J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo


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God... When I find joy in a friend Remind me that there would be an end So I stay with the One who has no end.

ZONA ILLAHI. Mereka yang hidup dalam daging, tidak mungkin berkenan kepada Allah. Tetapi kamu tidak hidup dalam daging, melainkan dalam Roh, jika memang.
Together Glorious Inilah Kabar Baik (GOOD NEWS) Saya diselamatkan oleh kasih karunia Allah, bukan oleh perbuatan saya (I’M SAVED) Saya dibenarkan (MADE.
The Year of New Opportunities 2014 Power Identity by : Pdm.Ir.Yohanes Hanakata MPM Winter of Right Happenings Winter of Right Happenings X-XII’2014 of.
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SIN TRANSFER IN THE SANCTUARY. Leviticus 4:4 KJV [4] And he shall bring the bullock unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord.
1.Trus dari syurga datang ku, Ku khabarkan kepada mu Selamat dan kesukaan Yang untuk kaum sekalian J03M Terus Dari Syurga 1.
1.Noposiyan ne Yesus Mantad sid kapatayan. Otomon tokow kikiawi Dit kinamanangan di Yesus Kristus. G03 Noposiyan ne Yesus 1.
1. Nakajanji oku dot maya di su'u nu O'oput dogon Tuhan
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
PDKK YB Praise & Worship Thema: “Ini Tahun Yobel”
At kĩkibiton dĩ Mariam? Dot ninsamũng di moleekãt
Nyanyi, nyanyi-lah hai orang.
J06 Okirow it Rombituon Yesus
Terpuji-lah Allah, hikmat-nya besar Begitu kasih-nya, 'tuk dunia cemar
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Sumungod tokow sorid Betlẽhem. Tumomon tokow; nosusu i rãja.
1. Yesus Tuhan penebus ku. Dengar doa ku. Jangan-lah Tuhan lalui
1a. Berdiri kerna Yesus. Hai serdadu Tuhan. Kibarkan panji raja,
B16 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
1. It ita’ak nu aa otobus,. Tu riniba okoy. Gisom dot monorima om
B20 Mimoyo Oku dot Nogontian Oku
1. Sõdoy dot õyongow Kumirow ah rombituon Tu i tĩdi õm tanak.
G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw
H03 O Tuhan Yesus sid Surga
Siri i tidi yo mananggom do'o. Nasaraw yo'alo do rombituon.
1. Oy Tuhan Yesus, tongo o sala nu. Nunu ot minangan nu dot ara'at
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
B03M Hai Umat Puji Allah Mu
1. Oy tongo tanganak ongoy kow siti Sid kandang do sapi
B23 Mangapil Oku sid Dikaw
1. Puji-lah akan Tuhan Atas tiap kebajikan: Karna kemurahan-Nya
Mari-lah, mari-lah ke Betlehem Mari tengok-lah, lahir raja syurga
B22M Ya Yesus ‘Ku Berjanji
Minlalanu tõkow, mĩnlalanu tõkow Mĩnlãlanũ tokow no bo.
1a. Poonongo ne ginawo ya. Do mangarayow dikaw. Pagka aso pogisaman
Sĩri i tidi yo mãnanggom do'o. Nasaraw yõ'alo dõ rombituon.
1. O Tuhan Yẽsus ĩkaw no. Panganawãw di gĩnawo. Gotong aakoh atabanan
A20M Sungguh Besar Kau Allah Ku
Tanak do Kinoringan. Rinumikot sid dãaton
F05 Yesus, Tuhan Ku, Apakah Dosa Mu
1. Lebih dekat Tuhan kepada mu Meski salib Yesus yang angkat ku
Covenant in the Body of Christ
A18 Hormaton i Tama om i Ginama Yo
1. O Tuhan Yesus, raja s'kalian alam,. Anak Allah dan manusia
1. Yesus berpesan: Dalam malam g'lap Kamu harus jadi lilin gemerlap; Anak masing-masing di sekitarnya, Dalam dunia ini bersinar-lah. 5 B16M.
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yesus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potomon
B18M Ingat Akan Nama Yesus
1. Hosiana ĩ raja, I tanak do Kinoringan. Nokorikot sĩd daaton,
1a. Malam kudus, Bintang g'merlap bercahya Malam ini Yesus ku lahir-lah Manusia, binasa dalam dosa Terslamat-lah kerna Kristus datang.
B01M Tuhan Saja Gembala Ku
B24 Panalamat, Rongo’o Oku
Kepada Tuhan nyanyi-lah Mari-lah kepada Allah
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yẽsus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potõmon
1. Awasi i Yẽsus, mogkuasa kikiãwi Tanak di Tuhãn om tulun.
Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
1. O Tuhan ya, ong itungon ya banar I winaal nu sitid pomogunan
1. Ya mata hari jiwa ku. Tidak g'lap bila kau dekat
A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
1. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan om sid Tatõd yo. ‘Seeso tokow sid Tuhan
VOS ( Voice Of Computer Science ) _ Nearer My God To Thee
A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat
B17 Nosu’u Tokow dot Manganawaw
B06 Potomumungo ‘Ku Dikaw Tuhan
Take a look at these photos.... Also, in case you're wondering where this hotel is, it isn't a hotel at all. It is a house! It's owned by the family of.
Dimana kamu tinggal? Alamat anda dimana?
"More Than Words" Saying I love you, Is not the words, I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you, Not to say but if you only knew, How easy, it.
Transcript presentasi:

J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo Moleekat do Kinoringan Papaabar do katãmanan, Popotomon do gĩnawo ya. J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 1

J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 2. Oniningo i boros yo, Om i tabar katamanan; Biano not kosũsuwan I tanak i rajã tokow. J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 2

J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 3. Minonusu i Mariam Di tanak yo id Betlehem. I tanak do Kinõringan, Muurumak sid suwãng kandang. J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 3

J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 4. I Yesus Kristus no dino, Monobus do duso tokow, Om mananus kikĩawi, I karaatan do rĩniba. J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 4

J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 5. Osuaw no kikiawi, Tu nokorikot ne Yesus. Royo’o tokow nõ yalo, Om i Kinoringãn tokow. J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo 5

1. Trus dari syurga datang ku, Ku khabarkan kepada mu Selamat dan kesukaan Yang untuk kaum sekalian J03M Terus Dari Syurga 1

2. Seorang putra lahir-lah, Seorang prawan bundanya Meski kecil lemah-lembut, Bagi-nya kita bertelut J03M Terus Dari Syurga 2

Sebagai anak yang rendah, Berbaring di palungan-nya 3. Dan ini tanda bagi mu, 'Kan kamu dapat Tuhan ku Sebagai anak yang rendah, Berbaring di palungan-nya J03M Terus Dari Syurga 3

4. Ya itu Kristus, penembus, Yang Tuhan kita yang kudus Yang melepaskan dunia, Serta menghapus dosa-nya J03M Terus Dari Syurga 4

5. Hai turu angkat suara mu, Kemuliaan bagi-nya Yang maha tinggi tempat-nya, Di bumi dan sejahtera J03M Terus Dari Syurga 5

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 1. "From heaven above to earth I come To bear good news to every home; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing: J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 1

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 2. "To you this night is born a child Of Mary, chosen virgin mild; This little child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all the earth. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 2

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 3. "This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need shall aid afford; He will Himself your Savior be From all your sins to set you free. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 3

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 4. "He will on you the gifts bestow Prepared by God for all below, That in His kingdom, bright and fair, You may with us His glory share. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 4

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 5. "These are the tokens ye shall mark: The swaddling-clothes and manger dark; There ye shall find the Infant laid By whom the heavens and earth were made.” J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 5

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 6. Now let us all with gladsome cheer Go with the shepherds and draw near To see the precious gift of God, Who hath His own dear Son bestowed. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 6

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 7. Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes! What is it in yon manger lies? Who is this child, so young and fair? The blessed Christ-child lieth there. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 7

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 8. Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through whom the sinful world is blest! Thou com'st to share my misery; What thanks shall I return to Thee? J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 8

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 9. Ah, Lord, who hast created all, How weak art Thou, how poor and small, That Thou dost choose Thine infant bed Where humble cattle lately fed! J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 9

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 10. Ah, Lord, who hast created all, Were earth a thousand times as fair, Beset with gold and jewels rare, It yet were far too poor to be A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 10

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 11. For velvets soft and silken stuff Thou hast but hay and straw so rough, Whereon Thou, King, so rich and great, As 'twere Thy heaven, art throned in state. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 11

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 12. And thus, dear Lord, it pleaseth Thee To make this truth quite plain to me, That all the world's wealth, honor, might, Are naught and worthless in Thy sight. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 12

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 13. Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 13

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 14. My heart for very joy doth leap, My lips no more can silence keep; I, too, must sing with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradle-song: J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 14

J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 15. Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto us His Son hath given! While angels sing with pious mirth A glad new year to all the earth. J03E From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 15