“Leading is when managers instill enthusiasm by communicating with others, motivating them to work hard, and maintaining good interpersonal relations” (Schermerhorn et al, 2000)
Personality research and studies of job attitudes Behavioral Sciences Motivational Communi-cation Leadership Personality research and studies of job attitudes
Behavioral Sciences Beberapa perilaku yang mempengaruhi organisasi Locus of Control (proses outcome) Self Eficacy (kepercayaan diri) (pandangan tentang hirarki) Authoritarianism Machiavellism (Tingkat Rasionalitas) (Tingkat Keinginan untuk memperoleh penghargaan) Self-Esteem Risk Propensity (perilaku dalam menghadapi tantangan)
Personality research and studies of job attitudes How managers can lead their subordinates effectively ? Personality research and studies of job attitudes The big five model of personality Agreeableness (tingkat persetujuan : kemampuan dalam berinteraksi) Conscientiousness (tingkat keseriusan terhadap rencana pencapaian tujuan organisasi) Negatif emotion (tingkat ketidakstabilan emosi) (tingkat keterbukaan dalam berinteraksi) Openness (tingkat kenyamanan yang dimiliki individu untuk berinteraksi) Extraversion
How managers can effectively and persuasively communicate ? Communi-cation
important information about the ways in which workers can be energized to put forth productive effort Motivational
“What makes a manager a good leader “What makes a manager a good leader?” and “In what situations are certain leadership styles most appropriate and effective?” Leadership