1. Aaluk gaam araa’an. Sampay matay i Tuhan ku. Tuhan tara’at nilabus,


Presentasi serupa
God... When I find joy in a friend Remind me that there would be an end So I stay with the One who has no end.

Romans 1: Romans 1:16-17 New Living Translation (NLT) 16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving.
Upaya yang dibuat oleh manusia untuk “allahnya” ANUGERAH :
Auxiliary verb Created by: Abdul Roup Abdul Wahid M Acep Supardi
The Greatest Gift. The Purpose of The Gift Luke 23:34 34 Yesus berkata: "Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka, sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat."
1.Noposiyan ne Yesus Mantad sid kapatayan. Otomon tokow kikiawi Dit kinamanangan di Yesus Kristus. G03 Noposiyan ne Yesus 1.
1. Nakajanji oku dot maya di su'u nu O'oput dogon Tuhan
1. Onom tadlaw tokow gumama, Tadlaw koturu pongintaranan.
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
At kĩkibiton dĩ Mariam? Dot ninsamũng di moleekãt
A38 I Kristus No Tarapan Ku
E3 Monikid Tadlaw Mimbulay
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Sumungod tokow sorid Betlẽhem. Tumomon tokow; nosusu i rãja.
E6 Kosila’an om Kotonobon
1. Yesus Tuhan penebus ku. Dengar doa ku. Jangan-lah Tuhan lalui
1. Sid lobong tongungut Siri i Yesus Dot numamot Di tadlaw sumilaw.
B16 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
1. It ita’ak nu aa otobus,. Tu riniba okoy. Gisom dot monorima om
1. Sudah-kah darah mu,. Yesus, tertumpah untuk ku
B20 Mimoyo Oku dot Nogontian Oku
1. Sõdoy dot õyongow Kumirow ah rombituon Tu i tĩdi õm tanak.
G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw
H03 O Tuhan Yesus sid Surga
Siri i tidi yo mananggom do'o. Nasaraw yo'alo do rombituon.
1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu. Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
A8 Asanong ot Keematan Ku
1. Oy tongo tanganak ongoy kow siti Sid kandang do sapi
1. Sodoy tosusi sid kuta Betlehem Nokorikot i Yesus. Rinumikot tu
B23 Mangapil Oku sid Dikaw
B22M Ya Yesus ‘Ku Berjanji
Minlalanu tõkow, mĩnlalanu tõkow Mĩnlãlanũ tokow no bo.
F1 Ya Dunia Lihatlah Tuhan
1a. Poonongo ne ginawo ya. Do mangarayow dikaw. Pagka aso pogisaman
Sĩri i tidi yo mãnanggom do'o. Nasaraw yõ'alo dõ rombituon.
1. O Tuhan Yẽsus ĩkaw no. Panganawãw di gĩnawo. Gotong aakoh atabanan
A20M Sungguh Besar Kau Allah Ku
Tanak do Kinoringan. Rinumikot sid dãaton
F05 Yesus, Tuhan Ku, Apakah Dosa Mu
IDOLAKU Apakah yang dimaksud dengan idola? Idola adalah
Sid sakot do tongo rõmbung Pakatapãn dogon.
1. Memandang palang raja ku Yang mati untuk dunia
Covenant in the Body of Christ
1. Taki lombus tokow, Adam om Hãwa Aso keemaya’an, naratu sid dusõ
A18 Hormaton i Tama om i Ginama Yo
1. Sid Golgota, minatay i Yesus, Minongidu di duso di tulu ku,
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yesus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potomon
B24 Panalamat, Rongo’o Oku
Torimakasi sid ginawo ku 2X
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yẽsus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potõmon
1. Awasi i Yẽsus, mogkuasa kikiãwi Tanak di Tuhãn om tulun.
B15 Nokorikot Kow no ka sid di Yesus
Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
C6 Songkuro Kaawasi i Pini’isa’an
1. O Tuhan ya, ong itungon ya banar I winaal nu sitid pomogunan
A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
1. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan om sid Tatõd yo. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan
VOS ( Voice Of Computer Science ) _ Nearer My God To Thee
A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat
B17 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
B06 Potomumungo ‘Ku Dikaw Tuhan
Matius 6 : 33. Be Responsible Don’t Worry Have Faith.
Expressing loveExpressing sorrow Expression attention o I love you. o I love you too. o I really love you and I always will. o I truly love you endlessly.
"More Than Words" Saying I love you, Is not the words, I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you, Not to say but if you only knew, How easy, it.
Mary, Our Mother Jesus Christ Course Document # TX
By Group 5. Once upon a time a lion was roaming in the jungle in search of a prey. Luckily, he saw a rabbit sleeping fast under a tree. He was delighted.
Transcript presentasi:

1. Aaluk gaam araa’an. Sampay matay i Tuhan ku. Tuhan tara’at nilabus, 1. Aaluk gaam araa’an Sampay matay i Tuhan ku? Tuhan tara’at nilabus, I Yesus ot ganti. F10 It Salip

Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, It salip, it salip Pinoongkalat mato ku, Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, Naslamat om otomon oku. F10 It Salip

2. Mogodoy yalo sid salip,. Pasal di duso ku. Toluod yo koboyingow, 2. Mogodoy yalo sid salip, Pasal di duso ku Toluod yo koboyingow, Minangakun matay. F10 It Salip

Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, It salip, it salip Pinoongkalat mato ku, Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, Naslamat om otomon oku. F10 It Salip

3. Aaluk-i dot tinumuwong. I tadlaw tatarang. Tu minatay i moongurug, 3. Aaluk-i dot tinumuwong I tadlaw tatarang Tu minatay i moongurug, Bagi di nurug yo. F10 It Salip

Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, It salip, it salip Pinoongkalat mato ku, Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, Naslamat om otomon oku. F10 It Salip

4. A otobus toluod yo,. Ra’a poma romow. Torima’o tokow-i dot, 4. A otobus toluod yo, Ra’a poma romow Torima’o tokow-i dot, Monorimakasi. F10 It Salip

Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, It salip, it salip Pinoongkalat mato ku, Oluwaw no iti pinuobo ku. I salip pineembulay keemaya’an, Naslamat om otomon oku. F10 It Salip

1. Sudah-kah darah mu,. Yesus, tertumpah untuk ku 1. Sudah-kah darah mu, Yesus, tertumpah untuk ku? Sudah-kah engkau diseksa, Agar slamat aku? F10 Di Salip

Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Di salib, di salib, Baru ku nampak terang Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Terang hidup penuh dengan senang. F10 Di Salip

2. Sungguh-lah kerna dosa ku. Tuhan disalibkan 2. Sungguh-lah kerna dosa ku Tuhan disalibkan? Kasih Yesus ajaib sungguh Tak ada bandingan. F10 Di Salip

Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Di salib, di salib, Baru ku nampak terang Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Terang hidup penuh dengan senang. F10 Di Salip

3. Tangisan ku tak dapat-lah Membayar hutang ku Diri ku aku mau serah Ya Yesus pada mu. F10 Di Salip

Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Di salib, di salib, Baru ku nampak terang Dan beban hati ku semua hilang Dan dengan iman ku memperolehi Terang hidup penuh dengan senang. F10 Di Salip

1. Alas. and did my Savior bleed,. And did my Sovereign die 1. Alas! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For sinners such as I? F10 At The Cross

At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away; It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day! F10 At The Cross

2. Was it for crimes that I have done,. He groaned upon the tree 2. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree! F10 At The Cross

At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away; It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day! F10 At The Cross

3. But drops of grief can ne'er repay. The debt of love I owe: 3. But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: Here, Lord, I give myself away; ‘Tis all that I can do! F10 At The Cross

At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away; It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day! F10 At The Cross