Promosi/ Komunikasi Pemasaran Pertemuan VIII Afia R. Fitriati, BSc., MBA
The Marketing Communications Mix This CTR relates to the material on pp. 422-423. The Marketing Communications Mix Advertising Any Paid Form of Nonpersonal Presentation by an Identified Sponsor. Tools of The Marketing Communications Mix Advertising. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising often utilizes mass media and may be adapted to take advantages of a given mediums strengths to convey information. Sales Promotion. Sales promotions consist of short-term incentives to encourage purchase of sales of a product or service. Limited time offers or dated coupons are common sales promotions. Public Relations. Public relations is an on-going process of building good relations with the various publics of the company. Key elements in the process are obtaining favorable publicity, building and projecting a good "corporate image," and designing an information support and response team to respond proactively to unfavorable rumors, stories, or events. Personal Selling. Personal selling describes the use of oral presentations in a conversation with one or more prospective buyers for the purposes of making a sale. Personal selling combines product information and benefits with the interpersonal dynamics of the sales person. Good interpersonal relationship skills and effective oral communication skills are needed for personal selling. Direct Marketing. Directed communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response. Sales Promotion Short-term Incentives to Encourage Trial or Purchase. Personal Selling Public Relations Protect and/or Promote Company’s Image/products. Personal Presentations. Direct Marketing Direct Communications With Individuals to Obtain an Immediate Response.
Karakteristik Masing-Masing Elemen Advertising: Mencapai wilayah geografis luas, biaya rendah per paparan, meskipun biaya keseluruhan yang tinggi; Konsumen menganggap barang yang diiklankan sebagai lebih dapat dipercaya; mencptakan citra (image) bagi perusahaan; membangun merek; dapat merangsang penjualan jangka pendek; impersonal; komunikasi satu arah; Mahal Sales Promotion: bisa ditargetkan pada trade atau end-customer; format: hadiah, kupon, kontes, dll; menawarkan insentif untuk membeli, meningkatkan penjualan yang menurun; Merangsang respon cepat; jangka pendek; tidak efektif untuk membangun brand preference jangka panjang Public Relations: bentuk: artikel berita, fitur berita, kegiatan dan sponsorship, dll; relatif murah; berguna untuk pencitraan Personal Selling: interaksi pribadi memungkinkan feedback; relationship- oriented; perhatian lebih tinggi dari customer; jenis promosi yang paling mahal Direct Marketing: Telephone marketing, direct mail, online marketing; Cocok untuk pemasaran dengan target yang spesifik
Tahap-tahap dalam Mengkomunikasikan (Menjual) Produk A - Attention (Awareness): Menarik perhatian pelanggan I - Interest: Menarik minat pelanggan D - Desire: Meyakinkan pelanggan bahwa mereka membutuhkan produk tersebut A - Action: Mendorong pelanggan untuk membeli Kini seringkali satu huruf lagi ditambahkan AIDA(S): S - Satisfaction – memuaskan pelanggan sehingga menjadi repeat customer dan menjadi sumber referensi
Promotion Mix & PLC Pre-Introduction: Sedikit iklan, publisitas awal Introduction: Iklan besar-besaran, PR untuk awareness, sales promotion agar terjadi trial Growth: Advertising, public relations, branding dan brand marketing, personal selling ke kanal distribusi Maturity: Advertising menurun, sales promotion, personal selling, reminder & persuasion Decline: Advertising& PR menurun, sales promotion secara terbatas, personal selling ke kanal distribusi
Elemen-elemen Dalam Proses Komunikasi SENDER Media Message RECEIVER Encoding Decoding Noise Response Feedback
Masalah-Masalah dalam Penyampaian Pesan Selective Attention Selective Distortion Selective Retention
"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” (John Wanamaker – father of modern advertising)
Elemen-elemen dari Suatu Pesan (Message) Message Content Rational Appeals Emotional Appeals Moral Appeals Message Structure Draw Conclusions Argument Type Argument Order Message Format Layout, Words, & Sounds, Body Language Message Source Expertise, Trustworthiness, Congruity
Beberapa Daya Tarik (Appeal) yang Biasa Digunakan - Rasional Menonjolkan fitur serta manfaat suatu produk/jasa Biasa ditemui pada produk/jasa yang membutuhkan high involvement untuk membeli
Beberapa Daya Tarik (Appeal) yang Biasa Digunakan - Emosional Bandwagon (“Kami/semua orang juga pakai..”) Endorsement vs Plain People Less than Perfect vs Perfect (Menunjukkan kekurangan vs. Menampilkan Kesempurnaan) Contoh: kosmetik Snob vs. Adventure
Beberapa Daya Tarik (Appeal) yang Biasa Digunakan - Emosional Humor vs. Rasa takut Efektif jika digunakan secara tepat Membuat pesan lebih mudah diingat
Beberapa Daya Tarik (Appeal) yang Biasa Digunakan – Etika/Moral
Faktor-faktor Dalam Penyusunan Strategi Promosi Type of Product/ Market Buyer/ Readiness Stage Push vs. Pull Strategy Product Life-Cycle Stage
Push Versus Pull Strategy Producer Interme- diaries Marketing activities End users Marketing activities Demand Push Strategy End users Marketing activities Producer Interme- diaries Demand Demand Pull Strategy
Promosi Masa Kini Online Marketing Mobile Marketing Bauran “P” No. 5: Partisipasi