orang tua anda atau keluarga terdekat yang anda kenal. kepuasan kerja Loyalitas Performance
Why Study Business? To develop skills and acquire knowledge to prepare for your future career To help you better understand the many business activities that are necessary to provide satisfying goods and services To help you become a well-informed consumer and member of society
The Study of Business Economics Business Economics is the study of how individuals and societies choose to use the scarce resources that nature and previous generations have provided.
The People and Activities of Business Management Marketing Finance HR People: Owners Employees Customers Other stakeholders: Investors Regulatory Agencies
Business vs. Nonprofit Organization An individual or organization that tries to earn a profit by providing products that satisfy people’s needs, ex. IBM, Coca-Cola.
Nonprofit Organization Provides products, especially services, for some purpose other than profits, ex. The Salvation Army, 4300 American colleges & universities.
Education Pays
Dodi Setiawan Riatmaja., S.Psi., MBA., @dodi_setiawanr