Contents Types of Staffing Recruiting and Selecting Employee LOGO Working Location Culture Employee Compensation Labour Relationship www.themegallery.com
Types of Staffing www.themegallery.com
Types of Staffing www.themegallery.com
Types of Staffing www.themegallery.com
Types of Staffing www.themegallery.com
Recruiting and Selecting Employee www.themegallery.com
Recruiting and Selecting Employee www.themegallery.com
Recruiting and Selecting Employee www.themegallery.com
Recruiting and Selecting Employee www.themegallery.com
Working Location Culture www.themegallery.com
Working Location Culture www.themegallery.com
Working Location Culture www.themegallery.com
Working Location Culture www.themegallery.com
Employee Compensation www.themegallery.com
Labour Relationship www.themegallery.com
Labour Relationship www.themegallery.com
Labour Relationship www.themegallery.com
British Petroleum www.themegallery.com
BP: Challenges in Global Staffing In July 2010, BP sued six former members of its energy team in Singapore over what BP claimed was a missue of confidential information. The information was said to favor BP’s regional rival in Singapore, Shenzen Brightoil Group, helping it gain a strategic advantage over BP in the Asian market. After the unusual resignation of six employees with no solid explanation, BP began to investigate the circumstances of the resignations and discovered that they had acted wrongfully by compiling a list of grievances based on old e-mails and text messages. The six people sued by BP were Quek Chin Thean, formerly global head of residues trading, legal manager, Simon Cheong; Paul John Bradshaw, head of operations easter hemisphere; John Foo, trading manager; Clarence Chang, regional marine sales manager; and Laura Kuan, executive assistant. It was claimed that they targeted and recruited BP staff to join Shenzhen Brightoil Group. Quek Chin Thean, who was a well-respected manager in BP’s trade section, had been hired locally by BP in 1992 and was accused of recruiting three U.S-based colleagues to Shenzhen Brightoil Group. John Foo, Paul John Breadshaw, and Laura Kuan were also suspected of making authorized downloads from BP’s computer networks. www.themegallery.com
Efisiensi biaya perusahaan: mengurangi biaya penempatan expatriat Keuntungan apa yang diharapkan BP dengan merekrut manajer lokal di negara berkembang seperti di Asia Tenggara? Familiar dengan lingkungan bisnis setempat sehingga dapat mencapai target bisnis lebih cepat Memahami budaya (termasuk budaya kerja) di negaranya, sehingga diharapkan dapat menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik dengan bawahan (atau rekan kerja), supplier dan customer lokal Efisiensi biaya perusahaan: mengurangi biaya penempatan expatriat Tantangan yang dihadapi BP dengan merekrut tenaga kerja lokal di cabang Singapura? Kerugian akibat kebocoran informasi penting (strategi komersil dan trading) yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kerja lokal BP dan informasi penting tsb diberikan kepada kompetitor lokal BP di Singapura bernama Shenzhen Brightoil Group www.themegallery.com
3. Apabila dikatakan bahwa perusahaan telah membuat kesalahan lewat rekrutmen tenaga kerja lokal di negara Asia pada posisi penting, potensi permasalahan apa yang akan dihadapi jika BP memutuskan untuk menempatkan expatriat di posisi tersebut? Meningkatkan biaya operasional perusahaan: biaya penempatan expatriat, biaya keluarga expatriat Potensi mengalami culture shock (jauh dari keluarga besar, budaya yang tidak familiar, tekanan pekerjaan) Potensi kegagalan seorang manajer expatriat lebih besar karena belum mengenal potensi/lingkungan bisnis setempat. www.themegallery.com
MEDCO ENERGI Dr (HC) Ir. Arifin Panigoro & Hertriono Kartowisastro The founder of Medco Group began to be involved in the oil and gas industry in 1980. In 1998, their withdrew from the Company’s management, and has since become an advisor, notably in identifying new oil and gas business opportunities.
MEDCO ENERGI www.themegallery.com
MEDCO ENERGI MISSION It is our challenge to bring this mission into realization and to ensure that each project is executed on time and the highest standards of good corporate governance and safety. STRATEGY To continue strengthening the portfolio of producing assets, including through acquisitions; To increase the reserve life index through high-graded explorations activities; To complete all Major Projects as planned; To accelerate the growth of the other energy related assets through partnerships. www.themegallery.com
MEDCO ENERGI Our Management Advisors, 3 Indonesian Citizen Commisioners, 5 Indonesian Citizen & 1 Japanese Citizen www.themegallery.com
MEDCO ENERGI What Kind of Staffing? Directors, 3 Indonesian Citizen & 1 Japanese Citizen Extended Board of Directors, 5 Indonesian Citizen What Kind of Staffing? www.themegallery.com
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