Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat: Konsep dan Karakteristik


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Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat: Konsep dan Karakteristik Oleh : Fuad Hasan Disampaikan pada perkuliahan mata kuliah sejarah dan filsafat PLS

KAD Mahasiswa dapat mencari dan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber dalam upaya memahami definisi PSH dan menemu kenali Konsep dan Karakteristik PSH.

Pengantar Education Life LonfgEducation NFE

Duscuss with your team to answer these question Find definition of Lifelong Learning/Education at least as many of your team member Make conclussion about definition of Life long learning based on literatures that you found Identify the concept of lifelong learning.(at least from 2 literatures). Make a conclussion Identify the characteristic of lifelong learning (at least from 2 literatures) make a conclussion Conclude the result of your discussion

Definition Brave definition from Peter Jarvis (2002): a concept spanning an entire lifetime in a process of transforming experience into knowledge, skills, attitude, values, emotion, beliefes, and the senses. Short definition: a concept of learning that enables us to deal in a confident way wwith change.

Concept Islamic concept : tholabul ‘ilmi minal mahdi ilal lahdi

Concept Griffin’s Concept (1998)

Charasteristics Essential Characteristic by Zhiwei Chen: lifelong learning emphasizes that learning system should be opened up to all  individuals. lifelong learning emphasizes that the individual should be the center of learning procedure lifelong learning should last for the whole lifespan

Any Question?