EKOLOGI TERRESTRIAL HUTAN Umum: 10% daratan terdiri dari sumber daya hutan ± 60 merupakan biological stored house: yaitu : variasi spesies yg ditemukan di hutan + sumber kayu Luas ± 900 juta m2 di dunia: 10% nya ada di Indonesia, 33% di Brazil INDONESIAN FOREST RESOURCES Land 192 juta Ha Forest: Rain Forest 114 juta Ha Deciduous Forest 3 juta Ha 117 juta Ha
RAIN FOREST CHARACTERISTICS: Equitorial Broad leafs (evergreen) Closed Canopy more than 80% Less light penetration Less under growth More diverse 40 – 100 cm rain / year Permanently moist High temperature Borneo, Irian, Sumatera (N), Sulaawesi (N, W) DECIDUOUS FOREST CHARACTERISTICS: Trees shed leaves annually Open and more light Denser under growth and fewer species 10 – 40 cm rain / year Drier soil and mostly in Java
TROPICAL FOREST NUTRIENT CYCLES Ada 3 Tipe Tanah LATERITE: Irondize (Fe) yang dapat di oksidasi asam (Borneo) tanah keras ALLUVIAL: dibentuk oleh sungai / kali (Java) VOLCANIC: dibentuk oleh gunung berapi Cycling: Active Pool Passive Pool (sedimentary Pool) Fertilitas tanah tipe hutan ini “miskin” artinya: miskin biomasa, sebab Laterite Active Pool terjadi di Biomas bukan di soil
Akar pohon tidak terlalu dalam Rock Soil Litter Humus Tree ENERGY: Sistem pompa air (water pump) Panas diabsorbsi sebab hutan ini perlu panas (heat) Panas ini dibuang juga ke atmosfer melalui proses “evaporasi” dalam tangka menghilangkan panas Akibatnya cloud / rain created. Demikian sebaliknya dan seterusnya
FLORA & FAUNA 100 – 200 SPESIES / Ha. found in this forest 17% jenis-jenis burung ditemukan di Indonesia. We have high density in species, but we have a few individuals The number of individuals are few & the breeding is low so ... extict ? We have a minimum critical size, becouse there is low density in trees. There must be 20 or more individuals in order to maintain their life in 100 Ha. ECOLOGICAL VALUES OF TROPICAL FOREST Genetic Pool - Food - Medisine - Natural product Climate Control - Local - Global
Water and soil maintenance - Flooding - Siltation: soil enters to the water - Landslide - Laterization - Run-off COUSES OF DEFORESTATION Agricultural development Timber harvest Roods + mining + fire Attitude: ownership: who owns the forest? forest will recover naturally SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF FOREST Extend knowledge + understanding Reforestation Appropriate technologies Establish ecological preserves Manage industrial use Protect upland watersheds